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Status Updates posted by holloway

  1. Hi Jim do you mind if i pick your brains on the sx2 ? as you see i have been in the process of selling one it is fairly unused i have probably shot 80 shells through it and the owner before me probably less.

    Now i never had a jam or problem with it dry cycling or live fireing i used a 70mm 32 gram shell .

    The chap who has just bought it tried it today and said the shells get jammed every time live or dry firing he was using a 32gram 67mm shell, could that be the issue ? i have said i will take it back but asked him to try with at least 70mm shells as i know Winchester state to use 70 to 76mm in this model.He seems like a great chap and was brilliant and easy to deal with so there is no aggro.I spoke with my local gunshop today and they said he should use at least 70mm shells.I dont want to put any of this on the forum in case i offend him and also because i had 2 others waiting to buy it so i dont want people thinking its duff (obviously i wouldnt try to sell it if it was ) what do you think ?

  2. Hi there if i am the first ,i will take them paypal ok?

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