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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. I'm a bloke and off the peg is a problem for me too but for different reasons. Instinctively I tend to look along the barrel at about 10 to the hour and look down along the comb. Fortunately I live about 30 mins from Nigel Teague's workshop and a gun fit and stock alterations does the job.
  2. In terms of 20 bore I have both a Miroku mk60 grade 1 and the new Beretta silver pigeon. Both excellent guns but slightly different in weight and balance. This suggest that your lady should try as many as she can to get what initially feels right for her before you start having alterations made to stock etc to make it right for her.
  3. I had a conventional one and now have the large seat version identified by Cranfield from UKSW. The problems with both is (a) they sink into muddy ground (b) because they are based on a single support pole then if you sit on them awkwardly you can overbalance and end up on the ground!! Now searching for something more stable.
  4. No experience with this kit but googled "pitch black night vision reviews" as I'm looking for something to help solo lamping with 20 bore. One result is an exchange of reviews on airgunforum which is quite interesting. Also on the manufacturers website it's a no no for springers and gas rams. HTH
  5. Relevant extracts fro the BASC website Carrying Firearms in public places - Section 19 of the Firearms Act 1968 makes it an offence for someone to have with them a loaded shotgun, a loaded air weapon, or any other firearm (whether loaded or not) together with ammunition suitable for use in that firearm in a public place without lawful authority or reasonable excuse (the proof whereof lies on the person). The Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 also extends the Firearms Act to include unloaded air weapons and imitation firearms. Whilst the Firearms Act does not provide a statutory definition of what is meant by “lawful authority” or “reasonable excuse”. We believe that “lawful authority” would not necessarily apply to sportsmen as this seems to relate to those issued with firearms in connection with official duties such as police or military personnel. “Reasonable excuse” would apply to sportsmen shooting over land with permission. Section 19 of the Firearms Act with regard to having a ‘firearm in a public place’ also applies and is described on page 4. This legislation applies to all public places and not just open access land. HTH
  6. Keyed Jim Albone into you tube and found a series of 4 video clips. Have yet to view.
  7. I too use a folding fishing trolley. I overcame the wheel / mud issue as far as I could by going on line and buying pneumatic sack truck wheels with inserts to reduce the centre down to the size of my trolley axles. They are wider than the original thin wheels and therefore spread the load better and do not dig into mud as bad as the original wheels.
  8. Even a walk in the woods can be productive. No shows for pigeons Friday so I went for a walk in the woods, sat quietly and waited. One hour later three dead tree rats. And they can be damn hard to hit when running through the branches.
  9. Just north of Bristol. Great from mid Aug - mid Sept. Amazing sport over flattened barley and stubble. Then suddenly nothing. The odd pair of birds but no numbers. Plenty of rapeseed to about 3" but not drawing them in. Possibly they're feeding elsewhere on nuts, berries, etc and there's still maize to be cut in the area. Frustrated.
  10. Took me back over 50 yrs when a mate and I used to bunk off school and canoe the river Avon with my dad's 12 bore hidden under a tarpaulin. An old canon with hammers and damasc barrels. Things were different then, particularly when a shotgun license came from the post office and was 10 shillings with no background checks.
  11. Just like guns, cars, almost everything in life which have different models, so do sealskinz. So, which model / style glove did you choose. Thanks.
  12. I used to use primer paint but one lot had an adverse reaction between cellulose based paint and the flocking causing it to bubble and peel. I may well have overloaded it. Now I use Daler Rowney Graduate Acrylic paints.
  13. Not sure what you mean by "cradle thing" and why they are twisting.For real (dead!) birds the ends of my magnet arms and bouncer arms are the same in principle i.e. a central rod with a "V" spreader with wing nut for tightening it in place on the rod. You shove the rod up the backside of the decoy until it lodges in behind the skull. Then slide the spreader up behind the bird and tighten in place with the wing nut and spread the wings over the "V" and secure them open by pushing onto the fixing pins. They should not swivel. If they still do then it could be one of two problems. You are not tightening the wing nut sufficiently or the wing nut is a tad short and not tightening enough on the rod and needs to be replaced by one slightly longer. HTH
  14. I too use this "random" approach. Also, depending on my mood I sometimes leave a gap of about 15 yards between two random groups to give the pigeons somewhere to think about landing. Seems to work for me.
  15. Ha, Ha. I really did laugh at this. It does show how we need to choose our words with care!
  16. I wonder whether too much fuss is made in what some do. I was out with my buddy yesterday. We just smoothed the feathers of the dead birds, stuffed their beaks in the ground and left them where they fell. Didn't prop their heads or any other fancy arrangement. It didn't deter them calling. We hit 80.
  17. Many thanks for the link. Interesting reading.Kind regards
  18. I would like to acquaint myself as recommended but despite looking at the SACS website I cannot find the article / comments to which you refer. Are you able to provide a link or some pointer please? Many thanks.
  19. My understanding of unannounced inspections is based on a discussion with a RFD. That having been said I could still be mistaken! I believe that the police cannot just knock on your door and say, for example, "I want to inspect your storage arrangements". They have to make arrangements for a visit the time and day of which is to be convenient to the gun owner. And, irrespective of whether or not you are a gun owner they cannot come into your home without a warrant, or have good reason to believe there is a crime in progress on the premises, or, you invite them in. With this in mind then like other comments there seems to me to be more to this case than we are being told.
  20. Used this Thurs. 44 hits. They work for me. Regards
  21. I noticed a similar problem over a year ago. I put it down to right shape wrong colour. If you compare colour and patterns on the wing set with that of a dead bird the wing set are nothing like the real thing. I bought some acrylic artist paints and mixed my own colours to try and match real thing plus some fullers earth ( to reduce any shine). Seems to work. Two weeks ago 146, last week 65 between two of us. HTH.
  22. Our sponsor has various options well worth a look at and depending on price you pay there is the members discount.
  23. Tend to agree. I have never seen pigeons form regular patterns. Yesterday, for example, we shot over flattened barley. Areas of the field had been flattened by the weather. No scope for specific "v" or "comma" patterns or any other pattern for that matter. Our permission had agreed to a limited walk into a flattened area where we set up a rotary and scattered shell decoys randomly facing in all directions. We shot 146. I take the view that if what you do works for you and gives you confidence then go with it. Me? I'm more in the "Random" pattern camp.
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