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Everything posted by TomV

  1. What do you use the second one for?
  2. I know there is now, when I looked yesterday, the pictures didn't show, must of been an error!
  3. TomV


    If you were a bit closer, I would of taken one! Im looking to get another one!!
  4. might be interested, any pics?
  5. This was taken a while ago, it was my first time out with that gun
  6. Never seen a wild black rabbit before
  7. welcome from a fellow leeds lad
  8. where abouts did you shoot it?
  9. Think I have a gun very similar to yours
  10. Whats your method of getting them to come up so shiny?
  11. Well done - nice to see a snipe for a change
  12. This is what I thought they might be, however, the most humane way to dispatch a rabbit is to break its neck? not knock it over the head?
  13. What are the 'priests' you are referring to made for?
  14. Well done bet your chuffed with your new permission
  15. TomV


    I must say both ferrets seem to be a lot calmer now, neither have bitten once all weekend! As recommended by various people, I've handled them each day and I think one of the best things you can do is not to hesitate when picking them up and let them smell your hand first! Im hoping to take the eldest one out rabbiting next weekend!
  16. Went on sat, thought it was the best show I've been to this year (6 in total)! Picked up a few bargains Will be going next year!
  17. TomV


    Thanks lads for your replies! I bought a litter tray for them to do their business in so it can be cleaned out easily. However, the little ******* keep moving the tray and I suspect they are reverting to goin to the toilet in the corner of the hutch again! any ideas?
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