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Everything posted by BRYAN3

  1. Slug pellets are lethal to dogs. Horses may well ignore the shotgun report but,will panic at shot falling on or arround them. Showing any sign of weakness in dealing with horsey folk will leave you getting shafted as they tend to be the most selfish self-centred **** arround. Swap phone numbers suggesting that you may well see problems that you can report to them ie,horses being stolen,chased etc. Sometimes they get caught in fences or even cast and need help. Good luck with it. Bryan.
  2. Don't get rid of any fallen buildings as you may lose the option to barter them on a one to one basis for new planning.
  3. Hello Steve. Please may I have these and pay you with PayPal? Bryan.
  4. Yes please, pm on the way.
  5. The gerrys lost. But they seem to be winning now.
  6. The sunroof leaking is the only problem mine has'nt had. What I do get is condensation droplets on the plastic that drips onto the seats. This causes water marks on the seat covers mixed with dust and crud(work truck) looks like incontinence. Watch for odd wear patterns on front tyres indicating seized vcu. This shows as tread blocks forming sawtooth effect veiwed from side. Good luck.
  7. Mr Trigger. Could you please tel us more about the VCU. Cost and where from etc Bryan.
  8. He has the right surname for the way he creams off the state.
  9. BRYAN3

    optmate 3

    Yes please if still available. Bryan.
  10. I want to stay British as well but,every time I go into town it seems we have been taken over. Bryan.
  11. MOORS MAN. It might be worth checking out the vcu. If it is anything like FL1,they tend to seize-up causing transmission wind-up. Look at the front tyres and see if the treads are developing a saw tooth shape looking from the side. Mine went this way and I removed the whole propshaft.
  12. That chap with the pistol was holding in his right hand,but sighting with his left eye. Seems strange to me. Not saying its wrong as i'm not a pistol shot. What say you guys? Bryan.
  13. Hi Steve. You don,t appear to have claimed the dosh,just so yer know. ATB-Bryan.
  14. Hi Steve. Could I have this please? Bryan.
  15. I reckon he's dissilusioned her with men
  16. Hello William. We braised with vedgies and herbs but don't recall timings. Just cook untill tender. We sometimes added breast of coot or morehen if available. The meat is like pigeonxbeef. Bryan.
  17. Hello William. I found they are not that nice roasted and was told to just take the breast meat off and braise it. Now that was nice. Bryan.
  18. Rod received. I am very pleased. Thank you very much. Bryan.
  19. Hello Mate. Is it straight and good nick? If so and I can PayPal you £15.00 + 4% I would like to have it. Bryan.
  20. Knife received. I am very pleased with the knife and the way that the member handled the sale. Bryan.
  21. Hi. Anyone saying they have noisy tyres on a Freeloader 1 should check the VCU. They seize up and cause transmission wind-up. This makes the front tyres noisy. Look for the treads becoming saw tooth like. And bloody good luck,you will need it. Bryan.
  22. Sent u a cheque mate.
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