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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. I think calling one of their children "jocelyn aryan nation" does actually. Jim
  2. The English authorities are more lax, especially where a person wants to rename himself. In 1995, Michael Howerd, a marketing consultant from Leeds, was charged £20 by his bank for a £10 overdraft excess. He got into a furious row with the bank and then went to a solicitor and changed his name by deed poll to Yorkshire Bank plc Are Fascist ********. He said, “I have 69p left in my account and I want the bank to return it by cheque in my full new nameâ€. This is from the same site. genius Jim
  3. Admittedly I laughed out loud. Especially at Jocelyn Aryan Nation. If you follow the the links off the page onto "weird names" I think it is then it is really very funny. There is a girl called "Tallula does the hula in hawaii". She was taken off her parents. Jim
  4. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle5358489.ece Laugh or cry? jim
  5. Knock the primer out of a cart, thread some ribbon through and tie a big knot in the end. stick it in your gun. Jim
  6. I saw Kendo Nagasaki fight at the Stockport Town hall and I can confirm it was for real. He was a sneaky devil though, he waited until the referee's back was turned and then he threw salt ito the good looking wrestlers eyes and then flattened him. I was not the only one who thought his action unconsciable, an old lady climbed in the ring and hit him with her handbag! They breed them brave in Stocky. Jim
  7. Im just wondering you see. Im not hard but in my youth I have done some scrapping and watched my fair share of brawls. I just cant see that anyone could stand up to being punched or elbowed, kicked, bitten, chinese burned or wedgied ( atomic and standard) for very long. Is there, and i dont want to offend the fight fans, perhaps a smidgeon of the WWF about this thing. Cage fights, its all a bit yank. Jim
  8. One of the boys when in custody had to be put in a seg unit after calls of baby killer echoed round the wing. They aint going to have it easy. Jim
  9. jimdfish


    Can we also while we are here clarify the sunday shooting. Only in Scotland is shooting banned on Sundays and Christmas day. Right? Jim
  10. I have had them full of feathers before but the strangest was a rolled up wine bottle label that was still legible. Jim
  11. In this UFC are they allowed to punch each other as hard as they can in the face? Do they wear gloves? Jim
  12. jimdfish

    Urine test

    See me, I have never been out of work. Next month I am being made redundant. Are you now honestly saying that you would have me pass a breathalyser in order for me to claim what is rightfully mine? Are you implying that if I spend MY money that I have no right to have a beer whenever I want one? All of you who posted agreeing with this post are narrow minded bums. Jim
  13. It was, and is, a load of formulaic old tripe but as a nipper I used to curl up with my old man on the sofa and watch it as it was a religion in our house. For that reason and the fact that the words fitted the theme tune that has earnt it a place in the fishes heart. Jim
  14. What utter tosh. Do you really think that the award is spent on how much it costs to participate in a sport. Zara Philips, Is it easy to go out , buy a hard hat and a horse and then bingo. I for one did not see herds of horses with madocks style riders ploughing up my local park. Damon Hill has won twice as has Nigel Mansell. Considering that F1 has to be the least particapotary sport in the world I think you are doing quite well. I ride a bike but would not recognise Chris Hoy. Am i a **** Head as you so succinctly put it. I sir have an open tool box here, I suggest you get in it. Jim P.s when eas the last time you were in an F1 car, just for reference you know. Was it really fast or do you have , as has already been indicated by your post, no idea at all?
  15. This may sound too simple but if the other shoot are starting earlier than you and nicking your birds, can you not just start earlier yourself? Jim
  16. I really dont like Lewis Hamilton. You get the feeling that if you went to the pub with him he would invite his dad and brother and they would sit on the table behind you making " go on son" gestures every time he took a swig. Jim
  17. were the fees as extravagant when you took on the loans or did it come as a complete suprise that the banks were going to charge you interest? Honestly those sneaky banks, taking advantage of the individual. I mean who would think even for a minute that they would want to make a profit.THE BAREFACED CHEEKY ********. You go for it son, borrow all you can and when they so very, very unreasonably want it back you say no,and set your mates website on them. Go theft. Whoooo! Jim P.S In case it is not crystal clear the above postcontains quite alot of sarcasm. If you wish you can send me a cheque for £157.30 and I will remove all traces of sarcasm because the contract was not signed under the derivative humour and puns act of 1983. No trace of any sarcasm will show up on your humour history should you wish to post a preposterous post in the future.
  18. Christ that brings me back. Did'nt something go on with Glen Micheal and some kiddies? Jim
  19. I have just phoned the boss to give him the news. Bad news is I dont get paid for today Good news is hes bringing me out for dinner. Yes! Result! Jim Hang on just a mo.....There is something not quite right with this scenario? I get paid on salary, he has to pay me. Double bubble! money and free food
  20. It is very easy to identify Irish pork products. They look the same but when you measure them the Irish one's are just a litttle thicker. Boom Boom. If I had any Irish pork products in my fridge i would eat them. The chances of getting anything other than a satisfied feeling after your bacon buttie are so remote as to be completely negligible. eating your buttie with oily hand after fixing your car is more dangerous.
  21. What makes me want to go postal more than anyhting else is this; you are in the queue at the supermarket, anyone it does not matter which, and the wait is going to be five minutes or more. this does not bother me as I will sometimes snaffle a snickers and eat it in the queue and put the wrapper back on the shelf. That will teach them to lead the fish into the path of temptation. NO what bothers me is the shopper in front who has stood in front of me for the sasme length of time and wehn they have finally been "scanned" decide that then,and only then is it a good time to look for their payment card. They could have done it while i was shoplifting choccy bars, they could have done it when they where watching unfeasibly fat families walking past with shopping bags full of lard and sunny D. But no, only when it will cause maximum stress to all other shoppers do they delve into their handbags " I know it is in here somewhere, I just used it in Mars and Sparks" they waffle as if this is some justification for robbing me of precious minutes of my life. Useless inconsiderate spasms and it is these people who when travelling down an a road will stop to let someone turn left out of a junction even though the road is clear behind them barring me, and a cursory glance in their rear view mirror would attest to this. Jim P.S Merry Christmas
  22. Weelllll. The Boosh had its strong points buit unfortunately there where to many weak points in order for the show to flow properly. Whereas usually their is a strong focus on a story being told this was more reminiscent of a review with individual characters from the show coming on and doing five minute skits. I did get moved though from behind the technical area to seats right at the front. Not enough crimping though thet did kill the honey monster at the end. 5 out of ten. Jim
  23. jimdfish


    The military could take a leaf out of these bad boy's books when it comes to maximising shrapnel dispersion. Its going to take me hours to clean the oven. Jim
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