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Everything posted by dibbz2000

  1. Had to watch again.... is it so wrong to find that so funny!! Dibbster
  2. I'd love to go hunting coyotees in a place like that
  3. Harsh I know, but funniest thing ive seen for moths
  4. Sorry guys, but y'all gota see this one!! http://www.metacafe.com/watch/74013/look_what_you_have_done/ Soo funi Dibz
  5. dibbz2000


    Hi all, Im looking to take up ferreting but im missing the most vital parts, the ferrets. Anyone in the midwales area can sort me out would be great. Thanks Dibbz
  6. Cillit Bang Bang, And the dirt is gone
  7. Well Im hitting 6ft 5 so ill have no problem with the arm length bit
  8. I know a lot of people on this forum love the Air Arms, but could I ask for some honest reviews of both the guns Pro's and Con's. Ive just bumped my budget up to £750 for a new Air Rifle Kit (Thanks student loans company ) I love the look of the Sweet 16, but ive heard good reviews for the S410k. So any help would be much appreiciated as this would be an expensive wrong decision!! Dibbz ps any other suggestions appreciated!
  9. dibbz2000


    Im hopeing my father christmas is going to bring me an Ari Arms S410K, Logan Pump, Logan Lamp Kit, Harris Bypod, New Simmon Scope, and a lifetimes supply of Accupels.... Or Ill settle for new shotgun Oh well, guess im gunna have to break into my student loan Dibbz
  10. I noticed the 6 i shot last night were very fat... That weird?
  11. Im going to invest in a new air rifle in the new year, but im sure what to get yet, Ive heard good reviews of the airarms S410, but i need to know can it be filled with a pnematic pump, as I dont know where there any divers shops round here! I live in the sticks the nearest prob being 30+ miles away! I'm wanting the gun for vermin shooting, your average welsh farmland, Rabbits, corvids, rats, tree rats, etc etc Also anyone know of any good combos in which I can get the gun, pump, and any other accesories. (I already have a good scope) My budget is around the £500 mark Any help much appreciated!! Martin
  12. You sod, had the whole lecture room in stitches at me screaming like a girl
  13. Whats the british law on hares? Are they protected? Im not planning on shooting, dont worry! Im having an arguement with my tutor in front of the whole class, wanted to just check!! D
  14. Lo guys im finally 18 today, an dad had agreed to buy me a .222 rifle and a firearms and shotgun cert.s He's also gunna transfer his shotgun to my certif!!! Hell of a present (Oh and we finished the wheat harvert yesterday and the pigeons are'a flocking like nobodys buissness!!!! ) -Dibbz
  15. I can honestly say if that thing came running at me from a short distance, i would soil myself...... then shoot, if i had time!!!
  16. dibbz2000


    I don't suppose anyone in the mid-wales area knows of any ferret breeders? Ive been looking for weeks but with no joy... Dibbz
  17. For those who know or use a Frame Splitter, watch the 2nd video on that site, the video has been tampered with, you can see it about 1/2 a seconds before the second prarie is shot, not sure bout the others, but the second clip is deffinatly tampered with. (Ive been doing a AVCE & HND in computing the last 4 years, I know what im talking about, believe me!!!) Dibbz
  18. Great Stuff, Have to try that when I get home. Cheers Mate! D
  19. dibbz2000

    Smoke Rings

    Open lips into a small circle, open and close mouth kinda clicking your jaw at same time, dont breath thoug. Why the heck you wunna know that! d
  20. I cant remeber the last time I went out and saw 6 rabbits round here, let alone shot six. But here they are. I had two and a mate had four. Not a bad night! D
  21. I play on Poker Exchange, only been playin a few months & im getting pretty good!! ( I always get sidetracked by the bandits on william hill!) D
  22. I thought I told you not to read it! :thumbs: Was in the paper today, 57% of people more will look at the item, than if you would have put "Read this" instead! D
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