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old man

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Everything posted by old man

  1. Personally i really don't care as long as they cut the ties and funding from the public purse. I also think that the wilds and freedoms of Canada are a whole lot more attractive than here. Which ones of us wouldn't scoot given the chance?
  2. The list needs a serious modern reduction anyway?
  3. old man

    Pellet prices

    A dealer I know doesn't stock AA anymore. He said at his last attempt to order his supplier would not sell less than 50 tins.
  4. Nothing indecent about it, Happened since cave plebs tumbled around in the dark looking for a meal? Ethics, indeed?
  5. Far too scared to comment here.
  6. old man


    Can't quite imagine that it's just as easy as getting the screwdriver out?
  7. Agreed ditchy and the answer? Into oblivion but sadly with benefits? Totally un-electable but they don't care. Theirs, the only job where you can be totally useless with a good salary and virtually unlimited expenses? Where is good old common sense?
  8. Mine too, no social media unbalancing the world?
  9. old man


    Norfolkstan could be a fair substitute? 😀
  10. The last one I went to was dire. Traffic jams on way in. Car park as far away from hall as possible. Ticket access a joke, having to queue twice. So crushed inside that couldn't look at any stands properly. Won't bother again.
  11. Far too much common sense here, forgetting for a moment the proven benefit for wildlife, consider the hard facts that what has been burned in a controlled way can't rage out of control in one go causing devastation? It's probable that Australia may be experiencing the same fiery situation cause by the lack of controlled burning by their first nations? As for C, Packham, I am of the personal opinion that it suits the overall BBC agenda to continue to foster his employment and views as the Corporation has been allowed to assume the seemingly unregulated position of agony aunt and educator to the masses? Some of the direction expressed and promoted as of late under the guise of education I find astounding.
  12. Well, I for one don't understand, just gets weirder?
  13. Thanks Ditchy, I had lost track with all of the excitement over veggies. I never dreamed that veggies would be able to make Law, to peel and slice will be an offence as the kitchen may become designated a Public Place? I am tempter to ponder what our founding fathers would think of this progress? Can someone please explain to this old thing how a single ruling by an employment tribunal can affect Law? ?
  14. Easy? Our politicos will have given themselves a big pay rise? Given away more of our essential infrastructure to their mates at basement prices? Further diminished our position on the world stage? Given more away to the climate change loons? Have informed us it's all in the name of progress?
  15. The wait for intervention could be considerable?
  16. old man


    No one inferred you had to be anything other than polite but IMHO the wrong thing to do for your own protection.
  17. Where's Kevin when you need him?
  18. old man


    Seriously you need to bone up on how to deal with them.
  19. Have found all other days information but not this one? A link please anyone?
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