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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Sky News Australia Bombshell dossier indicates China has been ‘preparing’ for bio-warfare - YouTube
  2. Also very few "Damascus steel" barrels are actually Damascus Steel. Its an almost universally misused expression. The vast majority will be plain laminated barrels and the question then arises what were they laminated from. Old nails salvaged from ships that were being broken up was commonly used, as were old barrel hoops but the key thing is its nearly all recycled. None of this is a problem but it creates an unknown, what is the composition. Unlike modern steel barrels laminate barrels wear thin with use showing just how soft they can be. They take the pressure because they are wound like a spring and flex
  3. Its always reassuring to have legal expenses insurance and the knowledge that it is there in place I believe makes the licencing authorities more wary of their outcome.
  4. Difficult one, as Scully said, be totally upfront right from the beginning but join BASC or similar before you start the process looking like you are trying to hide something is the worst thing you could do
  5. At the moment I don't realistically think any RFD would be interested in it. The market is as slow as its possible to be, Its going to get a lot worse too as furlough comes to an end in a few months and the councll tax and mortgage holidays finish even sooner. Business support loans have to start being repaid too Its appeared to be relatively calm through the pandemic but its a false calm, as we come out the true extent of the financial damage that's been building up will start to be revealed. Lots of people will be in trouble. Luxury goods will be the first thing people try to sell and the last thing they will be considering buying. My friend always says that about boats, as soon as there is a recession for sale boards go up all over the marina
  6. Is there any realistic chance it could have frozen up over the winter? I'm always suspicious of "head gasket" problems in the spring.
  7. this ^^^^ They have to keep parts but no legislation about the price or lead time Also most things these days are imported, if the manufacturer in Taiwan discontinues spares after three years there is little anybody here can do about it
  8. Well the Labour Party is still technically owned by the Trade Union Movement and always has been. Its not an independent party, people don't realise that
  9. Actually the removal of a small dent in those old barrels is remarkably easy. A brass plug of the right diameter is tapped down the bore with lots or oil. As long as it is just a dent and not a crease the metal is soft and thin and the dent just pops out. Big dent or any sort of crease that has stretched the metal and its not going to work. As its only BP proofed but a good name I would advertise it with the dent in the classified ads of the MLAGB magazine
  10. The British fishermen have accused the French and Spanish fishermen of illegally overfishing in British waters for years and using illegal fishing techniques like fly shooting and pulse nets. So now they don't like having to stick to the rules. Jersey has said catagorically that every French trawler that has submitted a proper application has been given a licence to fish.
  11. why would anybody vote to leave the goose that lays the golden eggs their survival is built on?
  12. Labour relied on a gullable working underclass, poorly educated with little or no access or contact with the world beyond the boundaries of their own mining community or mill town. Into whose heads they could put ideas, playing off their fears and very real insecurities. There is no doubt they were treated appallingly by their employers, but the people who said they had come to save them were actually doing them no favours. The Chartists (fore runner of Labour) preached to the crowds like one of those table thumping fire and brimstone religious preachers you see in the Southern States of America today. To an ignorant mine worker or mill worker it must have had an hugely impressive effect on their difficult and harsh life. Here was somebody offering me a dream. But they were putting dangerous ideas into otherwise empty heads. If we can band together we can take over the mills and the mines and we can become the bosses. Little wonder people fell for it, it was attractive, but it was a con. Socialism has always been a con, it projects an image of utopia that looks like it could be achievable but in reality (like a mirage) it just shimmers in the distance People were urged to pledge a penny a week, to attend meetings, to fight for "the cause" but in the end it turned into the Labour party but its supporters got very little back for their pennies.
  13. But then they have set up their excuses ready for when it all goes wrong "its not our fault" and "we were shafted" I bet they are rehearsing it already
  14. The terms they are demanding will cost us a whole lot more
  15. The simple fact is they don't want you to repair they want you to replace
  16. This is Labour for you, on Breakfast TV this morning The Shadow Home Secretary, Nick Thomas-Symonds (have you ever even heard of him, could you pick him out from a picture?) Where has he been hiding the past year? He brushed aside the Hartlepool result blaming covid for not being able to hold meetings. Then he said Labour needs to get back to tackling injustice and tackling inequality Nothing said about real political issues like easing lockdown, reinflating the economy, sorting out Brexit. immigration, jobs, fishing etc The truth is Labour is not a political party anymore, its a namby pamby Civil Rights Organisation only interested in its own woke agenda campaining for people who are facing injustice. What ever that means?
  17. The truth is people in England couldn't care less about Scotland, They don't care if Scotland gets independance, they just don't want to have to pay for it.
  18. Thats if you can get a lock. Peugeot don't do a lot of spares after ten years. Aren't your locks electric?
  19. There are a lot of handguns still held "legally" by various mechanisms. The OP has demonstrated he is a responsible individual who has owned this pistol responsibly and legally all these years. Where is the problem? Zero chance of buying ammo, unlike some obsolete calibres that are a bit more contentious.
  20. That is so not true, the oil is running out and becoming much more expensive to extract. Plus its not a fuel grade oil its a lubricating light oil which is much less valuable now that cars run on synthetic oils. Besides, most North Sea oil is not in Scottish or even British waters. Its far out in the North Sea. It is held by International Treaty not territorial rights. Scotland was not a signatory to the treaty so have no retrospective claim to the oil. Unless you choose to believe Alex Salmond Good luck with that, cough cough Scottish coal is scagg (thats a real word) it means it has a lot of sand content and is lower grade. Best coal in the world is under South Wales and they are sitting on a thousand years worth at least of prime coal. Despite that the popular view , is its not considered economically viable to mine high grade Welsh coal in volume. So where does that leave Scottish coal Its already been rather tragically proved that Scottish fish is too expensive to transport fresh to UK markets but we can hope they will develop strategies to market it I don't wish bad things for Scotland, my mother's family came from Dumfries although as one idiot pointed out they were Campbells so couldn't be considered Scottish Its just that the SNP and all are telling lies and people are believing the lies and it will cost them dearly Nicola would rather be Queen Nicola of a country in dire financial straits than see it prosper as part of the union. Alex Salmond quoted Robert the Bruce, sorry lets run that again Robert du Bruc a French speaking Norman, hardly a Scottish patriot? Scotland wants to break from Westminster but be ruled by Brussels??? Really???? ***, they deserve everything they get, in buckets
  21. people used to buy their fresh fruit and veg daily from the local green grocer (when in season) and cook it that night. Now we do a weekly shop and expect it to last till the next week. We buy strawberries in February that have probably come from the other side of the world or have been grown under artificial lights in heated polytunnels and have no flavour. Pineapples from Costa Rica all year round and Aubergines from Asia etc Round London there are shops (Veenas is one) that proudly declare they source all their vegetables and fruit from India www.veenas.com I like Lidl's approach of selling mainly British produce but you can't expect it to have much of a shelf life. On the other hand its very cheap and it hasn't spent twelve hours in the air coming from India. support British Farmers
  22. How easy is it for Labour MPs to draw an MP's salary (plus expenses) for sitting back in opposition doing SFA while the Conservatives have been sweating blood dealing with Brexit AND the Pandemic? Labour were nowhere to be seen, except for the occasional negative comment on the six oclock news Very lazy, low grade shirkers most of them. They think its a sincure
  23. Without wanting to debase the debate into slagging off the usual French stereotypes. I just think this is the perfect illustration of why we voted to leave the EU
  24. Labour have absolutely no policies, they offer no plans or a vision for the future. What reason would anyone have to vote for them? Unless of course you are living rent free on benefits in which case they become the money tree.
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