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Posts posted by myzeneye

  1. it might make good t.v, and no , there isnt always an easy way.... but bottom line is always... dont take risks... a broken ankle in the middle of nowhere is a death sentance. yes.ok it would be boring if he walked an extra mile down the ravine to findeasier ground.... but, thats what you would do....


    like i said, lofty wiseman, the origional.

  2. he bangs on about the forces.... bet he's only in the T.A..........

    his tequniques for finding calories always burn more than the actall food can provide.... ive seen him use a deer skin as a taboggin and he used the skin the wrong way round.....

    he's obsessed with getting his *** out and piddling on everthing.... must be a public school thing......

    ray mears would eat him, and his mate gordy would stutter at him before smoking him....

    if the guys your hero mate, fair enough, ... he may be fitter than me, but personally, i think id have him stitched up out in the boonies....

  3. ooooohhhh mate, he is a complete *****. a fraud.... he does the most STUPID, dangerous things, taking stupid risks all the time..... his antics really are laughable....

    his show is all staged, he pukes when eats anything, drinks dirty water... takes the most peculiar dangerous routes for the sake of t.v cameras and risks injuries all the time, which is the LAST thing you would do in a suvival situation..... did you see his everest parasending show...... good effort, but what a load of complete toffs.....trustafarian thrill seekers....


    lofty wiseman.... now theres a man you'd follow when all was lost.

  4. hi folks, just thought id say hello, before making any posts or starting any threads...

    im just starting to get involved in shootingand looking for all the help/advice i can get.

    ive been and shot a few clays and feels that this is the ideal interest to tie in with my other main interest of being outdoors., walking, camping etc.... im looking for a reason to spend more time outdoors other than walking and this seems good to me !

    im in the process of obtaining a shotgun cert, and with help from a friend who shoots , hope to be involved asap....


    so, before i get anything else done, im looking for a second hand shotgun cabinet in the northwest area.....i want to get ready for the cert application as best i can,pre inspection.. if anyone can help, that would be great.....

    thanks guys


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