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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. reported that Paris olympics has gone 25% over budget.....so the final cost is £1/17s/6d

    will we be watching the closing ceromany....more filth and debauchary...and generally insulting everybody

    The Paris olympics will go down in history as the worst run and spectacle event ever

  2. 1 hour ago, Robden said:

    I like most of your "stuff" but that Apple sauce should have custard with it not bloody pork chops....can't stand any sort of jam with my meat.

    iknow a few folk who say fruit with meat is a big turnoff...one of my oldest mates is like that......he nearly chucks up at the thought


    59 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

    I agree.  Sweet with meats and savoury doesn't really work for me either.  Sage and onion to go with pork.  Looks nice otherwise, but one chop and some greens for me please.


  3. 10 minutes ago, amateur said:

    and very nicely presented too.

    Looks delicious, although I would probably have only gone for one chop and filled the space with some broccoli and baby carrots.

    i was thinking the same thing...but them chops looked ever so small ....and thought what the hell

  4. 17 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Like I mentioned I tried the mix but I fry my mince (in Chilli infused Olive Oil) high temp until it "pops" out of the pan and is almost burnt, then it goes in a slow cooker for 6-7 hours where it seems to rehydrate with the sauce and thus the flavour, I also recall reading somewhere that cooking mince to almost burning brings the sugars to the surface and makes the meat sweeter. When I tried the mix the Pork virtually disintegrated and vanished so I don't bother anymore. Many years ago (when times were hard) we used to buy a pre made Lasagne from Lidl that fed 5 of us for about £3, it wasn't until I read the ingredients that I discovered that the meat was Pork and Pork alone so it certainly can work.Let us know how the Chilli goes - try and use Scotch Bonnet Chillies if you can (2 per 500g of meat) and you should find an entertaining "burn" equal throughout the dish.  

    i will keep you updated.............i dont use olive oil...makes me barff......i only ever put it in my ear when i have ear ache..

  5. 8 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    I still have no idea who the hell Basil is? Tried Spagbog with beef/pork mix but not impressed tbh as they brown at different rates. Looks good though and you cannot have too many Mushrooms IMO.

    i like the beef / pork mix....i might use it with chilli...

  6. 4 hours ago, marsh man said:

    You have to hand it to her , she certainly like the lime light , at one time I don't think many men would had said no if it was laid out on a plate , now a days I would sooner lick the plate of one of Simon's ( Ditchman's ) latest creation 😋

    christ that is a backhand compliment...i think???

  7. Just now, ditchman said:

    i have plucked many things from a maidens garden but never Basil


    yes it did ................next question........(could the samebe said for your areoplane posts......oh look this is an aeroplany thing and another 4000 of them an all ????)


  8. 1 hour ago, amateur said:

    Your top photo is just missing the artistically placed fresh basil leaf, plucked from a maiden's garden.

    i have plucked many things from a maidens garden but never Basil


    1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Very nice, but did it need 3 pictures?    :cool1:

    yes it did ................next question

  9. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    It has been cleaned, but I doubt it's ever been off the road as there is no mud build up even in the usual 'traps', and dried over summer (unused in the sunshine several days).  I have a pit (I admit I've had to add a step ladder in it for this one!) and have been doing some each day.  There don't seem to be many places doing it professionally now (I suppose most people don't keep cars beyond warranty).

    someone i knew ..used to drill holes in the bottom of his doors ...and spray the bottom inside of the doors with waxoil....the holes were there to allow any moisture water drainage.....his door bottoms never needed welding

  10. made the sauce with half pig meat half beef meat.....no tinned toms....tom' puree...onion...grated carrot..loads of mushrooms...bit of red wine...left it overnight the supperate

    did spag ...tossed and dried ...parmasan....loads of black pepper.....

    luverly jubbly




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