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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. Essex gun shop at Romford is not too far from you they have a good stock and appear to do try before you buy. Look them up on Guntrader Uk. I have no vested interest in them only but to say I was that way last year, popped in and was quite impressed.
  2. I am in the Avon & Somerset area. For a 3 month period 6 years ago it was necessary to store my shotgun with my farming friend. The then A&S requirement was to note both SGCs as "Stored". From the above posts it seems that this is still their approach. It solves the problem.
  3. +1. Just did it out of curiosity and there's 2 possibilities in Norwich and two nearby.
  4. I have two 20 bores. The first, a Miroku Mk 60 was multi choked and fitted by Nigel Teague. Some years later after a minor windfall I bought a Beretta SP 20 bore. The fit was different so I took both to Nigel Teague who matched the pair. The balance between the two is marginally different and my favourite remains the Miroku. So, I am not worried if one ever needs to go away for repair work as was recently the case -I damaged the chequering on the Miroku - as I have an almost identical gun to fall back on.
  5. Was visiting the brother-in-law in Corfu at Easter. The friendly Taverna owner (a farmer and shooter) and I were discussing this very issue. He said it was irrelevant what came out of the Commision. In his view Greek and in particular Corfu people would go on using lead and the police wouldn't do any checks because they shoot too. If manufacturers were forced to produce only non lead carts he would uncrimp them and reload with lead shot. Sort of confirms my suspicions of certain Mediteranean countries that ignore the EU, particularly on fish size and quotas
  6. Hi Brian,Your floaters are still working well after all this time. Like you, the old arfur itis is taking it's toll. My Mk 60 Miroku 20 bore is a dream in such circumstances and I wouldn't part with it. I've had the nice Mr Teague fit the Beretta SP 20 bore exactly to the Miroku fit. But whether walking the fields or sat in a hide the 20 bore suites me better than a 12 bore. As you say - personal circumstances. Regards Bob.
  7. Agreed. Unless someone has experience of both then comparisons are hard to find. I got mine fro UK shootwarehouse. It's spun trouble free for over 5 yrs. and you get a discount!
  8. Envious. Where are you? None in terms of decent numbers my way north of Bristol.
  9. I wear an indestructible pair of Navvies Wellies from the local Army Surplus Store. Crude, cheap but effective.
  10. Even it it works I would avoid it as I am looking at how to reduce what I carry, not increase it!
  11. I would be grateful for more detail please as I too find my battery a bit of a weight - age and arfur itis!
  12. Seeds with AIDS! Is this a wind up? It is April 1st so perhaps it is.
  13. In a way, nothing to do with the OP but in France drivers are required to carry two breatherlisers in their cars. You can buy them in supermarkets. Their logic appears to be that if you've had a drink then test yourself. If over the top then don't drive. If caught drinking and driving the penalties are twofold. Not only the drink and drive rap but also the not testing yourself when you knew you had been drinking rap. Perhaps we should adopt a similar system here?
  14. Thank you for this. It is a stretching problem. The belt wasn't cheap but that doesn't mean quality!! Thread replacement may be an expensive route as the problem is mainly with the loops at either end of the belt. So I guess I will try the thin thin leather strip solution to the offending loops. Thank you one and all for your contributions.
  15. I suspect answers depend on what you mean by "the basics"? I regard basics as decoys (shells &/or full bodied), a rotary and a couple of floaters or bouncers but not necessarily using the rotary or floaters all of the time depending how pigeons are misbehaving. As to new products and "do they work" or give better results, I suspect answers will be opinion rather than evidence quite simply because even with an identical set-up no two days are necessarily the same. What helps improve one day eg by adding a flapper you never used before, may not work on another day quite simply because pigeons behaviour is not predictable.
  16. The cartridge loops on my leather cartridge belt have become loose through wear. Does anyone have any idea how to rectify the situation please? I recall from the dim and distant past that leather will shrink if soaked in water and allowed to dry. Should I give it a try? What do fellow shooters think? Thanks.
  17. I've recently acquired a bolt action Webley .410 for my grandson. I found a copy of the original Webley advert on www.fourten.org.uk which claims it can pattern 77 pellets in a 30 inch circle at 40 yds using No 6 shot. I need to find time to pin wallpaper to a hedge and see what mine does.
  18. I recently visited a vineyard SW of Bristol which has placed long / high floater poles (possibly about 10 ft) around the vineyard. On the end of each was a black winged silhouette plastic bird. I didn't look too closely to see whether it was a crow or bird of prey. But they were quite an amazing sight swaying in the wind and, I was told, very effective.
  19. Many thanks for taking th effort. Much appreciated. Bob
  20. I am aware of the live recording law but unsighted on the iirc flashing mirror devices. What are these and Where would I find chapter and verse to read up on? I ask because there was a PW post long time back on using suspended ballroom mini mirror balls and I was thinking of giving it a go. Nobody then offered on any comments on the legality so genuinely interested. Many thanks. Bob.
  21. Normally I would agree. However, given the current state of affairs in the North of Bristol area this is a large group!! Went out for a look on one of my permissions Saturday, fields of rape, just one or two pigeons flying high otherwise "empty skies". Anyone in the SW doing any good?
  22. As I raised the Question at post #15 I wonder if this is aimed at me? I am neither. I was (and still am) genuinely interested in what evidence existed which supported a sweeping and generalised criticism of the police mis-interpreting the law to suite their own ends. Implying that the problem was endemic. An answer was given to which I responded by saying I could see where the respondent was coming from. I could. It was indeed sweeping generalisations and heresay. And when challenged by others the author went to ground, which speaks volumes.
  23. Many thanks for this. I can now see where you were coming from. Regards. Bob
  24. I'm intrigued. Perhaps you could kindly provide PW members with your supporting evidence ( yes please, evidence and not heresay generalisations) of just how you know that the police interpret firearms law to suite their own particular needs. Thank you.
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