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Posts posted by ditchman


    You're having a laugh if you think the sausages in the 10 man pack were even Walls "quality".



    nooo.......im talking about the catering tins of 50 plus...........captain mark philips was raised on the stuff...his old man owned walls...or part of it anyway




    i have looked constantlly for the tins of walls sauasages but it apppears to have dissapeared ...





    dont turn yer nose up at it....if the EU found out about these culinary delights ..they would ban em....as they would be frightened that their "nancy boys" would start acting like real men.


    the other "gods" food we used to have in the army....usually when we were training crows in brecon was TINNED WALLS SAUSAGES you opened the tin and they were stuck together in a white fatty sort of wax....you bit into them and sucked them thro the gaps in your teeth to really apreciate the bouquet ...breakfast was ( after plodding up and down penefan) was


    • 6 walls sausages
    • 3 fried eggs
    • half a tin of beans
    • 3 slices fried bread
    • 4 slices of bread and butter
    • 2 plastic mugs of tea

    jobs a gooden

  3. luuuv in a tin.............suet steak an kidney..........get a semi on just thinking about it..,.wiv tinned carrots...tinned peas and powdered potatoe 2 slabs of white bread, colmans mustard



    man food.....nun of this foriegn muck thank you

  4. when we used to re-build engines ....first thing to do after stripdown was to remove all paint......that involved leaning them in a tank (sealed) overnight with carbon-tetra-cloride


    (CCL4).....think that is the stuff what drycleaners use


    If you pluck, crown or otherwise breast out birds for use in the food chain (in other words not for your personal use), I was told this counts as "food preparation" and requires you to have a recognised food hygiene licence. Handing them over in feather is fine though.


    If anyone has any firm handle on this, please shout. It would be useful to know for sure





    you are quite right EU food preparation laws cover this...........i used to buy all my chickens from a cowman who had them free ranging around his house, he was retired but the farmers family supplied him with chicken pellets etc and he use to dress out 20-30 a month and i tell you know they were the best chickens i ever tasted....then the "food inspectors" paid him a visit and threatened court action and large fines......NO MORE CHICKENS


    same happened with young lad near where i live ...he saved up and bought a plucking machine (money from his paper round) and used to buy pheasant and partridge during the season and pluck an gut them and put them on a tray with cling film....everybody used to buy the stuff from him.......yes you guessed it got threatened and closed down !!


    several of the local butchers have given up buying pigeons as they havnt the correct food prep certificates to cover the plucking and drawing of animals....dont forget most butchers recieve meat already cut up in sides all they do is to cut it into joints etc....if you draw blood it comes under a different ruling so im told.....my local pubs wont take prepared birds from me anymore as i dont have the correct paper trail.....so most of my birds go to friends and dog food


    its a shame really....i can understand the idea behind it ...but it stinks

  6. A quick look on the web looks like you are right I stand corrected :good:




    i believe they are the oldest "bird dog" brought into the uk by traders tooing and frooing from portugal and spain in the 11-13th century.........the earliest we see of them are in 15th cent spainish oil paintings and they are black and white....we dont see pictorial evidence of them in the uk until early geogian times and they are liver and white i think

  7. i was thinking more along the lines of turkey joining the EU.....and using that as an excuse......."when scotland leaves england can we become part of the united kingdom ?"



    sounds to me like a better sort of deal !!!!

  8. If you split spars made of willow you are a straw hanger


    if you split spars made of hazel you are a thatcher



    some of the old spars made of hazel that were 50-60 years old and still whole , you could put in a barrell of water for a few days and twist and use them again...ive got a spar makers cut on my left knuckle...right of passage !

  9. Hi, Harry. I would recommend shooting skeet for a while. It helped me to hit pigeons. All of the targets on a skeet range are likely to be encountered during a decoying session. It gives you an idea of the amount of lead required for pigeons at normal decoying ranges. I bet once you start nailing 20/25 on a regular basis at skeet, you'll also be hitting decoying pigeons regularly, too.


    Don't worry about changing your cartridges, either. Despite what some people say/think, an ounce of no.7 will knock down pigeons very well at good range. Stick to them.





    totally agree with that.................i used to use 7's as well for 30 odd years for everything !!........use 6's now,,,,,,,skeet ...spot on it gets you moving and a decoy range

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