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Mr Majyk

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Everything posted by Mr Majyk

  1. Im thinking about getting some kind of vehicle to use on my permissions, my biggest is 440 acres so my feet get a little sore covering that much ground im thinking a small quiet quad would be best. i use a fiat scudo van for my work so im guessing a quad would fit in the back without to much hassle? doesnt need to be taxed or road legal as i wont ever use it on the road, mainly just want to mount a rifle rest on the front and a box on the back for shot bunnys etc. out of curiosity how much roughly would it cost tax insure if anyone knows? cheers all!
  2. the only thing i dislike is the length of time for the second shot. i wouldnt have bothered setting up the camera! i know its "only" a fox but still you drop it as fast as possible! as for the fact that he's using a .22lr thats not a huge problem, ive seen foxes run a hundred after being shot, i personally put a .223 through a foxes HEART and he still managed to run a fair way before falling and not getting up. provided its inclose with good shot placement, should do the trick properly. and at 35yds how the hell did he not put it down in one!
  3. Whats been illegal? calling in crows? or something else?
  4. I'll give it a go. though part of me hates paying for an ap! if it aint free i usually pass it by! but on your recommendation i'll give it a whirl.
  5. can i get some advice on calling in foxes, ive got a tenterfield fox whistle (one of those folded steel jobbies) and ive tried the making the squeeking call with my hand with not much luck! got foxes lurking round my landowners buildings snapping at anything they can get there jaws on! i want to call them out from the buildings and introduce them to the wrong end of my 12 bore and some AAA cartridges, or one of my rifles. does anyone know of an idiot proof cheap fox call? ideally something which can be used with one hand so i can keep my other hand on gun/rifle. ive got NV on my rifle so dont need to worry bout them being lamp shy.
  6. Well done! i still remember my first fox like i shot it yesturday!!! what range did you nail him at?
  7. well done there! i do the same round my business park where my workshop is for my landlord! he loves having a free pest control service!
  8. field sports britain, providing helpful information like usual. the advice on gaining permissions is in the middle-ish of the video. Ive used the same set of rules myself for the last year and its got me over 750 acres to play on so far, farmers know and trust me so well theyre happy when i ring up to ask if i can come out for a shoot! mainly because i always ask if anything has been causing trouble lately i.e. crows pigeons foxes etc.
  9. I understand that just adding baffles will do diddly squat, like you say they have to work together, i was thinking about making a steel blast deflector but i dismantled the current moderator to see if i could add anything and after having a look theres no way to add anything to improve it its a one piece sak mod so no way to improve it unfortunately. but im still fascinated with how moderators work and how to improve them, would love to experiment (hence why i was asking if it was legal itd be nice to do it but i dont want to accidentally break the law etc) i think this idea, which seemed good at the time, has been well and truly scuppered!
  10. one of those occasions you've done the animal a favour!
  11. Hello all, just wondering if anyone knows the legality around "modifying" a moderator i.e. adding baffles? im guessing its probably a grey area, not illegal but not really approved of? we modify our rifles, trigger weights, barrel length etc so are we allowed to modify the baffles in our moderators in an attempt to try and make them more affective? i ask because of my .17hmr, i know i cant moderate the sound of the actual bullet moving through the air but i can moderate the muzzle so would like to get it as quiet as possible i bought it with a "non calibre specific" moderator from my RFD which keeps it a little quieter and i thought maybe i could add baffles to try and reduce the muzzle crack further? so in short does anyone know if id be able to do this and would it be with in the law? which obviously is pretty damn important as i do enjoy having a fire arms licence and would like to keep it!
