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old man

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Everything posted by old man

  1. Sadly, that does not seem to exclude them but is an essential qualification?
  2. Have had 5 a day on a few occasions for some reason then the odd totally blank day. No discernible differences in reasons yet? Am logging times now but too early for any clues.
  3. 2019 totals to date. Thanks to Steve for the opportunities. Maybe learning more about them as time goes on. Jan... 6 down. 928 Feb... 5 down 933 Mar... 7 down 940 April... 36 down 976 May... 17 down 993
  4. Just love it, better than Fred Karno's circus, so many buffoons?
  5. old man


    Is Sarah on lease?
  6. From the mess created it could maybe be assumed that they never leave the pub? 😀
  7. All wild birds are protected, perhaps wait for solid legal clarification form one of our organisations?
  8. Shooting Times should know better IMHO, How could you justify something which has not been quantified?
  9. My first thought too.
  10. old man

    sea level map

    Maybe only after the strong have plundered it?
  11. Mm, some police chiefs seem to use the Home Office Guidance to stand their cups on with seemingly no guidance from the issuing authority so who really knows until the collar is felt? 🙃
  12. Yep, my thoughts with you and your family. Life a bit of a challenge sometimes.
  13. Perhaps the general principal of this is to allow free reign to people who have attitudes of wanting to interfere in other lives for whatever reason? Seems to me a main thrust theses days sponsored by social media, maybe stemming from a deep seated puritanical streak sponsored by being an island race?.................ow zat?.......😀
  14. old man

    The War

    Agreed definitely Mick. However the current scenario for most things important seem to be "move on, that was then!" important events buried, populace calmed, where's the next £?
  15. That's what I know it as bud, may have other names and uses?
  16. Good point, my thought too. In addition if individual licences are tied to locations they have the starting basis to compile another database?
  17. Without being too dismissive, trust has to be earned? Age has educated me to the point of view that most couldn't be trusted to find their own rear ends if not attached. Goldfish seemingly have more intelligence, attention span and intention to carry out their duty? Once the odour from the trough permeates all is lost except their relentless pursuit of expenses. With the exception of Dennis Skinner and a few others.
  18. Did not Packham et al, not isolate themselves legally in case the challenge went awry?
  19. We can certainly agree on that. Many more should be put before the courts for testing.
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