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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. jimdfish

    Dog names

    Askit' then when someone asks its name you can reply 'askit. Also Mop is very good name JDF
  2. On the top gear test track quite often you can catch sight of a 747 parked up. I remember clarkson towing it in the tractor challenge. The aircraft has a strange engine configuration with what look like extra fuel tanks where the engines 1 and 4 would usually sit and all the engines bunched up on engine's bay 2 and 3. Does anyone know anymore about it please? JDF
  3. I have just discovered that the americans call brawn, (the foodstuff) Wait for it. HEADCHEESE. Honestly. I dont think I will ever be able to look at potted brawn again without a particularily ugly picture enetering my head again. JDF
  4. jimdfish

    Odd Bits

    In the Times on monday they had an article all about the spread of mixy among domestic pets. They also stated that the symptoms are puffy, weepy eyes and swollen genitalia. I think my wife has got mixy. Jim
  5. Unfortunately only the big spectator sports will get a look in. Isnt it strange that the winners of the SPOTY are voted for by the people who apart from viewing said sport, do not participate in it at all. Fishing is still today the biggest participant sport in Britain and the England team have won many team and individual golds and have, with the exception of **** Clegg MBE, no recognition from the powers that be. I fell then that if you really want Digweed to win SPOTY we should all give up our guns and sit in the pub on Sunday afternoons growing fat and buying the Sun. Jim P.S did a horse not win it one year? It sort of diminishes its kudos somehow. I mean, imagine if you lost to a personality contest to an animal that cannot speak and dribbles. Coming second to Rooney must be hard.
  6. I see that yesterday for the first time in fourteen years our air defences were tested by russian "bear" aircraft. Fortunately our new typhoons saw them off. This is obviously an escalation of Vlad's antipathy towards the west as was his posturing ( the topless picture of him fishing). It is about his picture (google it) that I am writing this post. I have got the same fishing reel as the russian president. Cool or what. They could bomb away now and I would not give a jot for I have the same reel as Putin. Jim P.S I also had a pair of retro nikes that David Hasselhoff wore in the knight rider episode where KITT becomes a stunt car in a travelling car/stuntshow thingy
  7. I was driving home the other day and there was a field of laid wheat that was getting truelly hammered. I found the farm and knocked opn the door and waited for what is usually the "long wait" before the farmer gets up and answers. Now I usually use this couple of minutes to practice the speech, you know the one, and as a consequence I will sometimes shut the eyes and play out the conversation. In this instance though I didnt hear farmer open the door and did not notice him standing watching me mumbling away with the eyes shut looking for al creation like an escaped religious lunatic. When the peepers were opened by yours truly I jumped about a foot of the floor with a yell that probably cleared the birds off anyway and and shreiked an escaped expletive or two. Anyway i gibbered like gibbon with touretes for a minute or two before leaving. Its not looking good really. JDF P.s good luck H
  8. I remember an extremely well thought of woodsman was pounced on like Baz when he was a newbie and asked for help. Mucho rougeo faceo's that day. Baz Pluck the breast only Grab hold of breast in one hand with fingers pointing down the bird so you can feel under the ribcage. push fingers in and pull at the same time and the whole should come of the bird in one. Practice makes perfect. happy shooting jim
  9. How long do pigeons usually take to leave the field after cropping? Jim
  10. This is obviously a very emotive subject and I in no way wish to fan the flames but; A couple of years ago a young girl was abducted from her bat in Newcastle. The girl was abused but was returned to her mother. This happened in Britain, not abroad How many times have we all put the kids to bed and then went to the bottom of the garden to finish off the BBQ with a few beers with the parents. I do it frequently in summer. Paced out is is probably 50 m to the bedroom to the bottom of the garden. I am sure there are people on here with bigger gardens than mine. Is this neglect? Is it child dereliction? If it is then I for one am guilty It can happen anywhere. If the sickos want it they will try everything to get it. I do not like the Mcann's for I feel they are publicity greedy weirdos who should be back in the country rather than gadding about around the world but I feel that to blame them and ask them to be tried for manslaughter is a bit strong. JDF
