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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. 1 hour ago, Flashman said:

    It’s a shame that NHS Trusts refuse to collect fees from healthcare tourists. 
    The Trusts are allowed to, but historically refused to do it - I guess on the basis that we mug taxpayers must stump up. 

    people often forget this........and its not smal ammounts........

  2. 1 hour ago, marsh man said:

    For many years I enjoyed our local BBC Radio Norfolk , then the programs changed and some of the old hands either moved out , or moved on , they then shared the programs with other counties and now it is no longer a local radio station , signs of the times I suppose but no longer worth listening to .     MM

    me too ...until the silly announcer stated getting political.....then he entered the election areana...then he insulted women or something...played on his slightly black heritage...then he thank god got the sack....

  3. i think ..folk who get the best use out of their PCP are people who take the time to learn how they work and are able to maintain them.....

    PCP's work best when they are in tip-top condition

    just my opinon.............

  4. still on gardening leave at nearly £500.000/year....and he is in court for having and asking for photos from a convicted peadophile.....

    is the BBC going to ask for our money  back ?

  5. 16 hours ago, marsh man said:

    Oh , and I did see the final bit of our gold medal winner in the clay shooting , well saw puffs of Red dust      Well done that man , a new record as well to put the icing on the cake .:good:

    P S Andy Murray is through to the next round , Well done Andy .

    if andy murry died his muther would dig him up to make a comeback

  6. what an appaling state our country has turned into.......i know what the solution is ...and it aint pretty

    its gone too far for raps on knuckles and social services........

    bring back our protection.....................this state of our country is why the "Peelers" were formed........and they were for many years HARD MEN for HARD TIMES

  7. 3 minutes ago, old man said:

    Respected yes? feared no?

    We need to be be above that?

    Sadly,  I fear that like everything else the 'giving away' culture means most is beyond recovery?

    no ...sorry ..dont agree with that ...i understand why you say it and i wish i could agree with you....

    but things have gone and are now going to far down the road to control the renegade populace.....look at the film footage of yeaterdays machete fight...

    the police now need to be feared and respected.......i dont like to say it but there you go

  8. someone mentioned FRACKING.....:w00t:..............pro fracking MP's go on about how ....if we are fracking our own gas it will mean much smaller bills for us.........

    now correct me if im wrong.....i dont rekon it will change the price of gas as it will be priced according to the open market price...

    i believe one or 2 of the Fracking owners just happen to be in the house of lords (they have big intersts in Quadrilla)....

    i just cant see cheaper gas...that is a load of cobblers

  9. 12 minutes ago, Westley said:

    And who do you think has made the Police a load of 'Pussies'  ?  Do you honestly believe that if those currently stood behind riot shields were to act more 'robustly ', they would not be plastered all over the media tomorrow  ?

    we all know who has drawn the teeth of the police..........those police standing there taking **** are brave men....and their govt HAS LET THEM DOWN............i dont give a toss what the media think.....they need to do the job that was invented for....LAW &ORDER.....give them the tools to do the job and they will do it........when i was a young nipper when me and my mates saw the old bill going thro the village on a bike ...it put the fear of god into us.............

    until things change the police are no better than a cross between Target practice & butch social workers......they are constantly laughed at.....i want our police to be feared and respected.....this govt and successive govts' ARE /HAVE LOST CONTROL of law and order........

    am i wrong ?

  10. 13 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    People angry and taking things in to their own hands.

    Police need to get their respect back........................

    i think a small part of this RIOT (because that what it is) is anger......but the major part of it is just thugs out for some excitment...knowing the police are a bunch of pussies.......there was a very very short report that a mosque or some other religous place was attatcked and thats why the cops turned up...

    we talked about this "unrest" several times on PW months ago.......and i rekon it is going to become more frequent...as the authorites have had their teeth drawn

    thank you Blair for withdrawing the Riot act.......mind you he is safe ...got plenty of money and dont care...

  11. 2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    I think theres a certain tactic within superpowers, where they announce a hi tech project, gen 6 fighter jets, laser weaponry, rail guns or stealth ships, and chortle to themselves as the opposition scrabbles to counter or create the balance they believe they will need.
    Some of the R + D is beneficial to other projects, but like Reagans star wars project, the technology, and indeed the NEED for such things are often lacking.

    wheels within wheels eh!.................wouldnt we love to be in the know



    err do we know for certain that Reagans star wars project didnt succeed .......:hmm:    :lol:.......there have been alot of rockets to go up there since Reagan...:whistling: 

  12. 39 minutes ago, wymberley said:

    It's going to be interesting. It's possible that our government will have to make a decision which as we know means much dithering in the aisles. The real problem will be if then, later, they wish to change their mind which even if possible is going to be mind-blowing expensive and all due to a decision made on 1April 1965 and announced in a budget 4 days later.

    as i said earlier on.....i have red a couple of articles....(i cant tell you which ones as i cant garuntee the truth of them)....that our govt' is somewhat reticent of funding the replacement jets to the eurofighter....as TIGHTCHOKE says theeurofighter will still go on with upgrades for several years..........

    but when you think of the incredible cost and complexity of development of a new fast jet.....and compare that to the number of low cost low maintanece drones (in all their forms).....there must be a lot of number crunching going on

    modern warfare is all about profit and loss......the bottom line and bang for yer buck...

  13. 6 minutes ago, wymberley said:

    If you want to get rid of pilots as surplus to requirements, the first obstacle you'll hit is the fact that the vast majority of the most senior ranks - the decision makers - are...... have a guess.

    its not going to happen tomorrow....as TIGHTCHOKE pointed out.....planes will be phased out and used less and less

  14. 1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

    The idea of autonomous drones is they don't need the Internet,  or a data link, or even GPS in some cases.

    This kind of technology is already in use by both sides in Ukraine. 

    that what i was saying earlier on.....the drone tech' is moving so quick....what will it be like in a year/2 years time......as soon as something is invented for the drone,,by the time it goes into production its out of date.........

    i really do think in the near future the RAF will just operate transport planes and transport for air delivery drones.......

    this drone thing is like computors in the early days....things are moving soooo quick

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