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Posts posted by KFC

  1. On 21/02/2019 at 08:46, snow white said:

    I know it’s a good way of spending cold nights tying flys but the ruddy stuff you buy gets out of hand a bit of this a bit of that then it’s finding space to put it.

    I've already got a fair collection of materials but I use the plastic nets that Oranges come in for bloodworms, an old Ruskie type hat for the fur to make Hares Ears. Plenty of feathers from the game season to make Pheasant Tails etc and my wife is in to quilting and embroidery so a bit of snaffling goes on.

    But that brings its own problem because, wherever I am, then any old bit of fluff or thread becomes a potential lure or fly. Pockets full of rubbish🙄

  2. Hi Ferret, looking forward to the new season and hope we can share a boat again soon.

    I'm trying a new syndicate on a 5 acre farm reservoir this season. Will be interesting to see how it goes and hoping we don't have another summer of drought but it's not looking too good so far.

    Piggin typical though, just checked the weather forecast. From Saturday 2nd windy and showers😡

  3. I'm piggin' livid about this.

    Thousands of people, including me, fly RC planes, not just 'drones', but we all come under the same regulations.

    I fly thermal soarers which can fly up to 1500ft. I am a member of the BMFA and have £25m liability insurance. I fly within CAA laws, and when required, with their permission.

    The EU has imposed a directive prohibiting flight above 400ft. The BMFA has negotiated a waiver for their members.

    In 2019 the EU is imposing a requirement to register as a pilot of RC SUAV's and pass a competency test. The BMFA is negotiating with the EU at the moment to accept that membership of the BMFA, and passing their achievement tests, would be accepted as meeting the EU regulations. At the moment the EU is looking favourably on this idea.

    However, I can see this putting the mokkers on everything and, once again, those acting within the law will be punished for the actions of those acting illegally.

    Because of one man in Scotland then the legal ownership of handguns was banned. It hasn't stopped killings with handguns but ruined the enjoyment of thousands of sportsmen.

    A good birching springs to mind.

  4. I don't think  it's got anything to do with what people want any more.

    We went looking for a new cooker over the past couple of weeks. We wanted a gas 4 hob with eye-level grill and warming draw at the bottom, same as the one we have. Went into a local Euronics, not a single eye-level grill. Curry's had one but the space that could have been a warming cabinet was a blanked off empty space.

    Found Argos had two and have ordered one.

    When I asked why I was told nobody wanted to buy eye-level grills any more. More a case of this is what we've got, take it or leave was the impression I got and I think it's the same with houses.

    There's such a demand people will buy anything and, if they can seil houses without gardens then they'll say nobody wants a garden any more.

    At  the end of my road a developer built eight flats literally on the touch line of a football/cricket ground. They're so close to the pitch that there's big nets stretched acroos the whole of them to stop balls going through the windows. They sold out in weeks🤔

  5. Ok, I'll join you with my head over the parapet.

    As a kid I'd always wanted to be a backing dancer on the telly but I didn't think kids from my village could do such things so I got a 'proper job'.

    Anyway, I enjoy it and  I'm pleased to see that they're introducing contemporary, Jazz and street now. Not sure how the judges will manage as I don't think 'posture' and 'frame' can be judged so easily.

    The pro dancers certainly put on a great show.

    Only thing that sticks in my craw is the females drooling over the male celebs when they take their shirts off but there'd be hell to pay if there was a single 'phwoar!!!!' over the females' costumes.

    I'm looking forward to Halloween week.😎

  6. Such good BSB that I wouldn't have cared about anything else either.

    Glad your wife is ok and cars can be fixed, shouldn't be any trouble getting that new gun now, eh?😁

  7. They have identified her but they haven't, as yet, seized anything.

    If they do then it could cost a lot more than the amount seized, especially the cost of reaching political agreements with certain countries.


    London is openly known as the 'money laundering capital of the world' so I doubt much will change or any effective action be taken.

    As  has been said, they might get an individual but an ever-changing list of shell companies will keep enough of those with 'significant interest' hidden as to make it only a token gesture.

    This could run and run.🙄

  8. 2 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    Use of the word 'So" to begin almost every sentence.  It is a conjunction, correctly used to join two sentences into one longer sentences.  A correct example would be "It was a hot day, so I had not worn a coat".

    Occasional use such as "So how was your journey" is fair, but interviewees opening every answer with 'so' just sounds very poor.

    Same for me

    Also, when my wife and I are having a meal in an establishment and a hip young thing insists on coming up to us, when we're half-way through our meal, and asking "Is everything ok for you guys?"

    If there's anything wrong with the meal then we will let you know. In the meantime leave us to enjoy our meal and for my wife to enjoy my company!!!!

  9. My wife has an inherited kidney disease.

    Her mother and eldest sister died from it. Her elder brother and sister have had transplants, one living donor and one post-mortem donor, and both are living full lives.

    When the time comes I shall put myself forward for testing as a living donor for her.

    However, as part of my work in the forces I became irradiated 3 times. Some of my comrades involved in the same work have already died from radiation linked cancers. Because of the half-life of the contamination then, as it was back in the seventies, the longer I go on then the lower the risk from it.

    While I'm in the position, as a living donor, to advise any medical team that they should check for any potential problems then I will.

