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  1. Hi, so on my shoot I realised that in the field where I know there is at least one warren and I have seen rabbits before, that at least once a day there is a guy who walks his dog around the perimeter of the field (inside edge). Now, onto my question, would this non aggressive contact with humans increase their confidence of coming out of their warrens or would it just make them more nervous generally? Thanks.
  2. Just a quick (and slightly stupid) question, is it the same license required to possess a shotgun as it is the tune an air gun above the legal limit? I don't think they are, but just to clarify. Thanks.
  3. Hi, so I've seen on a lot of Ghille tutorials that hot glue guns are an option to attach the netting to the clothes. I was just wondering if there was a specific type of tube to use with the gun that will only work on fabric, or just any? Thanks. :blink:
  4. Or just some tips on stalking. Thanks.
  5. Does anyone know a free online guide to hunting Rabbit with an air gun? I don't expect it to be amazingly in-depth, but I little advice and tactics would be nice to hopefully make my hunting sessions more worth while. Thanks guys.
  6. Well for a start that doesn't seem like a very practical (nor accurate) way to shoot. Just tighten the scope mounts and make sure you re-align the scope.
  7. A friend from college's Dad owns a 2000 acre farm with crop fields (not sure on the ratio of crop to animal) that he thinks me and another lad would be granted permission to shoot on. Apparently there are a few others who use the shoot (with shotties), but with 2000 acres I'm sure there's enough to go around. So once the Ghillie Suits are constructed and permission is (hopefully) secured, should be good night vienna for any quarry that crosses our path, which apparently is a lot of pigeons. There is also some woodland on the site, so it should be good!
  8. I actually ended up getting two of these: a) because it's already died a green colour that we might be able to use and B because it's cheaper
  9. Oh well I just order 600m of the stuff, haha! That is to make 2 suits along with rifle covers.
  10. Usually there's will crumple quite severely on impact, so the quick answer would be no.
  11. xyBa


    Yeah it's been down for a while.
  12. So 300m of either, whether it be jute or burlap? Thanks a lot.
  13. Hi, I was wondering whether or not anyone knew if there were any decent air rifle/rabbit/pigeon etc hunting videos on the web. Thanks.
  14. xyBa

    .177 or .22

    Hmm I would say around 50-65 yards depending on conditions, would definitely need to be headshot and calm winds. That's what I get out of mine, anyway.
  15. xyBa

    New Logo?

    Okay no worries, I was just wondering that's all.
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