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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. Then, hopefully, you did cast your vote.? I didn't vote for CP
  2. For a cultural old buildings non beach holiday in Portugal try three days in Lisbon the train to university town of Coimbra (overnight) then pm train to Porto three days.
  3. Bobba


    Absolutely. The whole purpose of a rant. Thank you for your concern.
  4. Bobba


    Increasingly I find myself getting irritated at the sight of Ivy engulfing trees and hedges. As I look out of the window at a nearby allotment there are trees so covered in Ivy that only a few branches protrude at the top of the tree and what were once small bushes are now just green blobs of Ivy. Gone are the variety of shapes and form as Mother Nature intended. They are defaced into mis-shapen eyesores. I wonder too whether over time Ivy will choke to death the host tree. Some folk may argue that it is beneficial in that ivy provides wild life with both habitat and food (berries). But over time at what cost? How long before the city and countryside becomes an amorphous mass of dark green blobs. Perhaps it should become one of Mr Gove's green subsidy requirements the landowners (both public and private) take steps to eradicate Ivy? Rant over.
  5. Bobba


    When compared to previous series I thought the story line in this opening episode was weak. Let's hope the next episode is better.
  6. Cost / price invariably depends on the type of test. For a diving cylinder a hydrostatic test is required every 5 years from date of manufacture and by the very nature of the test it is more expensive than the visual test which is required half way through these 5 year periods. If the cylinder is a Surface Use Only cylinder then only the 5 year test is required. If the cylinder has a pillar valve capable of supporting diving use then test stations must regard them as diving cylinders and explaining to them that it's only used for airguns or writing "surface use only" on the cylinder cuts no ice. One way of overcoming this issue is to replace the pillar valve with one used for surface use only. There is a cost but it saves the Visual Test costs. If people go down this route they should keep the original pillar valve in case they wish to sell on the cylinder at a later date.
  7. Bobba


    Same as Teneriffe - a bit like Gods' waiting room !!
  8. There's a pinned / locked topic above with suggestions on setting decoy patterns.
  9. Same with some newspapers e.g the Sun, the Daily Mirror, the Daily Sport, and the Daily Star
  10. Bobba

    Ten Tors - boots

    Many thanks one and all. Gaiters and socks ( been looking at SealSkinz waterproof socks) are added to the list. Moor Man. Thanks for invite. May well pm when requirements clarify. Bob.
  11. I will be funding my grandsons boots. There will be plenty of good advice from local supplier but wondered whether any PW member had practical Ten Tor experience? Thanks.
  12. Here's a bit of an old wives tale which can be relevant the the chap is superstitious. In folklore it was believed that giving a knife as a gift would cut the ties of friendship. A way of overcoming the problem was to put a coin (a penny) in the gift box and the receiver gives the penny back to the donor thus in effect buying the knife and overcoming the bad luck. A bit of old tosh but, perhaps, a good talking point over Xmas dinner.
  13. Agreed. Which is why I placed a drop lock on each side of the door to (try) and prevent the corners being peeled up.
  14. Bobba


    Gave up smoking in 1985 - both cigarettes and cigars. These days I really dislike the smell of cigarette smoke but the smell of a good cigar is something completely different. When one wafts my way it's like the "Aaaah Bisto" advert. But I daren't succumb as they say once a smoker always a smoker. So enjoy. signed........... Green with envy.
  15. True. Some time back tealeaves accessed my garage with the shovel method. I fitted two drop bolts, one each side of the door, which key into the concrete hard standing. Each padlocked with same-key locks.
  16. Maybe. But would you be happy in Befast in a unified Ireland?
  17. More likely septuagenarians. Doris Day
  18. The don't tell the other half or she'll sit there with the door open!,
  19. Scully, as the in-laws next door have high speed connected are you not able with their permission to piggy back on their system with their password if it shows on your settings WiFi search ?
  20. Lloyd Happy to recommend The Bristol Carpet Manufacturing Co, Chapel Lane, Bristol. Worth a visit. Massive warehouse and wide selection both in quality and cost. Having had a loft conversion they did the loft (23 ft X 12ft), stairs thereto, and two bedrooms. Even happy to relay existing hall carpet and stairs which we took up during conversion work. More than happy. Bob
  21. My normal wear for glasses is bi-focul. They are quite narrow lenses. When shooting I found I had got into the habit of looking over the rim of the glasses at the target before looking through the glasses to take the shot. This caused many misses. Went to Specsavers and bought a really cheap pair of very large frames fitted with my prescription lenses and then tinted yellow (2 coats of tint). The result is much greater clarity and their size prevents me looking over the rims. I'm still having my (reduced) share of misses but at least I can't blame the glasses !!
  22. Bobba


    I was with the Midland. It was taken over by HSBC and I stayed. Our mortgage was with them. No problems. My main reason for staying is thar they're worldwide. I am fortunate enough to have travelled quite extensively over the years and still do. HSBC is available in most countries and in Capital Cities and they have been helpful to me in Vancouver, New York and Singapore. You will not find a Lloyd's, Halifax, Santander, or NatWest abroad when you need them.
  23. Are there any successful ways of calling in squirrels? There's a strip of woods where I shoot and I thought I might look for any squirrels. I've read somewhere about tapping two coins together. I also see the yanks produce a squirrel caller - looks a bit like a crow caller. Or is it all a load of old hooey and down to good old stalking. thanks.
  24. Rich man leaving golf club. Tramp bangs on car window " lend us a quid for a cuppa, gov" Rich man replies "Never a borrower nor a lender be - Shakespeare" and attempts to drive off. Tramp replies "**** - D H Lawrence"
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