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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Vince Green


    Its not just about dying though, its only now emerging what damage has been done by the virus to those who have had the infection and apparantly recovered. Even to people who were not seriously affected. My neice in law had it last summer, she was in hospital for a week on oxygen but was never considered to be that badly affected. Ten months on, she is still feeling tired, not really her old self. She is back at work but at times its a struggle
  2. Italy supposedly still has 1m mandatory social distancing and is still in lockdown with regulations about enclosed spaces etc In Piedmont where the accident happened regulation is so strict that only 3 people are allowed to travel in an ordinary car. So how come they let 16 into a cable car?
  3. Tragic as it was to see it on the news today my first thought was what the heck were sixteen people doing in a cable car in Northern Italy in the first place?
  4. Had to be done, no doubt there are words being said behind closed doors at Whipsnade at the moment. When I lived in Upstate New York several bears were shot by deputies for straying into public areas. Black bears were not considered to be particularly dangerous but you can't take the chance. They raid the trash and can become a pest, The State encouraged the hunting of them in the fall because they had no natural enemies and they needed to control the numbers. Why would you want to?
  5. Citizen's advice are unlikely to get involved if the experience my son had over a pair of trainers is anything to go by
  6. Abortion is a really big subject in America, people get very heated about it, Staff working in abortion clinics have been attacked in the street and even murdered.
  7. Its very hard to sell game now no matter whether its shot with lead or steel. The game market has collapsed more or less.
  8. At Cupid Green in Hertfordshire the farmer built a clay layout which he would rent out to clubs. It was a good sporting layout and it was used practically every day. We used it one Sunday a month. When it wasn't being used and to keep down the grass he grazed his herd on the fields where the shot would land. We regularly shot with cows on the fields The milk marketing board knew about this and were always twitchy about the amount of lead going on the fields. They regularly tested his milk for lead levels and were quite threatening about what would happen if they found the milk was contaminated. I reckon (ball park) our club alone must have put a ton of lead down on those fields every year and we shot there for twenty years. We were just one of many clubs that shot there. But the point of the story is this, the milk marketing board never ever found a trace of lead in the milk, not even a bit. Much to their disappointment
  9. Exactly! how many will really self isolate on their return? how many have in the past?
  10. Vince Green


    Anecdotal evidence from both Brazil and India is that, in general, the age of the victims is much lower but that could be for many reasons
  11. Vince Green


    Well that's more than obvious from what's been happening in places like Bolton.
  12. falling out with Pfiser might have had a lot to do with it?
  13. Mike Yeadon is a fruit cake though isn't he? he said there wouldn't be a second wave because everybody was already immune. He also said the vaccine would destroy fertility in women. He did more to put people off being vaccinated with his unfounded claims. All because he has some sort of grievance against his former employer Pfiser.
  14. Vince Green


    Its still pretty serious in Brazil too but India seems to have taken over as the news media's country of choice.
  15. Vince Green


    The situation in India is far from resolved India's holiest river Ganges is swollen with Covid victims - BBC News
  16. Nothing made by the hand of man is ever perfect, many older shotguns had their barrels made and aligned by hand in little backstreet workshops in Birmingham, Spain and Italy, and the result was only ever as good as the man on the day. Most were good enough, it was never intended they would stand up to bore laser scrutiny Try sighting in a double rifle and you soon realise that even "London Best" rifles are not target grade but they were never intended to be,
  17. Vince Green


    On the radio tonight when I was driving home. Since India was put on the red list a further 110 planes have landed from india. Hopefully all those people will have to go into enforced isolation. But a person being interviewed said the people were still mixing with other passengers going through the passport checks and security inside the actual airport. A lack of joined up thinking there
  18. There is a new expression "Vacci-morons", to describe these people. My mate Nick is one of those, he is totally convinced that 128,000 people in Britain have been run over by a bus within 28 days of a positive covid test.
  19. Vince Green


    I agree, in the two weeks before we closed the border with India between five and eight thousand people a day were landing at British Airports from India. The simple question is why?
  20. Vince Green


    I think the rush to get flights from India to the UK is caused by people just wanting to get out of India to somewhere safer
  21. Vince Green


    A friend of the family's son has been working as a baggage handler at Heathrow and his mother works as a security person putting the hand luggage on the xray machine. Throughout the pandemic we have had constant stories from them about the sheer number of flights arriving from all over the world day after day.
  22. Vince Green


    Well there is the thing, why did we not close our border to India long before we did?
  23. Who says they are OK with it? its not the Australian Government going public. The debate really is about how much we are not being told "for our own good" If a shower of killer asteroids was heading towards earth would they tell us? More significantly, why would they tell us? Of course the ruling classes would be evacuated to some place of safety but we wouldn't get evacuated so why tell us? Margaret Thatcher in an unguarded comment about UFOs famously said "oh yes but you can't tell the people" what did she mean by that??? We will never know now
  24. Maybe because we would have no defence against it. Why cause panic?
  25. Virus to be spread by civil airlines flying over "enemy" countries. That sounds all too plausable. I don't think Sky News Australia can be considered to be scare mongers just for the sake of it.
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