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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. it seems to have been a very good year for apples but i have eaten my share. for pudding tonight i had two sharan fruit. they knock the english russet into a cocked hat. those along with custard mango's ,anyone eaten one, they come in a box of four and taste just like custard. as Wogan said the only way to eat one is naked and in the sink. Fruit-tastic. I am trying to lose weight again so the treacle sponge has had to go. with these little babies however, i dont mind. what fruit does it for you? jdfruit p.s did you like the way i rhymed fruit with shoot? clever clogs ah?
  2. however briefly it was nice to meet you all. will dump the kids next time and have a decent round jim
  3. I have while perusing noticed a JDFrain and a Stevethefish. Tchaaa. No offense lads but back off a bit. You are crowding the fish. I dont come round your house and don your slippers and smoke your pipe, Do I? No i dont because your slippers wouldnt fit and I dont know where you live but that is not the point. I feel hemmed in and I am getting the fear. You two have put me right on one. And on a friday as well (there is a clue in those 6 words that may explain the rambling nonsesnse). You have RUINED it for me. Happy mmmmm? JIMDFISH (accept no imitations)
  4. I think you will find Cheshire is "the place to be actually" thankyou very much. Go Cheshire.Woop woop Jim P.S nearly forgot welcome to PW. it is just a pity that you do not come from the place to be. Are they still shutting down the bridgewater pub?
  5. I am impessed that she had the conviction to become vegan but am shocked a little at her ignorance before undertaking what is, a life changing decision. 1. she says she has never heard of a grouse before! this quite frankly beggars belief and unless she has been living in a cave with no company other than tiny tears doll there is no way that an adult in Britain can reach the age of consent without knowing what a soddin' grouse is. 2. eggs and milk are by products of the meat industry. Milk maybe but a bit tenuous and eggs, surely are a by product of the egg business. you dont eat layers. As with ZP I dont agree with her but admire hewr principles. it's just a pity they are based on flawed logic Jim
  6. totally agree about the blooding. Unnecessary and purposefully anatagonistic. Jim
  7. I know this is off topic but I too have been struggling with my PC lately. The reason is that I have to move back in with my ma for a while and keep getting phone calls at work that the pc is broken again. I got in last night to find that in my absence she has installed mcaffe and in the process wiped many other things off. today the alrm goes up at 11:30 that yet again it is broke so homewards I go. It was really poorly and a phone call to our IT dept at work sorted it. I then sat down with ma and tried to explain without losing my temper what is going on. I kept wondering why though she kept touching the screen and making the lcd display distort. the silly old moo thinks it is a touch screen. no wonder the sodding thing doesnt work for her!! Jim
  8. I prefer the sxs but for aesthetic purposes only. I shoot equally as badly with both but if I had to have one it would be the sxs. Jim
  9. It is, and I can not make this point strong enough a TV programme that is meant to entertain. It is not, and I repeat not an educational tool for hunters. As stated earlier there are specialist hunting films by people like "the warrener" to teach you how to hunt. Would your wife or girlfriend want to sit down and watch one of these films or, or one with a bit of controversy and spice. Without the antis the show wont work. If you want to learn how to hunt go out hunting. Not watching TV. Jim
  10. Just a touch sanctimonious dontcha think. A post that was doing the rounds recently concerned police stopping shoot members and breathalyzing them. Remember that? Alcohjol is a drug and if it were invented tomorrow it would be class A without a shadow. Many sensible people have taken drugs in the past and grown into respectable members of society. Many of them, and I know an awful lot of them now own guns and they aint not no ever shot no-ones. tell your mate to apply and find out. The fac application is after all, only the same price as a gramme of coke tell him. Jim P.S no one on the planet is going to believe that it was the first time he had ever had drugs in his possossion.Not even his mam
  11. V.Funny. Apparently he has already posted three thousand times just this morning, been banned and set up a rival site called rabbitscity and has dusty fox as a moderator in the netherland dwarf and short eared section. Jim
  12. phil the power taylor has a personal dietician, trainer and psychologist to help him train. With the money at stake in prof darts they take it v.serious Jim
  13. the programme certainly seems to encourage debate. 8 pages and counting and oddly enough the first three pages were posted whilst the programme was running. Surely if you had a programme with 8 hunters on it would not hold the same attratction to non-shooters. You can by those "specialist" films off the internet. Jim
  14. my pal JimDpigeon, he is a member decided that he would stand his tree this year in rock salt as it was all sparkly. The brown salt turned white funnily enough and all the needles fell off with in ten days. How I laughed. It went up like a rocket though on the bonny. Very impressive. I also have a mate who whilst out for a meal with the family the other day blew a full spaghetti twist out of his nose. HE WAS NOT EATING SPAGHETTI AT THE TABLE!!! I know, I was sat next to him and he was on pork fillet. He had had the pasta the night before and got stuck in snot in his head. I looked in the hanky Apologies for going off topic rather. Jim
  15. jimdfish

    tax rebate

    I have been made redundant. I am on PAYE Do I qualify for a tax rebate and what % of tax paid is rebateable (might have made that word up) Jim
  16. enlighten an ignorant fish please, is firefox like google then and if not what is a web browser? what is this IE that is rubbish then. Please help jim (in a corner facing the wall wearing a white pointy hat)
  17. jonny rotten selling butter!! ***** ******* ***** ***** ****** ***! iggy ****** ***** *** **** **** ******* *** ***** **** pop selling car insurance?? sell out bunch of **** **** ******* ******* *******. no future and no respect for you. jim
  18. mail me when the date is set for deffo. the fish will swim again. I will be wearing a pw fleece jim
  19. I want to buy an obviously hooky watch, rolex patek philippe etc for my dads birthday asa wind up as he bought me one last year. withoot going to turkey where can i get one from? jim
  20. I have been in the local gunshop ( Cheshire gun room) and cant get near the counter. Very busy indeed. will nip in in the morning. Jim
  21. you can tell that i am virgin here. How many in a box. 25 like carts? Jim
  22. cheers sp. I would probably like a fox round then as well like a .223 hornet or a 1.77 hmr. which round is cheaper? not interested in which fires flatter etc etc Jim
  23. on my application do i put as many different calibres as poss and how much ammo is it reasonable to buy in 22lr at a time.s jim also a chap I know was the treasurer at manchester council. along with the landlord of my boozer wll these do as references?
  24. I buy my sisters and their husbands a bottle of wine each and 4 cans for one brother. Then when they unwrap them at my house on xmas day they can drink them with their dinner. Everyone happy. Kids not so much this year byt nephews a book token. Everyone in the family is happy. Jim
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