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Posts posted by jay222

  1. The chances of 2 of the same type of big cat being released and one being male and the other female and being released close,ish and finding each other and having a successful mating and then bringing them up and killng all the food involved in that without interfering with humans and then them offspring growing up and doing it again and again is in my opinion very unreasonable.

    not that im convinced of the existance of big cats in the wild in britain there is always the possibility that several people may have kept breeding pairs or even groups of them which could of been released when the dwa licensing came into force

  2. last year we were shooting some clays on a friends farm and my best mate hadn't hit anything all day said its because they are not real birds thats why i cant hit them and just at that moment a big old cock pheasant took flight out of some bushes at the edge of the field and flew at maybe 15ft above the ground straight past him he missed with both barrels. i nearly ****** myself

  3. Ten sets of Krieghoff K-80 barrels were stolen on transit between the Krieghoff factory and myself in Wrexham. They were traced to the Rhyl, North Wales area but were not found. We do have the serial numbers of all the barrels. These barrels are the property of Krieghoff and their insurers. I would suggest that whoever has these barrels checks the serial numbers with me. If I hear nothing I will advise North Wales Police, who are investigating the loss, of this posting. IP addresses can be traced.


    Alan Rhone

    Krieghoff Distributor for the UK and Ireland.

    you have pm

  4. Hmm, 9 sets of Krieghoff barrels in a Council House..??


    I'll bet they're knocked off, still I'm sure Alan Rhone will thank you for returning them to their rightful owner..??



    im not sure on the details exactly of whether or not it was a council house i just assumed it was as i know he has done clearance jobs for them before, but i think a few questions are in order so as i dont end up in trouble

  5. a friend of mine who does house clearances for the council has recently got some krieghoff o/u barrels in a house clearance and asked me if they were worth anything and if there was a market for them, so does anyone know what they may be worth?

  6. You think about it. Woolworths has been around for years and years. Who would have thought they would close. However, all the things you can buy in their shops you can buy in Tesco, Asda etc!!!!


    There are many people who don't even bother going to the shops, they order everything from the web, we are getting a lazy nation with a pace of life that is far too fast.

    the problem with woolies is that they were neither here nor there the largest stores still werent big enough to compete with the supermarkets and the smaller ones were too big to be like actual convenience shops and as you already mentioned they sold nothing that couldnt be picked up in nearly all big supermarkets

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