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Posts posted by wymberley

  1. Unless I have tasked and paid this mob to deliver something for me, I have no agreement or contract - call it what you will - with them. Consequently, could anyone tell me what right they have to charge me £5 if one of their clients has sent me a package on which whoever posted it used counterfeit stamps. Apparently, they're working hard to stop this. If they've learned anything from the Post Office as is they make haste slowly they're on a nice little earner

  2. 10 minutes ago, old'un said:

    don't fallout with any of your family….

    Gwent Police said it had now extended use of the questionnaire to other family members, not just partners’

    Mission creep. There'll be some who don't see what the issue is.

  3. 5 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    I’d love to start beach fishing but don’t know what half the stuff being talked about above even means! 

    I know them for their mail order but am sure that they also have a shop. Pop into 'Veals' in Hengrove.

  4. Should you practice , remember that you're learning technique not distance so an appropriately weighted ball  secured to the end of your line (plus swivel) can save an awful lot of walking (unless you want to get fit as well) if practicing on grass in the wet seasons. Once you've learned how to send the hook (hopefully plus bait), line and sinker into the wild blue yonder the easiest thing you can then do is to cast beyond where the fish are feeding - location and species dependent.

    Tight lines. 

  5. 19 hours ago, Mice! said:

    I measured the bore on my Axsor and BSA mods the other day,  but I can't think if they were 7 or 8mm, BSA mod is off a .177, Axsor is a. 22

    The Allen key provided to swap over the restrictors  to suit the calibres - .177,. 22 and .25 was 8mm for the BSA thingy. 

  6. 14 hours ago, Westley said:

    It was quoted to me by a representative on the BASC stand at last years Game Fair. I had asked about my best course of action for using 'alternative ' shot through my 100 years old Westley Richards, which left the makers bored I/C & 3/4 chokes and with 2 1/2"  chambers. As I have all but given up game shooting now, it is irrelevant anyway. I shall simply use it for growing runner beans up  !

    2!st century version of, 'Rest on on your arms. Reverse'. :sad1:

  7. Don't know what BSA are doing with moderators. The mod on my granddaughter's R-10 .177 sub12 TH looks identical to what the one on my SE FAC .22 would have looked like if the previous owner hadn't damaged it. The RFD had one which appeared identical to those two. Bore-wise it looked as though it would handle .25 in addition to .177 and .22, but with no paperwork and some guesswork we decided it probably would not be a good bet performance-wise in the .25. Having forked out for the FX Crown with the heavy/slug barrel still to pay for, penny pinching for the Mod seemed a tad silly so got the DonnyFL Airgun Pro Size 25-30 Silencer for .22-.25.

  8. 16 hours ago, Parko42 said:

    Hi all

    I am just in the process of buying an FAC .22 FX impact for my longer shots, I am constantly pushed my sub 12 BSA CLX ultra out to 75yrd kills with my Arken Zulus scope on but I don't want to push any further, so I'm buying an FX, I expect to be shooting the FX at around 50 ft-lb to so I can get kill shots out to around 100yrds,

    Cheers parko

    Hi, and welcome to PW.

    I have just gone through a similar process - just not the Impact. What is it that you're currently shooting at the 75 yards?

  9. 49 minutes ago, Pyb said:

    How’s the accuracy at that fps? What speed do pellets start going transonic?

    Don't know to either point. I have only got as far as checking the velocity (twice!). As I got the rifle back in a couple of  hours, I'm quite pleased it was defective as it has now been professionally tuned to suit the individual rifle. I wouldn't mind a small wager that it's now a tad quicker than one simply 'off the shelf'. At c1000ft/sec my chrono under-reads by 28 ft'sec and I can live with that. I'm trying to act my age and have had enough of fiddling - I just wish the idiot who made a right mess of the BSA had been like minded. Fiddling is one thing and adjusting another. I have set the regulator at 145 bar, the hammer spring is at the top end. Consequently, any adjustments I may make will all be in the same direction and aimed at consistency, accuracy and keeping the air use to a minimum all with a satisfactory performance. Was a bit surprised to find that JSB 25.39 and also 33.95 grs together with the H&N 30.86 all came home within 1 .6 ftlbs.

  10. Nice one!

    It can be good - very good -  when it all goes right - in my case, sheer luck. Farmer on phone, come quick, two foxes in next field to the free range laying hens. Went straight up and got in the first field when a load of rooks got up from behind a hedge. That couldn't have been me so sneaked up to a gate and there's two foxes in the valley not too far out with other things than chicken on their mind at that moment. One dropped to shot and the other went into the hedge beside which whey were stood. The shot echoed back from the wood and it popped back out whereupon it joined its mate.

    Very good? A few months later another call from the farmer, "I need a word". Oh, gawd what have I done? "Both syndicates (me - they were quite small) have packed it in so I have put the rights on my tenancy as I don't want any more idiots wandering about and that's for you as you've earned it."

  11. Well, this original post was the voice of the prophet of doom. Things were looking good. I picked up my R-10 SE which had been in for repair and which the RFD had elected to send back to BSA for the work to be done. Running it over the chrono showed that it was exactly what I was hoping for. In all this has taken nigh on 2 years to get to this stage but this timescale has nothing to do with the current RFD who did exactly what he said he would. I was well chuffed so also put the brand spanking new Mk2 Crown which I'd picked up at the same time over the chrono and got 650 ft/sec. Eh? At this point one just has to ask, oldish chrono or duff new rifle although the BSA figure was what I was expecting. Either way Crown back to RFD. Within a couple of hours I was told that the hammer spring mechanism - what else, it just had to be? -  was to blame and had now been corrected and that it was now throwing a 25.39 JSB at 1007. So, all's well that ends well - at last.

  12. Internet sites are where folk can express opinions and PW is no different. Consequently, it is conceivable that the number of such can match the number of posters. Therefore, the best answer is to wait and see. One fact in our favour is that ammunition has a longish supply line which is often multi national. This means that allowances must be made to cater for existing contractual obligations from the miners to the cartridge retailers. This does give us, the end users, some wiggle room in which to make our decisions.

  13. Didn't know that you could still get it. As it now turns out that full fat milk is not all that bad after all, I may just get a jar. Just waiting for someone to tell me that dripping is OK to so I can put some on my fried bread.

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