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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Several other countries already have similar schemes in place and it works really well. I believe Denmark does it. Israel has done it for years and its main benefit is as a deterrent. The theory is that it will dramatically reduce the number of people willing to make the crossing There is no point in coming here if you believe its not going to work and you will end up in Rwanda instead of an all expenses paid hotel. The problem at the moment is that if you can get your feet on British soil by hook or by crook the chances are you will be allowed to stay. Eventually. And some immigration lawyer will make a lot of money representing you.
  2. I have heard mutterings about banning reloads or some form of licencing /restriction for some time at Bisley. There have been a number of incidents every year to justify the idea. Like most things the NRA do it will be turned into a cumbersome money making scheme that doesn't solve the initial problem. Shooter certification cards are a classic example. How can I be competent now but not on the 1st January next year?
  3. To be honest I have heard stories of people being asked for all of these things for a long time. My neighbour was asked to produce mbership of his clay club a good ten years ago now. These things get enacted by stealth, gradually moving the goal posts a tiny bit at a time.
  4. My nephew is an archaeologist he spends his whole working life doing the investigation work before building projects are allowed to take place. Its a requirement in law that sites have to be signed off before work can start now. They are not really interested in bones they find them everywhere. What they are looking for are old roman villas and sites of historic interest that were previously unknown.
  5. My Grandad came from Newcastle (Gateshead) but although he lived in London for nearly 40 years I guarantee most of the people on this forum would struggle to understand what he said.
  6. There must be no shortage of has been ex football players who would be willing to sit in front of the camera and spout drivel for the BBC on a Saturday night It's not very intellectual stuff for the most part. "Oh yes, if that ball had gone in the net it would have been a goal " It's not like Lineker is a unique commodity that can't be easily replaced.
  7. On the radio this morning, HSBC is taking on the British side of their business
  8. The mutterings on the football forums suggest that Lineker "doesn't make friends easily" so maybe people at the BBC are more than happy to watch him dig himself into a hole.
  9. By regime do you mean the legally elected Government of this country ?
  10. Is this the same RSPB which repeats claims that sqillions of birds die every year from ingesting lead shot?
  11. Rubbish. Anybody who thinks the BBC is a right wing anything is off with the fairies
  12. Those pundits are playing a very dangerous game. They are at best replaceable, nobody would miss them, I for one would be glad to be rid of some of them. The world of TV is littered with victims of their own ego who overplayed their hand thinking they were untouchable.
  13. They can't let him win. The whole licence thing is in doubt as it is. The BBC is not a private company, they have a charter and have to adhere to its terms
  14. He is just another nobody who thinks he is too important to be sacked. He believes he can face them down. Pride comes before a fall, I predict he has just started an argument they absolutely can't let him win. Ian Wright and Alan Shearer should be very careful who's side they come down on because they could easily be replaced
  15. That's been going on for a very long time. They always opt for the decision that means the least work for them. Most of the migrants just get rubber stamped through on the nod because to actually investigate their claims would be too much effort
  16. Good post. I have been of the belief for a long time that factions in the Civil Service are out of control
  17. Very hard to sell, there are houses like that in Cornwall that have been on the market for a very long time. The potential buyers are few and far between. You still have to pay the bills and running costs while you are trying to sell it
  18. The French have been extremely careful not to document them so that there is no proof they were ever in France. Sneaky but effective. All the French say is how do we know they didn't come from Belgium or Holland. Or dropped off from a Spanish fishing trawler ?
  19. That house looks like a bit of a white elephant. What are you going to do with it if if you won it?
  20. There is still one problem with the new proposal. Most of the migrants don't land here on our shores illegally. They are rescued at sea and brought ashore by the rescuers. Life boat, coastguard etc Which gives them a different status in the eyes of the law. They are technically shipwrecked mariners and are protected by some very old maritime comventions
  21. Better to keep his mouth shut and people think he's plonker that speak out and prove that he is None of his business, who does he think he is? Nobody cares what he he thinks
  22. Yes but, no but..... The ECHR is also guilty of being less than impartial. Often making judgements that appear to be politically biased. It's unaccountable and unpredictable
  23. Also civil Servants have found that making complaints about cabinet ministers bullying them is a good way of getting rid of the minister So now I would imagine most cabinet ministers spend their time walking on egg shells and the civil Servants do whatever they want. Which is mostly nothing it appears
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