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Posts posted by myzeneye

  1. hahhahaha cheers boys...new i could count on you lot for sympathy.....hahahaha

    im still not over it... after being asked all day "did you enjoy your break ?"....i just began to annoy myself till in the end i just said "yeahhhhh it was great " with a kind of broken smile plastered across my face...hahhah i think the eyes give me away tho......hahhahah

  2. well..... back from lego land.......




    got there nice and early as advised but still had to park miles away.... got inside and thought,jeez this is a bit freakishly buzy...... rode the little train down to the far end as advised and thought great, things are looking ok here.... best nip the little feller in for wee wee's before we start with these SERIOUS que's.........then....... k'blink.... darkness.

    friggin power cut................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! absolutly everything was off..... everything....!!! people trapped on rides for hours !!!!no tills on for food sales, no lights on in toilets...nothing.........

    2 hours later, lego land staff start handing out sandwhiches and drinks,crisps etc to try and keep folk happy......... then an announcment comes over a tannoy "we are sorry to announce that we are closing the park down please leave in an orderly fashion............."


    we then sat in a completly grid locked car park for 2 and a half hours !!!!!!!





    a weekend family break for a bit of stress relief ? aaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!


    day two the park was back open.......and now, double chaoka rammed. murderous chaos....

    park staff offered us (everyone) a free ticket to return on another day......... i explained its a 400 mile round trip and also explained that id (ahem...) rather not return (or words to that effect)....

    so, on the whole......fekinshoit. :hmm:

  3. i look after 9 thousand houses for the council..... most of which are fitted with either vaillant ecotec pro 28's or worcester bosch 24i / 28i juniors.... either one of these are about best..me personally, i prefer the vaillant all day long....

    simple to install, very well made, reliabilty is great and parts are redilly available should you eventualy need them.


    my vote is for the vaillant.


    there are plenty of other boilers out there but i just wouldnt other with most....

  4. yep, fly agaric..... commonly found under or near silver birch tree's.... in its raw state highly deadly....prolonged touch will result in halucination... i believe, if roasted till shrivelled and eaten it will induce a high level of halucination and be edible....

    as stated above, believed to have been used by viking beserkers..... and also.... eaten by "whitches" or at least strange old women who lived alone in the woods... its belived the image of a which on a broom stick comes from these ladies who will have eaten the mushroom soup and then ran around with a broom stick "between theirs legs" (use your imagination here )... whilst tripping their merry heads off,beliving they could fly...


    you only live once...hahahhaha..

  5. cheers for the info guys....looks like im gonna get shafted, be angry sat in traffic, get peed off queing with chavvy idiots especially cos its half term....add to that the fact i hate driving/navigating through an area im unfamiliar with and im not keen on crowds........

    well, im sure ill have a great time.


    lets just say she bloody owes me. :good:

  6. he's 5 mate and around 110cm ish....

    we got 3 days in mariot and two days in legoland package.... two days on my feet, in the cold.........great.. :good: is it all out doors or is there indoor bits :?

    foolishly i thought at this time of year it may be marginally quieter in a place like this....... im guessing ill be wrong and it will be rammed packed...


    just read the watchdog wasp stuff....jeez... i hope theyve all frigged off by now ,i swell up like john merrick with a wasp sting... ???

  7. the missus has duped me into agreeing to take the little man to lego land in windsor next weekend..... :good:


    any one else been there before ? i hear its expensive in there ? :yes: any suggestions for places to eat on the way back to the hotel at tea time are welcome....


    she's booked us into the mariot in windsor for 3 nights convincing me this is "good accomadation" and "i" can go down to the gym/sauna/spa etc..whilst she watches some telly in the evenings (little man will be giving it super zeds...) i agreed cos i know there'l be plenty of eye candy to gawp unshamedly at...hahhaha


    i havent a clue what is in windsor apart from the castle and this bloody lego land place....any other suggestions are welcome as we have a day free to sight see.....

    being a northen monkey i dont even have a clue how far from "that london" and its attractions such as the tower etc .. windsor is ?


    if youve been or your from down that neck of the woods....help a guy out..... ???

  8. yep, 3 ports can seize up... might have just needed manually freeing up...i take it with you saying its working now, what you mean is youve returned the lever on the valve to auto and its now operating ok ? if this aint the case and youve still got it latched over, well, it will work, untill you decide you want hot water only....

    butif you have returned the lever to auto and it seems to be working thats great, however i would suggest firing the heating up a few times during the summer months just to keep it freed up...

    its usually this prelonged spell over the summer when valves,pumps and trv's etc start to seize up...


    anyhoo...glad your all warm now, its been a bit nippy the last week...and its only october !!! god help us when the winter comes !!hahahah

  9. cost of a new 3 port valve....... well, that depends on a few things bud...

    i fit honeywell ones because theyre rather good quality but you can get cheaper ones which will do the same job...


    if your gonna have a go at swapping it yourself, the best idea is to try and get one the same as what you alraedy have, this means the wiring inside will be a straight swap... if you change the manufacturer you usually have to consult a wiring diagram and suss a few things out... easy when you know how, not so easy if you dont...


    ebay -22mm 3 port valve


    you can usually buy honeyweel ones cheap on ebay...


    labour wise...its half an hours work..to isolate/drain swap valve and rewire etc... :yes:

  10. hi mate...its your 3 port valve.(presuming your piped/wired up for a y plan system,which is most likely) find it, on one end therel be a manual over ride lever, slide it over and hook it in its latch...turn on the heating and it'll fire up...that should keep the women folk happy

    then either replace the valve or live with it like that (water and heating on demand) till the spring when you want water only again...then youl have to replace the valve...

  11. any one watch man v's food on "good food" channel.....

    jeez that one helluva appetite he's got there...... :lol:

    if you aint seen it, theres a bloke goes round america taking on all the crazy food challenges restraunts have on offer.... some of it is just plain rediculas.... :good:

  12. YES...thank god im not alone... we HATE this with a passion in our house too... halifaxgob****es!

    who the frig came up with the concept of a halifax radio station anyhoo...? *** ? id prefer them to be doing some bloody banking stuff personally rather then playing at being DLT...and my god she's a boot too. ....

    then theres that other twerp theyve got... can i dig it? yes you can? can i have your car keys? yes u can...? ***? i know how id react to one of my colleuges pratting around and being a gimp...

    it comes to somthing when youd rather have that google eyed howard bloke back on yer box.....





    ahhhhhhhhh...that feels better.


  13. You wont get any better than Autoglym. :stupid:

    maguiers...wins hands down over auto glym


    I would use nothing else but Meguiars, can't recommend it enough.


    Their website shows the products, although most can be got cheaper at a good motor factors.





    this maguiars gear is serious quality "detailers" product.... expensive, but if your gonna do it properly...well, theres no substitute.

    they also do a product called maguiers scratch x... VERY GOOD..


    trust me, im obsessive compulsive when it comes to these things......................... :good:

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