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shot shot

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Posts posted by shot shot

  1. vile toxic poison that only serves to give the worst hangover known to man, 2 days! two freakin days that hangover lasted!!


    cider, never again!


    (as a side note, it may have something to do with the additional half glass of vodka and half dozen beers on top of the innumerate ciders, but I blame the cider)

  2. gun fit would be my guess, I've used a coachs very expensive browning, which kicked the ***** out of me, had the same happen with a 20b beretta, yet with heavy loads out of others, I barely felt a thing (by comparison)


    I'd get some help, it's what I'll end up doing (when my ticket comes through)

  3. Ozzy,


    I would have to say you are the deluded one if you think there was only £1,000,000 paid in car insurance last year. Working in a call centre doesn't make you an expert I am afraid.


    He said for every million


    And as for 13% gross profit, I know a lot of businesses that work on less than that. And they are not industries that sell products that are COMPULSORY like car insurance.


    13% left after paying claims, not profit

    Insurance costs are a scam, and a legal one at that. I have got my insurance cheaper year after year with the same company by using a comparison site, this is after phoning them to see if they can do it cheaper. Last year I was actually on the site while I spoke and they still said they couldn't do it cheaper. Even though the meerkat could.

  4. When I came to getting insurance in January, I hit a bit of a brick wall, I had been involved in a major accident last october (not at fault, all parties hospitalised, bot vehicles total write offs, there was fire, etc. etc. ) and as such was receiving an average premium of 3.5k (as a named driver!!). I actually ended up getting by far the best quote from a local broker, down from the previous cheapest quote of 2800, to 800 for two persons (yes, that's right, 800). Of course, being so cheap for a new driver, there are a few strings attached. The policy doesn't cover commuting (to work/college), which is why the risks are so much the lesser. The vast majority of accidents with people still at school, occur on the commute


    I dread what they'll be looking next january :hmm:

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