  12. thanks for the feed back and compliment, nice to hear other people like it as well. Im going to be making more in the future, im currently eyeing up my CZ455 .17hmr and thinking about making a stock for that using all the knowledge i gained form making this one. by knowledge i mean a flippin' big list of what NOT to do
  13. I thought that moving the owl decoy around every week or so may stop or slow down them sussing out its a fake?
  14. "finished" my first custom stock! taken me a while to make it but im happy with it as my first attempt. what do you all think? its pillar bedded and when ive got the spare cash im going to buy the stuff to glass float the barrel. the rifle is my much loved and fantastic bunny smacking Anschutz 1451 .22lr And i will openly admit there were a few mistakes but its all part of the learning curve right? its english walnut with rosewood for-end and caps. Was very happy with my timber selection to get that curved grain following the line of the cheek rest.
  15. hey all, ive got a problem with the corvids on one of my permissions. the little blighters keep causing damage to a converted barn which my landowner lets for holidays to make some extra income. waking guests up in the early morning pecking on the windows, pulling sealant out from round the windows AND NOW theyve managed to dislodge some roof tiles and get into the flipping roof! im going out with the doecoys this saturday but i cant be there all the time so i suggested to my landowner that he get a "fake bird of prey" ive seen fake owls used to keep away pigeons with good success but im wondering if theres anything which will work well with corvids? i know there smart little feathered foes but will this work at all?
  16. well, i dont think i looked at the shotgun at all. what did she say it was?
  17. hahahahaha! having a pre nap snack! doubt he's woken up yet though.
  18. only problem with having the paralex at the front is it feels half a mile away when ive got the rifle shouldered and i need to adjust the focus!
  19. Hi all! Im looking for my perfect scope to go on top of my anschutz 1451 .22lr to be used with my pulsar challenger add on kit. ideally id like to find a scope with a big tube and lens and low magnification 4X or lower with a mildot reticule and side focus for ease of adjustment. illuminated reticule would be nice but not essential. can any recommend one? ive got a richter optik 3-9X50 on it at the moment which is doing ok for the moment but i find at times im just aiming at a glowing dot for a target which isnt ideal to say the least, i can adjust the focus on the challenger to confirm im aiming at a rabbit and not something else but i cant see the cross hairs so have to adjust the focus back to see the crosshairs! a bit frustrating!
  20. Hi all! thought id just drop in an update. Finally bought one of the recommended N1000 IR illuminator and by sweet mother of trajectory its good!!! spotting rabbits at 100 with ease, the fact that i can change the focus is bloody brilliant! ive done a bit of scope swapping so i can use it on both my .22lr and .17hmr and i love it! but the rabbits hate it! well, the rabbits would hate it if they knew what the hell was happening! on the first night i nailed three outside a warren in a row! the third ran but made the mistake of stopping just outside the warren, plink, job jobbed! cheers for the advice guys and especially to happyshooter for the prompt to buy it!
  21. straight forward question here gents, how does eye positioning to your scope affect you point of impact if at all? I ask because i was out rabbiting last night with .17hmr and id tweaked the zero at 100yds and it was grouping nicely in the right place resting on a bipod on the bonnet of the land rover. we were on a new permission and found a bank which had been turned into swiss cheese by bunnies so we pitched up fifty yards from the bank put the kettle on and waited for the bunnies to show up for the party. and the bunnies did turn up in very healthy numbers. one problem, almost every shot i fired missed! im not a champion shot but i can easily make a sub-inch group at 100 with my .17 I dont think id knocked my scope at any point, my shooting partner thoguht it might be my eye position to my scope? any thoughts?
  22. Where did i hit it: the shot entered in through the centre of the chest i.e. the front, just at the base of the neck. after skinning i opened him up properly to inspect the interior damage, the CCI hollow point looked to achieve maximum expansion right in the heart and lungs, put simply the shot was perfectly placed and very effective. I wouldnt consider the HMR a full foxing calibre. if i was going for a dedicated foxing night id take a .223 but my HMR was what i had to hand when my first fox turned up in the wrong place at the wrong time. I do alot of target shooting as well and i wouldnt have squeezed the trigger if i wasn't confident of a solid hit i would have let charlie slink of into the night. and thanks to all for the congrats!
  23. O and im guessing i could buy a fluted barrel then have it "sent of" and a duracoat finish applied to it?
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