  11. Today i went to buy some 6's for some shooting on Thursday. As I am using an antique hammergun i thoght i would use 24gm. 45 quid for 250. "not on yours" says I. "ounce load my man". "45 quid" says he. Why this rush to fleece sprung to my mind and the wallet was beginning to tremble in the back sky. "lead" he says has gone through the roof, "makes a chnge from where i live" says I " it usually comes off them". No sense of humour your average gunsmith. I then enquire as to why when he has a stock of carts in and they could not have been party to the price increase he doth tap his nose and blabber on about fluctuations in the global market. "go fluctuate yourself" was my witty retort. Have i mentioned that gunsmiths are not known for their humour? Anyway the price of shooting is set to rise considerably. Where has all the lead gone.? Is someone stockpiling? JDF
  12. Having just read the book I must say I was suprised at the political content. Sort of an orwellian/magic mystery. many kids will miss the inference. quite grown up. imagine Swift's Gulliver crossed with animal farm crossed with the great stupendo. Jim
  13. i am fishing a match at heronbrook this sunday. has anyone seen the AT. the fishery has flooded and they are finding 10lb carp over a mile away in the gutter of the road. Nightmare. JDF
  14. believe it or not, my chilli plants have turned a nice shade of yellow and are dying through lack of sun. incredible JDF
  15. henry, as a bloke who grew up in the shadow of Firhill, ican only agree, gettitriteituppyees ya dobbers JDF
  16. Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc. WE WERE HERE FIRST We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS. Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours. Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born. Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country. STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends. The countryside has been there a long time why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise. RESPECT is all I ask for JDF
  17. well,today was a sdady for the fish and friends. Finally wrapped up the shoot and the loos was perhaps made easier by peter and ben coming to pick up the traps. A thoroughlly decent chap with which to do business. Many thanks peter JDF P.S now going drinking like the namesake and having a hell of a wake.
  18. Thankyou for that sagacity. Scaff net is green and once with black spray is camo and free. The point was made that paying a fortune for netting is not necessary. Real expensive camo looks dead good to us but a pigeon could not give a monkeys. I think the landowner would be more happy if you cleared the land of pigeons than in your camo fashion sense. I really do. Jim
  19. all traps are between 50 and sixty pounds dependent on stand condition, springs etc. It would be preferable if the buyer collected as transport may double the price making the deal not a very good one. Clays will be included in the price and all traps can be seen working before you buy. JDF ALL SOLD> THANKS FOR LOOKING
  20. charlatans and james always give very very good performance. Oh yes OCS very good also. Mondays in their prime.cant remember much of that one. I once went to see OCS at the manchester apollo. went to bar for me and other jim and bought 8 pints of rolling rock with JD in them so 4 each. couyldnt find other jim so had to drink as much a si could before band came on and cannot remember a thing about the gig at all. nowt. Rock and roll JDF P.S there is a young band called the naughtys out at the minute. if you get chance see them. very very verygood
  21. nowadays i use scaff net off building sites. if you really are that keen lay it on thedeck and run spray paint up and down it and stick twigs in it. cant say the pigeons have notcied the difference and because it is so cheap( free) my hides can be big enough to house a family of refugees with space to spare. camo netting for pigeons, in my humble opinion are expensive heavy cak. any blind fabric will do.evn if its bright orange it matters not cause the beggars cant see colour and they can see you/. JDF
  22. envirofone really are good. gave me 10.53 for my old 'un. Jdf
  23. 93 kilo's. Lightweight. For maximum hammerage you need to be doing the ton. round and proud JDF
  24. I cant reply on for/sale either na dyou can imagine how much that is winding me up. All traps between 50 and sixty pounds collected. JDF
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