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Everything posted by dibbz2000

  1. Hi all. I have myself a logun lamp with battery all in mint condition only used a few times, selling as its not really what I was after and I do all my shooting in daylight anyway It was bought new only about a month ago for £70.. Open to offers around £60 (£5P&P) Mint Condition all in great order! Anybody here interested? I can take cash, cheqe or paypal!
  2. Yes my gaff is used as a wireless booster point by an independant supplier get it free to boot B) ps if i had a drive 600yrds long, i'd send the butler down with a rooter every time i wanted to go on the net. : pps under a bridge with trolls? nah goblins , orks, elves and dwarfs more like Tosspot, How do I go about getting the gen on one of those??
  3. bump! Any chance this time of year?
  4. Im 5KM from my exchange and I can get broadband at the end of my drive. Unfortunatly my drive is 600yards from my house... so no BB for me (Gutted, I waited for years for my exchange to be enabled) Its got BBMAX but still no joy, the line down my lane is too weak and they dont want to replace it... the blighters! D
  5. Hi all, Bit of a long shot, but are there any ferret breeders here looking to offload a couple of ferts (Jills & Hobs) Looking to get a few more as I ferret court has quadrupled in size and I have large warrens to takle! Cheers
  6. Went out on my first ferreting afternoon today, Set out about 12 to my first bury with my 2 Jills 9Who havnt worked yet!) A small bury 6 holes, netted up and set them down two holes! We waited about 4-5 mintues before a bunnie bolted straight into the net, then straight out of the net, but was taken down by my 12bore 30 yards later!! That was it for the first bury, the next was a big 19 holer along a hedgerow, didnt use the nets this time just shot. Set the ferts down 2 holes again, 20 seconds later a bolter appears, stands then shoots up into the hedge and down another hole. We had a few do this I didnt want to shoot incase my girls were behind somwhere! But eventually 4 tried to make a break down the field, had all of them! The last bury had 6 holes which again I didnt net as they were in the field. Set the ferts down. Took a few minutes before 1 bunnie appeared at a hole with my biggest jill latched onto its backside! Necked that, then put her down again, only to be followed by a long squeek....... No sign 10 minutes later managed to get my arm down deep enough to drag her out!! Left then again, whilst we still had 2 ferts!! Sorry got no piccys but im going again 2morrow morning so ill take afew then!!
  7. Im in Welshpool, Let me know if somthing is organised, Id love to meet up!
  8. Excellent, bought the .22 pack, cant wait to try them out!
  9. I guess your right, just my gun doesnt like the H points at all! Its been grouping the accupels well before the RWS. Can you get pellet tester pack from anywhere so I can try a few brands though my Webley & BSA?
  10. Anyone use the RWS S H Point .22 pellets? They came highly reccommended by a friend so I bought a few tins and have tried them on squirrels and rats, they are worst pellets ive ever used! I dont know what my mate was raving on about, but my hit/kill ratio has dropped hugely because of these damn things! Back to the shop to get some more accupels me thinks! Ive been using them in a webley raider 10, anyone else got experiences with them?
  11. There deffo rats, wires were chewed and little bits of fluff and dog buiscuits were found under the bonnet! Poisens not really an option as we have so many dogs running about. So gunna try some penut butter in one, and bacon in the other. Let ya know the outcome!!
  12. Hi all, Ive just bought a couple of live rat traps as the little bu**ers are comin into our garage from the yard and going up into my mums new mini and chewing the wires (already muched thorugh the brake pad inicator wire!) But im not sure what to bait them with, ive heard about penut butter, but I tried that over the summer with the airgun without much success! Any help appreciated!
  13. Hahahaha, Nice one, sounds a nice week!
  14. Ill take one tonight an put it on, see wt you think!
  15. I was out with the ferts on Sat, saw flocks flying over with numbers ive never seen in my life, sky was almost black with them. You see the odd flock of 20 or so now and again round here, but these were 500+ at least!!
  16. Hi all, Ive had my 2 new Jills now for about 3 months and theyve both been fine on a constant supply of ferret biscuits with fresh water readily availible, an egg once a week, and the odd rabbit or pigeon when ive had a good night with the shotty!! But in the past 2 weeks or so, my smallest jill Ting has stayed about the same ( a small jill, but a good strong build) but my biggest jill Tong has gone, how can I put it... Festivly plump!! (Bit early I know!) I know she likes her food, but Ting is still the same as she's always been. They both went out on there first couple of warrens last weekend (and bolted 3 down there first hole ) But im not sure what to do with fatty. They have ample space in there court (enough for about 6-7 ferrets) with ramps and tunnels etc so there gettin enough excercise. Should I sperate for a while and cut down Tongs food, or give them both less? Or is it just a "Winter Supply"!! Any help appreciated!! Dibbz
  17. Sounds good A mate of mines rabbit recently died and he's got a huge hutch which he's kindly given me, so im gunna put some piping from my current hutch which is 7ft long into this new one so they can go back and forth at thier leisure. 3 stories high and 7ft long for 2 ferrets! Cant be bad!
  18. My local's having some quiz night and promotions on Strongbow or somthing like that, so will be spending the evening there!!
  19. dibbz2000


    Goin 2 Blackpool tomorrow for a jolly boys outing, just wondering has anyone been in the paseje del terror attraction just outisde the pleasure beach? Went in ther lsat year and can honestly say ive never been so **** scared in all my life :look: It really is that bad, debating wether my heart will stand it this year lol! D
  20. Its not worth the £20 cos as soon as I access it I have 10-20 hours before admin BLACKLIST IT :look: I was on one I found this morning http://www.giantsurf.com/ 3 flippin hours later..... C o l e g P o w y s Access Denied You have tried to access the Web page: http://www.domainsplaza.com/ Which has been blocked because : Blocked Spyware File Extension - dll Computer Services Management have deemed that access to this Web page is inappropriate at this time. If you feel this is incorrect please contact Computer Services at: cachemaster@coleg-powys.ac.uk and state the following: Name: MIS Course Code: Tutor: Website address: Reason for access: Thank you! Please Note: If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours this indicates that your request has been rejected. GRRRR
  21. Wish id read this post before I bought the logun lamp lol. Its not that back tho for bunnies and rats! :look:
  22. Anyone here know of any proxy servers without the word "Proxy" in the metatag? Ive been thorugh loads but the admins here at college are blacklisting them as fast as I can find them!! Dibbz :look: (P.S) Proxy servers are web sites that have an internal browser, so that you can bypass blacklists put in place by Rtards sat in the tecchies office wherever you work/play!!!
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