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Posts posted by hankook1

  1. Hi guys,

    Im relatively new to reloading shotgun shells and everything is fine apart from the quality of my finished crimps they are just not as tidy as the factory ones,doesn't matter whether I do a eight or a six star they look untidy and don't fit in the gun nicely the factory loads just drop in the chambers whilst the home loads have to be pushed slightly,

    is there a good crimp finishing tool out there that I can use to tidy them up and give them a taper which isn't really expensive,

    I don't have a pillar drill so didn't really want to buy a geap finishing tool as I believe you need one to use this design of tool,

    Any advise would be helpful or do anyone have one for sale, its for 12 gauge shells,

    regards alf..


  2. I do all types off shooting so I wanted a dog that was more durable/versatile for want of a better word, a dog that would retrieve anything anywhere, yes labs are good for the purpose they were intended and yes springer's are good for the purpose they were intended but as I said I wanted more, so a lab x springer it was, what I wanted was a small black lab on steroids so to speak and that's what I got.

    my lab x springer gundog will go anywhere through a thorn hedge, a pond, ditch, dyke, jump any obstacle in her way to get the mark, she is also a superb flush dog for rough shooting and a excellent dog in the pigeon hide will go all day no tiring very clever dog as I only use dead birds as decoys and will just sniff them as they have my cent on them will leave them and pick up the fresh shot birds only, she has won 3 first's 2 second's and a third in gundog scurry's this year.

    And all with a guaranteed 2 pips on the whistle she's back by my feet, so it matters not the dog but the training and dedication given to the dog and for what you want from the dog,

    The only downside is they are a bit accident prone as they are fearless so expect a few cuts and bumps ...

  3. thanks for that hunter ben

    I thought that might be the solution to the problem, just didn't know if they made a bushing larger than the 198 you get in the set when you buy it new

    seem to me maxam psb2 powder is very light in weight compared to others made in the usa ...

  4. hi all,

    I have recently purchased a new lee load-all 2 reloader to start reloading 12 gauge cartridges

    I bought maxam psb+2 powder and #5 shot to load 36 gram loads in a 70mm cartridge on the maxam bottle it say I need to charge this load with 1.85 grams of powder which is I believe 28 grains so I put the largest powder bushing which come with the loadall kit which is numbered 198 in the loadall charge bar but it only drop 24.5 grains of powder when weighed on scales, have anyone got any suggestions please as I don't know if lee make a larger bushing..

  5. dogs will dig a hole to protect themselves from the elements whether it be to keep warm in the winter or to keep cool in the summer although this is normally done under cover of a hedge etc

    it is a natural thing for them my girls have a hole under my conifer hedge to keep cool in the hot weather whilst they are outside they prefer this to there kennel as it is cooler

  6. mixed breeding is what keeps dogs healthy physically and mentally where do you think Labradors or ess's come from these breeds are man made, the only limitations any dog have is in the trainers ability to understand the individual dog , personally I would rather see healthier dogs in the field they have more drive and live longer..

  7. this year my springador bitch has already won 6 rossettes 1 third 1 second and 4 firsts as well as over £300 00 worth of prises in various gundog scurries shes not 3years yet these dogs when trained correctly will out perform any lab in timed scurries as they do it quicker ive experienced this time and time again also she comes pigeon shooting with me at least once a week all thru the year, don't matter were they fall she will find them .

    springador gundogs

  8. hi we are professional pigeon shooters and offer a free pigeon shooting service to farmers who have a pigeon problem and cover Norwich to Lowestoft area we are fully insured basc members and have a huge array of equipment at our disposal,

    if you think we can help you please arrange a meeting by calling me on 07825993060 or reply to this post..



  9. yes I agree with teal27 I train gundogs and can assure you springadors are not pointless far from it they are perfect for the field, these type of dogs will hunt and retrieve all day without any slowdown, and don't get me wrong I have trained a lot of lab's as well they are lovely dogs but in my opinion springador's have the edge especially if you do all different types of shooting ie pigeon,rough etc .

