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Posts posted by wymberley

  1. 5 hours ago, udderlyoffroad said:

    Your force my vary, of course.

    May doesn't come into it - it WILL. I have just emailed informing Devon and Cornwall of an action and have received a response which in real terms is nothing less than a warning. They strongly advise kicking off the renewal procedure immediately you receive the notification which will be 4 months before your certificate expires. This equates to between 17 and 18 weeks. MY simple variation has just taken between 21 and 22 weeks so there would appear to be no chance. They seem more obsessed with threatening the certificate holders with what could happen if they themselves fail to meet their own targets. Hopefully, if what I've been told is correct then things may improve after several visits from a nearby constabulary offering advice on how to do it. 

    There's a saying that if you treat anyone as though they were something you should not be surprised that they do actually become that thing.

  2. In a MTM case, a selection of Teague Browning/Miroku 20 Bore Invector DS chokes complete with lubricant and key. These were purchased new from Teague to suit a single trigger OU shotgun bought to overcome a hand problem due to arthritis which is now in remission and for which I have no further need. I have only fired 116 rounds with that gun which is now advertised for sale elsewhere. Consequently those which have been used have seen very little use and some have never been installed. 

    Selling as a single 'lot' and will not split. 

    £160 posted.




  3. 1 hour ago, udderlyoffroad said:

    Doubt anyone will care. Just write the date sold & the transfer ref number in pencil next to it. Life’s too short.

    As there's no difference with regard to the paperwork for 'selling' and 'giving' and I may just be going to do the latter, what is a "transfer ref number? I've never heard of this. MTIA.

  4. Oh, gawd, don't start.

    It's not the total figure that gets me but the increases asked for. All organisations bar one are asking for either 2 or 3 percent. For some unknown reason the totally useless P&CC needs some 4.9%

  5. 2 hours ago, old'un said:

    You too are more than likely correct,

    However, I can't for the life of me understand why this should be so when we have the - in alphabetical order - BASC, CA and  NGO. In the event that we should just happen to be correct, a large dollop needs to be kept back for the gentleman you mention who should then be seen to be receiving it.


  6. 12 hours ago, Salmo said:

    Are they still available anywhere 

    Hopefully, a very good cartridge.

    Try RUAG in Liskeard, Cornwasll on 01579 362319. Email is: info.uk@ammotec.com but their website says that they're having/have had trouble with this.

  7. This may well not be the latest news as I've not been paying too much attention - unless there's a truly miraculous increase in pigeon numbers locally, I have no need to buy any more cartridges. However, it is good to see the number of 6&1/2 shot loads which are available as opposed to previously. There's one glaring omission in the case of Express but suspect that may just be a printing error.

  8. 6 hours ago, Cornish lad said:

    but no thanks think I will just stick to heavy pellets 

    Good idea. I listened to what our more experienced guys were saying but tempered this with my personal marksmanship weak point together with the range at which I'll be shooting. Believing the guys who'd commented and especially after running the ballistics for the very slugs that Steve mentioned with a reasonable assessment of AA510 velocity, I was doubtful if those slugs would stabilise. At this point I got lucky and after a bequest from my late MiL I swapped the rifle make for another and upped the calibre.

  9. On the grounds that she couldn't be bothered to respond to my emails, our local P&CC - Alison Hernandez -  was never ever going to be of assistance which let's face it is her main raison d'etre. Fortunately, my local MP is cut from a different cloth and just 6 days after meeting with him the Firearms Licensing Dep't made several determined efforts to get hold of me - something they've never done in nigh on 40 years - I'd gone out for lunch - and the calibre error in the FAC which was sent - and returned - a month ago has been corrected and will be posted 1st class tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

    Well done, Simon Jupp and thank you.

  10. 14 hours ago, HantsRob said:

    To be fair, my thought was "......aaaaand?"

    What was discussed? What was the agenda? Was it a nice lunch and networking at the expense of a CC being away from a lot of work to have tea and cake, or was there a meeting around licencing and other factors that affect shooting?

    I did like the tagline about both sides wanting a system that's efficient and effective. My comment would be what was discussed to agree that it's not, and the pathway to get to that gold standard?
    I appreciate that's probably a question that won't be answered. But. It is obbiously not efficient and effective currently. 


    The HM Forces' term for such a meeting (tidied up for PW) is a 'cake and bottom party'. A glib comment would be that it's going to get worse before it gets better. Not altogether true - it needs splitting up -   the first phrase is undoubtably valid, but there's considerable doubt about the second. I, for one am not all that keen on this 'cosying up'. One PCC has wrapped one organisation's firearms licensing chappy around their little finger and as a consequence he has gone into print giving a totally misleading impression of the current state of play. The need for land approval regarding FAC grants has been in effect for decades. Could anyone explain to me why a constabulary would belatedly seek help from another of our organisations in training their staff to read a map?

  11. 4 minutes ago, discobob said:

    Go on - I dare you!!😂🤣😂

    It may be the case but in this day and age!! Who knows??

    I remember when I went back to demob at Catterick and saw recruits in trainers and was gobsmacked (1989) when it was sole slapped plimsolls or high leg boots (not thigh length though 😂) when I went through 4 years earlier. 

    mind you, in RAF basic it was trainers as well but what do you expect 🤣 I joined to get a trade 😀

    Can only answer for the Royal Marines, but back along c90s recruits were issued with boots prior to joining up. This because they'd grown up wearing trainers and on having to put themselves about strenuously wearing boots their bones not having hardened they were suffering green stick fractures.

  12. Typical, flippin' typical!

    From where I'm sat the article on Firearms Licensing in the current edition of 'Keeping The Balance' magazine just has to refer to a parallel universe as it simply can't refer to the one I'm from. Fortunately, it turns out that our local MP - a young chap who is not so easy to fool, is a bundle of energy, does exactly what he said he would do and in record time to boot.

    So what's the problem? 

    Well, they've changed the constituency boundaries and come the General Election we're going to lose him to what will be the one next door. 

  13. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    Personally - I am in favour of a poll type of tax where everyone pays their share.  But it didn't end well last time and there is no one in Government with the strength of Thatcher, so I don't believe it can happen.

    It didn't end well last time mainly because they got greedy and kicked the backside out of it.

  14. with my MP this morning. I was a bit concerned as sometimes complaining is not a good idea, but it was the right decision after all. The MP knew why it was I wanted to see him and his opening gambit was, "my father is having the same problem" which generated a degree of empathy. We're talking a delay in processing a simple variation here - 21 weeks and counting. We had an incident down here and it was easy to blame the situation on this. To my amazement, wrongly. Basically, if I understand correctly, it seems the one time very good department has been slowly falling apart which predates the incident and also Covid. It seemed to me that the number of changes being made didn't make sense in order to correct one deficiency. Now I understand why this is so as a major revamp seems to be in hand.

    Let's hope we can regain the previous status.

  15. 4 hours ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    Hello, thanks for posting Paul, i am sure many on here have happy memories of using what we now class as Vintage fishing tackle, the only reel i have in that class is one made in Weymouth, 

    Yep :good:

    When I started Father and I had cut down old split cane salmon rods for beachcasters, Irish linen as the reel line and could only afford the new fangled nylon in 5 yard lengths for traces. Things did improve and I still have my Hardy 2 to 4oz Longbow from '68

  16. 4 minutes ago, CaptC said:

    I bought a lot of rods, reels and end tackle from a deceased estate - 15' and 14' salmon rods included. Will dig out the small reel for a picture in five minutes


    4 minutes ago, CaptC said:

    That's mental! Has the same person had a clear out?

    Ah! Not a bad guess.

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