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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. I'm Bristol based and use Nigel Teague. Highly skilled and experienced. Well worth the mileage.
  2. Thanks for this. Night time reading? Presumably the moderators will add this to the pinned section? I was bemused / concerned by the legal jargon restrictions in chapter 14.50 but BASC advise that being allowed to keep the rabbits we shoot is a "reward" which allows us to be an authorised person.
  3. I modified a fishing trolley with 16" cycle wheels. Better mobility, less clogging. Works for me.
  4. Many of us with our own permissions are lucky bunnies. If I had to pay £70/day (own kit) then I would be paying upward of £300/month if shooting once a week over 4 farms. That's where knocking on doors is well worth the effort.
  5. As the matter has been resolved it's somewhat academic but what I was seeking was not properly explained by me and my question imprecise. By way of explanation, certainly the ACPO is identified and an extract from a document given. However, there are no document or file references or dates from which the quote was taken to allow others to refer it to their area police force. Moreover it states that the message is to go to operational police officers that this is legal but did it? If not, then there is still the risk that forces would act in the ignorance of the legality. Best wishes
  6. I am not a closet grammarian but the words Assume and Presume both mean to believe something before it happens, but when you Assume you're not really sure. I would like to be sure before I pulled the trigger because if you are wrong then having pulled it is too late to find that out. If CharlieT could be kind enough please to identify "the powers that be" for you, you could then check with them to Ensure you're ok to do it.
  7. Some may criticise my approach but I am relaxed with it. I never carry my certificate on the basis that if I lose it someone will know where I live and that I own a shotgun. In case I'm asked I carry a photocopy of my cert with the address blanked out. The photo on the guncert and it's number will allow the police to identify me if they need to. As an additional precaution I dry fire with snap caps and remove the foregrip which I store separately in the glove box. Co-operation with recognition that the police have a job to do goes a long long way to a happy outcome. Because, the police always have the upper hand should they feel unhappy with the situation.
  8. I never let my other half know where the keys are. She is not a SGC holder. If she had the keys I would be allowing her illegal access to shotguns thus placing my own certificate at risk. The chances of being "caught" are minimal I know, but better safe than sorry.
  9. Agreed. I'm often bemused by the false bravado and bruhaha. The scenario at worst could be:- shoot pigeon in back garden; one nosey neighbour; visit from plod; nicked; court; LOSS of licence - and try getting it back! I value my certificate so 4 woodies feed regularly in my garden risk free.
  10. I understand from my RFD that it is necessary to degrease the area before applying touch up products. Using meths etc is no good as they leave a thin surface film when dry. The recommendation was a product called Birchwood Degreaser and not to touch the affected area between degreasing and applying the touch up paint.
  11. You're only about 20 mins or so from Ian Coley shooting ground where, I believe, they do have a number of guns to try. Just have a go. They will give you ideas and budgets. But do not buy in haste. Go home and think about it. Then search on line for your preferred gun eg using, say, UKguntrader. then ask Coley's if they do a price match. A sale is a sale.
  12. From a technical viewpoint what's the difference between pro flap and hyper flap?
  13. AA S410 with Hawke MAP (multi aim point) scope
  14. I did the same but added a "V" splitter from the rear which I attached with cable ties through the body and drilled a hole in the backside to take the rod of the rotary. Works well and can double as a bouncer if you don,t wish to use the rotary.
  15. I have one with two arms and height adjustable which I engineered myself. The reason I like height adjustable is to be able to place it amongst crops when grown
  16. There is an old poem respected by many fishermen which goes something along the lines that when the wind is in the south it blows food in the fishes mouth; when the wind is in the west the fishing is best; when the wind is in the east the fishing is least. Does wind direction have a similar effect on pigeons? I ask because last week I had a great day in southerly winds and today a cold easterly and not a pigeon in sight. (But, then again, the could have just moved to another farm!!!!) Bob
  17. I always wear a full mesh cammo balaclava. So when looking over the top my white face is not seen for miles.
  18. I'm with you on this one. As shooters we all have sympathy with the situation. But perhaps we should detach ourselves from the emotional sympathetic view. If the doctor has serious concerns then these views should be taken into consideration. We will only know those concerns, and be able then to take a constructive view, if those concerns are posted on PW. Meanwhile I have to wonder whether a pen name of "twistedsanity" is helpful or revealing!
  19. Always the chicken and egg question. Real birds are best but what to do until you shoot some. I didn't like hyperflaps (personal thing) and didn't want to start world war 3 by putting dead birds in our freezer, so I made a couple of floaters using full bodied decoys and jack pike wing sets. Repainted them, as Jack pike wing sets are the right shape but awful colour scheme. Then I attached a "V" splitter to each decoy bending them around the profile of the decoy with the screw fit facing to the rear end and attaching them with cable ties. I then drilled a hole up the rear-end of the decoy for the rotary arm. Job complete. They work very well for me. Good project for the evening as TV is crud these days
  20. I don't know the answer but It seems to me that if you look at our sponsors website and the "V" splitters that go on the bouncer poles, then the only way the sharp end of the pole extension goes into the pigeon is up its harris and spreading the wings on the V section. so on bouncers the bird faces away from the pole. On floaters, which operate differently, with decoys in wire frames for the rocking motion, the decoy faces the pole. Whether that's the correct definition I really don't know but it's how mine work out in the field.
  21. I'm with Alan on this one. I too photocopy everything, is sent "signed for", I attach post office receipt with tracking no to photocopy, then go on line and track and note time and date of receipt and signatory. Some may regard this as both belt and bracers. But if it's lost in post you have no proof of what you did and if some dimwit decides to prosecute the burden of proof rests with you. If you have no proof then you're stuffed.
  22. There is a website www.fourten.org.uk which shows pistols and has contact facilities for like minded people. You could try ther. Bob.
  23. What a coincidence. I just acquired one of these for £40. My farming friend recently cleared out his late father-in-law's gun cabinet and knew I was interested in something for my Grandson. It has been checked by a local gunsmith (who would buy every one that came his way). The stock was covered in old varnish but now is stripped and I am about to start the CCL three part stock oil kit refurbishment process which will take about 14-16 days. Really looking forward to having a go with it. Incidentally, found a website www.fourten.org.uk where it states that the gun will put 77 No 6 shot in a 30 inch circle at 40 yards!! Bob.
  24. Could someone please educate me on this one? How does one know that a shotgun requires reproofing? What are the criteria? to which guns (Age / type) do the criteria apply? In the sense that do proofing marks have an expiry date just like an MOT? Many thanks. Bob
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