    And to say Labradors and springers are pure bred is just showing ignorance about dogs NO dogs are pure bred ALL dogs have mixed blood just like humans have were there any Labradors or springer spaniels a few hundred years ago I think not ..

  10. Actually there's not such a thing as a pure breed dog if you go back far enough all canines that walk the earth today are believed to originate from the first fall wolves, when it is believed the gene pole split into 2 one lead to all dogs including still wild ones and the other lead to the modern grey wolf which is a much smaller wolf than its predisessor,canines are carnivores and all shear the same gene pole think about it how long has a labrador been called a labrador not long as it's a made up name by humans, where did the first labrador come from obviously not a labrador if it's the first one looking at it that way maybe one day springadors will be pure breeds if you put a springador dog over a springador bitch who really knows,I train gundogs and have had labs,springers,and am now training a springador and she's one of the best I've ever had ..

  11. hi' ive been training gundogs for over 20 years have always trained labs or ess but over the past 5 years have worked with springadors from gundog parentage and find them to be excellent learners and very easy to train I also make a point of watching both parents working first , these excellent crosses represent superb value if you get the right ones, mine is equally happy spending the day retrieving or flushing she is rock steady even when pigeon shooting over decoys will not move a muscle until sent out no matter how many dead pigeons lay out in front, also she never tires even on a hot day with 300+ pigeons picked just need lots of water, if you are into pigeon shooting its good to remember pigeons don't have much scent so the spaniel nose is a great advantage, only thing with these are they love water so if you don't like wet dog beware lol.

    just make sure if you want one for shooting make sure it come from gundog parents and I mean both parents although you can never be sure chances are it will be superb but when young will need a lot of mental stimulation, and train when walking as well ie heel work important, if handled properly will be worth it ..

  12. hi, I love labs and spaniels both excellent gundogs although with the lab chocolates don't often make the grade black ones are best, however I now work a springador can't fault her best gundog I've ever had, her father was a black working lab and mother was a working springador both were excellent having seen them in action a few times.

    Mine has no white at all just look like a slightly small black lab short black shinny coat with springer face and longer ears, I do a lot of pigeon shooting over decoys and right from the start she was spot on, pigeons don't have much scent so I think the better nose of the spaniel side pays off + she will work all day relentlessly when I send her out will collect all the freshly shot birds really quickly, ive been a keen pigeon shooter for over 35 years always had labs or springer's but can honestly say my springador is better could just be her parentage though. apparently they also make good pets if that's what you want for your wife but they are best as working dogs because they need lots of stimulating and exercise if not they get bored quickly ..

  13. hi it really don't matter at all pigeons are alerted to movement more than colours if you are looking thru a hide they will only spot you when you stand up to shoot then it's to late, however it you want something to blend in with the summer hedgerow's i think swedish army flecktarn is a wise choice !

  14. I shot over Barley stubble Friday then Sunday. Both times small pattern of crows which I added to as I shot a few and then a horse shoe of pigeons 15 yards to the right with 2 floaters!


    Friday 51, mostly crows and shot really well. Sunday 14, 200 yards from where I was on the Friday in much better cover, mostly pigeons and shot like a big girl.


    No matter how long I shoot for I'll never really understand why things change so drastically! In theory day 2 was over a flight line I had observed when last shooting, was a much better setup. I did take my brother along so maybe he's just a jinx!!



    hi, there are lots of reasons why your 2nd day wasn't as productive as the first, if you shot the field 2 days previous pigeons have a short memory but not that short so were probably a bit wary also its better to try and keep away from lots of high hedges and trees pigeons prefer open places where they feel safe to feed usually more in the middle of a field rather than near the edges or corners were there are lots of cover to get ambushed, if they were feeding on the field i would have tried to set up as close to were on the field they were landing as thats the place they prefered to dine, and i find you never get 2 days alike as weather conditions, and available food change every day over the harvest and drilling months all making a difference to feeding habits.

    however don,t get me wrong getting under a flight line can produce some really good shooting as they are passing over to and from there prefered feeding spot :rolleyes:

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