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Posts posted by shawn9914

  1. hi LG


    i don;t think the stock has been altered but not 100% not since i have had it anyway. it is a nice gun but since i got my beretta i just don't use it so i thought i would sell it. i am in no rush as i cannot be bothered to advertise it else where.



  2. After the discussion we had about this last week I had a look at the site and found that Sporting Targets are one of the retailers so I went down on Sunday.


    I have been having real trouble shooting straight recently. I can never remember to close my left eye at the last minute and as a result I miss the target more often than not. I had a lesson at sporting targets a few months ago where the coach identified the problem I have of central vision and suggested the eye close thing or changing my left hand position on the gun. Neither have really worked, like I say, so I was interested to see what this bead was like.


    I spoke to the guy in sporting targets again as he is reluctant to sell these to you unless you will benefit from it. Anyway got it home and fitted it in about 2 minutes. I haven't been out with the gun since but just mounting it in the garden and closing my left eye afterwards I now find that the sight picture stays the same. If you don't have an eye domininance issue it probably sounds daft but it really does change what you are looking at if you close your left eye which means you weren't aiming correctly with both eyes open.


    Anyway I will let you know if I actually hit any more at the weekend but thanks very much for the link Pavman. :rolleyes:

    tenbears 10


    how did you get on with the bead, i am still waiting to hear your views



  3. all i have done is delete the cookies from the internet options from the tools menu as instructed to do by another forum i visit as i was having difficulty with staying logged in on that site.


    now the other site keeps me logged in but this one chucks me out each time (feels like the time i went home with my ears pierced and my mum threw me out :( :thumbs: ) then she let me back in but charged me an extra £10.00 board for each earing ;)


    cheers shawn

  4. as lurcherboy correctly states buy a gun sock, i was having the same problem so went out got a gun sock few cuts with the old scissors and bingo great fit. i also got a barrell sock whick is made of neoprine goes over the barrell only but not tried it yer but it looks great cost £4.00 from garlands


    cheers shawn

  5. Does this treatment need to be re-done in the future...? I heard that it was only good for 5-10 years......

    the doctor says it will last ages but she may need reading glasses i 15 - 20 years from now.


    still cheaper than god nows how many pairs of glasses over 15 years though


    it cost me £850 off ebay yes thats right off ebay should have been £1250


    cheers shawn

  6. Oh, and buy all the new guns etc c`amo and hang them on the wall before she takes the dressings off.

    Those? Oh they've been there for years, Your couldn't see them before :lol:

    quality nildes great minds think alike but then i thought better keeping what i have got than risk having it all put in the bin when i am at work one day :lol::lol::D


    she may have been a little blind but she is far from daft, thinking about it i don't know why she has had it done because she always seemed to know exactly what i was up to all the time i presume my days are numbered now she can also see what i am up to :lol:



  7. hi all


    one of my farms are ploughing a stubble field today ready to drill it with barley on monday. when do you think it will be ready to shoot once it has been drilled.


    cheers shawn


    ps please do not say when the birds are on the field :lol:

  8. hi all


    my wife has had laser eye surgery today, she has had the treatment where they do not cut the eye they scratch away the surface, or some thing like that.


    she is in bed now doped up to the EYE BALLS with sleeping tablets, she is in severe discomfort and has asked me to ask if any of you have had this treatment and how long will the bad pain last before it becomes tollerant.


    cheers shawn

  9. lol i never put it in the first time round thanks a lot anyway i go to a little farm near you just by fradley arms pub not very good nice fella though

    Thanks muckybear shawn9914 jumping the bloody gun again . :lol::lol::sly:



    sorry :*) :*) :*)

  10. hi i am looking to join nppc in the mean time while i am waiting does anybody know to any land or does any one need a shooting partner weekends??

    If you put in your location you might just get a reply when people know where you are from. :lol::lol:



    he has put his town and county what do you want his road and house number :sly:

  11. went out yesterday out for 7 hours and never fired a shot, never saw any birds on the rape and very very few in the sky, i have come to the decision i am going to put the shotgun away untill the spring drillings as i feel i am wasting my time.


    cheers shawn

  12. The worst part of this part of the year is the damm magpies waking me up in the morning.


    worst part for me is when the wife is cooing in my ear. time to get up. :D:/

    hi mark


    don't me to preach but why don't you click the quote symbol in the top right rather than typing the previous post (as above) just a thought :lol:


    cheers shawn

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