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old man

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Everything posted by old man

  1. Maybe John Major and all of his mates first, for getting us into the murky world of 'closer political union'?
  2. This was Birmingham. Underground water levels boosted as local brewers went out of business?
  3. This was being trialled years ago. The water company had a very deep bore hole which always produced, the water was pumped into an adjacent steam through a series of lakes to end up somewhere else. Water will probably be the limiting factor?
  4. old man

    Repair shop

    I salute him Shaun a very brave man. Be proud!
  5. Years ago on a sloping suburban street i watched a pair of crows decimate what looked like a recent hatch of 5/6 starlings. Systematically working downhill disabling their prey by maiming each one in turn to stop escape then returning to mop them up. Very efficient.
  6. Soon the safest place will be inside the prison?
  7. Mm, a lottery to find winners to paddle through human excrement? 😕
  8. Who would ensure the EU does not abuse rights, the European army?
  9. Packham spying on ya?
  10. The programme should maybe carry a health warning? All that hand waving and carp attempts at making jokes? ? ?🙄
  11. Mm, potentially needing a very big room. 😀
  12. Will have no effect at all, global sales win the day. Filming usually brilliant though. Shame about the biased and distorted comments. I saw a commercial channel offering the other week which was just as good. My own very personal opinion is that along with the EU the BBC should go too.
  13. You may need Specsavers Sir, although in the name of fairness and competition other prescribers are available to help with your problem. 😯
  14. My own experience too. Small claims court worked a treat.
  15. Bit of a spat with e-bay themselves and a supplier over a spare AA200 mag from Czech Republic. Made from some resin and doesn't index. Raised a return, supplier overshot the timescale and couldn't process return label. E-bay called in to resolve, no resolution but E-bay sent a survey asking how well they had resolved the problem? 😃
  16. Good man, that's the way to do it!
  17. Seemingly just the actions of a very average MP? Hopefully once and for all the electorate see them for what they really are? Possibly not that difficult to produce and deliver on a truthful manifesto?
  18. Mm, April 2017 and no resolution, seems the law may not apply to the Met?
  19. How/why Met police able to get away with giving out licence holders details to the Smartwater company then, supposedly on the basis that if said product was bought security would be increased?
  20. Oh, I don't know and neither will she?
  21. I thought that too and switched off. Just one step too far.
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