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Everything posted by Malc

  1. I'd really like to roost shoot in January but it's an absolute no, no on the estates I go to. Never mind, I'll be out 4th,5th,11th&12th of February. Hopefully there will be a bit of wind still around!
  2. I go for a browse at York Guns quite often..... They have a nice new, modern shop, high security, plenty of staff, good stock, but.....IMO, the prices are generally steep.
  3. Malc

    private sales

    You would be well advised to use recorded delivery for this purpose!
  4. Yes, it was same up here, very, very good turnout, both mounted and foot/car/quad followers.
  5. My way's slightly different too. As an apprentice butcher, many moons ago, I was taught to skin rabbits brought to the shop by local keepers. Sometimes skinning 2-300 at a time, I would use a large meat cleaver for the job. The routine went like this: Chop feet off. Cut tail bone. Pull socks off. Peel skin up to the neck. Chop head off. Split groin and clean. Done. This takes about 10 seconds unless you encounter a broken leg bone when pulling the socks off, which can be very painful!
  6. Which manufacturer is best for these radios? Which model even? I'm thinking of buying some but I wonder if they would be effective over the very large areas we shoot, are claims of 3km range are true, etc?
  7. Hi Wookie, try EBAY. Use the search - camo* fabric or goretex - there is loads of American patterns on there.
  8. My wife drives a Sportrak. It's fully loaded with gadgets. She loves it and it did get us out of some real sticky situations on the moors last winter........But I prefer Landrovers.
  9. Robdobie, can you post any photos of your Disco on here, and a bit more detail on the spec? I might just be tempted! Malc.
  10. Malc

    Guard dogs.

    Sounds like a smashin' job Sam. As regards Guard Dogs I can speak with some experience as, some years ago, I was involved with dogs for many years in the military police. I found Alsation/GSD to be the best all round breed by far. But, as an alternative, have a look at Curly Coated Retrievers. They are the traditional Gamekeepers guard dog and will double up as a gundog too. I would advise extreme caution when using dogs for guard/security/personal protection..... Depending what you want the dog to do if you encounter an intruder/thief. It's easy to fall foul of the law.
  11. Hi, there is a BASC affiliated club in Banbury. Contact BASC for details of that one or any others in the region. There are many little known clubs throughout the country.
  12. Not harvesting wheat around my farms yet. In fact I had a brilliant afternoons shooting on some very green laid wheat last week.
  13. Swathing of rape started up here yesterday, although a lot was sprayed last week. No sign of cereals being harvested yet.
  14. Clover and spring rape are attracting the birds up here at the moment.
  15. Malc who? Anyway, sorry HH, no drawing but have a look at the BBC website. The flocking is shocking (pink that is) but I'm sure you can use your imagination! I'll try to make one, but don't hold your breath anyone, it's way down on the list of projects at the moment.
  16. The other day I was subjected to the torture of watching a TV programme called "Changing Rooms". Remarkably there was something of interest on it, flock coating technique. A very basic hand held device which looked like 18inch of broom handle with a plastic coffee cup on the end was used to run a positive charge through the flock particles placed in the coffee cup. The target item was glue coated and earthed. The flock partiucles were obviously then attracted to the target item and stuck to it. That's it! No mystery.
  17. I got into Selby for a fiver, and enjoyed every minute of it!
  18. Cranfield, my only experience of alternatives is steel shot. Even using heavier loads and larger than normal shot size it is very poor. I would go so far as to say that it is cruel to use steel as "in my experience" it produces more runners and pricked flyers than I find acceptable.
  19. I'll be at the Selby game Fair this Sunday (+ kids, wife, etc,etc). If anyone is going you will easily recognise me.... I'll be the mardy looking one who has just been robbed by his family, as usual. :<
  20. Sorry for the delay Elma, I've been away to Fife on a jolly. OK, The Original Pigeon Watch Vulcan Death Grip. Take hold of the bird with both hands. Birds head up, its breast away from you and its back towards you. Run your thumb down the birds spine until you feel a small notch. Press firmly and sharply on the notch. The end.
  21. Somebody mentioned a tin of spaghetti in tomato sauce emptied on the ground brings 'em in! D'ont know if it's true.
  22. Cranfield, the technique described by Elma is not the one which I described some months ago. I'm sure it works just as well, but just to save your confusion I thought I'd better point out that it is a different technique.
  23. Gamebore Clear Pigeon with 6 shot for me too.
  24. I have shot numerous woodcock over the years and find No6 shot effective and consistent. The only time I ever used a smaller shot size is for snipe and for these I use 71/2 shot.
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