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Everything posted by scarecrow243

  1. according too them it was a bad shot before why was that not on video, your quarry should have a sporting chance and that video proved it was NOT humane
  2. Whoever said they think it's illegal to shoot an animal in the water... It isn't. it was me who said it and i dont care who thinks its ok to do it its not and it should be made illegal
  3. scarecrow243


    don waste your money they are for air soft guns
  4. H i Dave are you in a damp house this can be your cause i have half of my right lung removed and copd a damp house caused me to keep getting ill i moved house in 2016 and have not had any infections i also take one inhaler capsule each day
  5. would deal for a sight mark wraith
  6. i would not shoot any land animal while its in the water not sporting also i dont think its legal i could be wrong
  7. photon 4.5x42s in perfect working order comes with 2 battery holders owners manual box etc. fully adjustable mount for 11mm dovetail and fixed mount for weaver rail £350
  8. must be free as no price 😊
  9. zero at 100 yards some rifles prefer certain ammunition i have used a few different makes i found out rws 100grain soft points worked great not cheap i am now using ppu 100grn soft point with no problems and a lot cheaper
  10. thats a bargain rifle i have one thats 47 years old and still shoots straight
  11. Hi it depends on what scope rail you are wanting to put it on ie if you have a weaver rail you can get an adapter from weaver to dovetail
  12. smart **** is better than a dead one plus as stated we don't know its a dummy round and your local f.a.o. would not be too pleased to see that in your rifle during a visit
  13. if you put that in the advert then you wont get comments
  14. just speak to the land owner but first use your phone to video the guy doing what he doing then show the land owner i am sure he will kick him off the land and speak to his boss
  15. you can get cheapish night vision add on etc or pay £500 and above for a night vision rifle scope
  16. i only saw it happen to pinin some of the shogun engines are rubbish
  17. inner wings use to rot so front strut would burst thru
  18. hi try working the bolt with your hand to see if it will eject a live round ok if it does try high velocity rounds if they work ok your rifle wont work with sub sonic rounds unless the spring is shortened also check the magazine spring is in the right way as this causes them to not work properly
  19. you should be able to push the back of the breach block where the hammer hits to see if the fireing pin comes thru at the breach face
  20. my own motor is a 2002 jeep cherokee / liberty 3.7 litre v6 auto towing weight 3.5 ton very comfy and plenty of room and ground clearance
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