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Posts posted by buster321c

  1. 20 hand made snares £10


    Charging hose ( only hose ) heavy duty foot ish long £7.50


    Decoys , 3 full bodies , 13 ish shells , i crow £20 collected


    Air Rifle Hunting J Darling £12.50

  2. i have bought a BSA ultra tactical that has a amazing silencer and i have killed at around 40 yards. i was just wondering what would be the best range to zero in the air rifle for just walking round a field and woods killing pest species. and i was also wondering if changing the magnification on the scope would change the position of the cross hairs to suit the range







    If you have killed @40 yds what was the gun zerod at when you did it ?


    When your walking round a field what pest species do you encounter ?


    What mag is your scope on because the cross hairs are constant ?


    Sorry but if you read your post , you dont sound like someone who has killed at 40 yds

  3. Looks like Beech, no rosewood cappings.



    Rosewood capping are not on all stocks . Last beech i had , had rosewood capping , but the one i have now ( walnut ) does`nt



    But the one you are showing is beech :shifty: 100%


    ( and a bit on the steep side pricewise !!!! )

  4. My stuff gets washed in hot / warm water only , no detergent . Its clean enough , but it dont stink , and when its not on me back its kept in a net bag on one of me permissions ( in an outhouse ) saves the rabbits smelling me , i need all the help i can get LOL

  5. according to the vaccination cert its vaccinated against canine distemper, parvo, hardpad no mention weils disease are you sure or just assuming?



    Taken from my dogs vacination record



    DHPPI A008A01

    LEPTO A002A02




    Leptospirosis ( Weils disease )

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