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Posts posted by jay222

  1. I think he was on about making sure it was a fox before sitting there trying to squeaking a muntjac for half an hour, ( that's how I took it

    That's how I saw it too, which is a valid question And doesn't need twisting into a patronising sermon about safe shooting
  2. What rifle is it? Is it hard enough to find that model and calibre combo to be worth the hassle of getting used to a left hander. One of my shooting mates is left handed but shoots right handed rifles so as you say it can be done but it's not something if choose to do



    thanks when i bought it it was very dark and dull .. i put nitro morce on it and striped it down and underneath was this lovely grain i used birchwood casey gun oil about 11 coats and now its stunning ...





    this was it before i got to work stripping....



    Looks like a totally different gun, you've done a great job

  4. My firearms certificate expires in July, and I'm really not looking forward to all the hassle filling in the paperwork, photos, permissions etc. i've held firarms & shotgun certificates since the 60's, And due to my advancing years and recent health issues I'm really toying with the idea of packing it all in!

    But why do i have the feeling thats what the authorities want!

    Don't do it! You know you will only change your mind a year down the line and have to start over again
  5. Paul I'm as keen as anyone for things to be safe out there, there are many people who shoot on the land not just me and mike










    Jay Mike, we had a siuation last year were one of my lads had a bullet wizz past him whilst dogging in, don't want to be repeating it this year

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