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Posts posted by KFC

  1. Backgammon.

    Simpler than you think to get to grips with the basic game. My wife and I play it regularly, we've even played it at the side of the road whilst awaiting the breakdown truck.

    The beauty of it is that there's lots of strategies you can use but it also includes the unpredictability of thrown dice which levels the playing field.

  2. Brilliant, THAT is what music is all about.

    It's the thing I love about Ukulele, I play in a band but there's now Uke clubs all over the uk so I usually take one with me and can just sit in with any club wherever we go.

    Thanks for posting.

  3. So, taking our parliament as a precedent, if I get fined for something and I don't like it then can I simply get the law changed so I don't get fined?

  4. I find it absolutely ludicrous the there's so much gnashing of teeth and beating of gums, not mention toddler-like tantrums, from the remoaners about BoJo trampling over democracy when their sole aim is to keep us welded to an unelected, undemocratic commission over whom we have no power whatsoever🤔

    And they are also working against the democratic decision of the referendum.

  5. On the A14 upgrade the other night, two into one lane signed for 800yds. Two cars refused to let me filter right. eventually pushed my way in behind them. Then all the other traffic, including hgv's carried on undertaking right up to the closure bringing the whole lot to a standstill. The only thing that got it moving again was another couple of cars including me straddling the lanes to stop undertaking. As soon as I got moving in the single lane I could see the traffic backing up again in my rearview mirror as idiots in the left lane tried to push right to the front.

    If everyone had started filtering as soon as it was signed then nobody needed to stop. I'd left plenty of room for others to do so in front of me but, no, they had to carry on til they caused a jam.

    What happened to consideration for other road users?

  6. So far, in the past ten days I've flattened 2 Rabbits, 2 Pigeons and 1 Squirrel.

    I drive early morning and late evening. In the morning the rural roads are smothered with Pigeons picking up grit and they've got used to cars so don't move off the road. If I braked or swerved for every one then I'd never get anywhere.

    Now the harvest is on then Rabbits have less cover and run all over the roads. Even if I slow down then It's sod's law that they'll run towards the edge then double back straight under the wheels.

    The Squirrel ran onto the road when I had no chance of avoiding it. There was more Squirrels than I've seen for ages this morning.

    I don't run over wildlife deliberately but I wouldn't risk an accident trying to avoid it.

  7. Had my first bout on the right side of my head when I was 18. Felt like a mechanical grab trying to tear the back of my head off. That was long time ago and I ended up begging the nurse to give me something to knock me out. In those days I was given DF118 which I could only take for 3 days then had to have 3 days off it.

    Over the past ten years I've had three more bouts of it round the left side of my head. Aciclovir definitely reduced the rash.

    Bad news is that the neuralgia from it can twinge now and then for up to ten years after the attack.

    Not a nice affliction.

  8. Still, at least our trusted and hardworking tax-payer funded MP's can claim their TV licence as part of their expenses which are equivalent to a second wage whilst they carry on working at all their other well paid jobs earning as much as they like, so that's alright then🙄

  9. 1 hour ago, martinj said:

    What's a pigeon pea gun?

    I made pea shooters from a couple of feet of steel tube - great fun with a bag of peas, later on maple peas from Fishing tackle shops.


    A length of steel conduit and a nail with a paper cone wrapped round the head was pretty lethal

  10. When my pocket money wouldn't run to a Milbro, or 3/16" & 1/4" rubber from Freddy Friday's model shop in Newport Pagnell then old bicycle inner-tube rubber on a Hazel or Ash fork worked reasonably well.

    Wax gardening string to join on the sling from an old leather shoe tongue.

    And summer days that never seemed to end, they were the days.

  11. Shame, it's exactly that reason I never watch men's football. Falling over pretending they're hurt all the time.

    I like watching the women's football because they do just play football and if they do fall over then they just get up and play on. Not this lot, dragging the game down☹️

  12. My buddy and I used to go sea fishing regularly, both beach and charter boat but we haven't been for about 3years now because of Bass regulations and we'd only catch pin-whiting. We both catch to eat but it's just not worth the journey now.

    The amount we'd spend on bait, tackle and meals in the local shops then it has to be a hit to the local economy.

    EU Common Market my backside🤬

  13. Bliar because of his personal agrandisment at the expense of the country.

    Cameron, he divided the country because of giving Scotland independence in all but name in order to head off Scottish independence then dividing the country by holding the EU referendum in order to try and head off UKIP then running away. He single-handedly did more to divide the country than even Maggie.

    I'm no supporter of the con-servatives but Theresa May never stood a chance because they were left with a poison chalice situated on a radioactive island in the middle of a crocodile infested swamp by Cameron.

  14. Anna Soubry is the epitome of an MP spouting abject drivel whilst truly believing she's saying something useful.

    I agree that when they leave the party for which they were elected to serve then there should be a by-election. They continue to slurp at the trough as members of a party for which nobody has voted for whilst abandoning those who had voted for them.

    Then again, since when did MP's ever work for what the majority vote for?

  15. Once again, because of illegal actions by a few then the law-abiding have to suffer.


    I've flown RC model aircraft for years, always complying with CAA ANO's and being fully insured, but now, from November, I will have to register with the CAA, take an online competency test and pay £16.50 a year for the privelege. Any unmanned aircraft from 250g to 20kg is being lumped in with multi-rotor drones so it includes my thermal gliders.

    There is a CAA 'consultation' going on, to which I have responded and written to the CAA, my MP and the minister responsible, but it is obviously a done deal with the IT company.

    It will be an unmonitored register, I can't see the Police, the few that are left, tramping fields looking for illegal model flyers.

    I struggle to see how this will prevent the illegal use of drones/model aircraft any more than the ban on handguns stopped kids shooting each other. Thousands are injured and loads killed by motor vehicles every year but car owners don't have to be register annually.

    The projected costs are £2.5m for the IT system and management of the register plus £0.3m for education and safety.

    All seems a bit disproportionate to me.

    Any other RC flyers on here?

  16. Some years back I was flying RC planes at my local club.

    Just to the south was an Ash tree full of woodies and squabs. A Buzzard started circling the tree. Two or three Pigeons flew out of the tree and started flapping near it to distract the Buzzard. In the meantime several adults and squabs flew out of the other side of the tree and went to a nearby wood. A couple of the adults hung back and started flapping around the other side, thus distracting the Buzzard to the other side of the tree whilst the original two or three plus several squabs flew away to the wood.

    This was repeated several times until all the Pigeons escaped and the Buzzard was left circling an empty tree.

    Another day on one of my permissions I saw a murder of Crows decimating a covey of Partridge chicks. They'd killed the lot before I could get close enough to scare them off.

    Well done Mrs Duck😊

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