    I also contracted Leptospirosis last year which should be clear this September.

    I very much doubt if radioactive contamination would be part of any checks carried out post-mortem if my organs were routinely harvested and I do wonder what checks will be carried out  if everyone is considered as a potential donor.

    The imported blood from American prisoners which has given HIV to hundreds of Haemophiliacs which the government has failed to address properly for decades makes me wonder what real safeguards will be in place.


  10. Fly fishing, playing Ukulele.

    After a long break my buddy and me are looking at getting back into RC glider thermal soaring. We had to use winch, bungee or tow launch.

    We've both been amazed at the technical advances. My first computer Transmitter, Multiplex 3030, cost me about £550. Now I'm going to buy a foam glider with motor, servo's, ESC already installed. An open source computer transmitter/ receiver, a couple of Lipo's and charger. Whole lot about £400 and I can just turn it on and lob it into the air.

    Biggest problem, how do I smuggle it into the house? Looking after it for a friend will only wash for so long?

  11. The British disease is "take as much as possible out whilst putting minimal in".

    Government in this country never asks " what do we need?" it's always "what's the minimum we can get away with?"

    Successive governments have failed year on year to invest in infrastructure, preferring 'service' industries. Now billions gets wasted on tendering and re-tendering contracts and franchises for privatisation and paying double the amount of interest for PFI contracts to keep debt off the political books.

    Ironically, much of our infrastructure is now nationalised by foreign governments.

    Schools have, for years, been solely based on academic achievement. When I went to Secondary School it was the last year of the College of Perceptors qualification which non-academic kids, like myself, could have taken. It included lots of manual skills.

    As it was I left school without any qualifications. I did ok though.

    Going around the world it's obvious that this country is years behind the rest of the world, especially IT and public transport.

    I don't think leaving the EU is ever going to fix the basket case of GB Ltd.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

    This is possibly the reason why. 


    This was one of the main reasons for my vote to leave.

    Remoaners complain that Brexiteers won the vote based on lies. Well we were taken into the EU on lies in the first place.

    No accounts, corruption, run by an unelected commission, unable to catch a Bass for my dinner, decimated fish stocks and billions of pounds wasted, including shipping the whole shebang between Brussels and Strasbourg every month, which I think is utter insanity, were all reasons to leave.

    Immigration was way down my list of reasons to leave.

  13. 38 minutes ago, AdamSouthEast said:

    I'd love to give fly fishing a go. I haven't fished since I was a kid. Is it easy to get into/give it a go?

    I only took up fly fishing six or seven years ago.

    I'm sure there'd be a reservoir or fishery round your way that would do starter courses. On a budget a 10' 7weight Shakespeare Agility rod £40ish, Greys GTS 500 reel £50-£55. fly line and backing £20-£40 then a few flies.

    At Grafham Water, where I fish for example, they do a starter course for about £75 then you can have a starter season ticket for £240 for 65 fish. Depending where you fish, day tickets tend to be £20-£30 plus boat hire.

    My silver ticket costs £655 March to end of January and 200 fish. I pay it in four bimonthly instalments.

    There's usually plenty of experienced anglers happy to give advice, have a look on flyfishing.co.uk for example for info.

    Depending where you live, it is easy to get into and, usually, easy to give it a go. Best thing is to try and find someone willing to take you out to see if you like it before spending too much.

    There's nothing compares to that first take from a fit trout, especially when they end up under the grill.

  14. My mate texted me last night to say "raaay, 1-0 to England"!!!

    Little while later I texted back "England giving away too much possession, I think they may come unstuck".

    Sure enough?

    Like others, I'm not much of a football fan but I can't understand why, for every England team I've ever seen, do they insist on hoofing the ball forward hoping it's going to find a striker?

    Surely they could pass the ball between them in triangles, like my grandaughters team used to do and win most games, because, if they don't have the ball then they can't score goals.

    As others have said, Croatia didn't win the game, England gave it to them.

    I'll stick to shooting and fly-fishing?

  15. As a boy, Turkey killer, Turkey plucker, Rabbit gasser, sheep-worming, sheep shearer, Sheep dipping, hay-making, harvesting.

    As an adult, maintaining vintage aircraft, maintaining V-bombers, working on a TSR2, mixing asphalt, making horse saddle trees {inside every saddle is a wooden and metal frame called a tree, to which the leather is nailed)

    Making Tiffany lampshades, stained glass windows, engraving glass, repairing crystal glass.

    and loads of other more run-of-the-mill work, tractor driving, window-cleaning, domestic and commercial cleaning, glazing, cnc machine operator etc.

  16. I used to be reasonably handy with cars. I'd buy old £5-600 bangers and keep them going til scrap time then buy another.

    Last year I decided I'd had enough, because a diagnostic kit is now as important as a socket set, and took advantage of my wife working in the NHS. We got a Duster Laureate on the salary-sacrifice lease scheme and a nice car it is too.

    Because of the potential problems with starter motors etc then I do always flick the switch to disable stop/start when I drive it.

    Every so often though the tyre pressure warning light comes on. Never anything wrong with the tyre pressures and it's easy to cancel but I carry the handbook in the glove box because of all the various computer controlled systems which can cause a light to come on which need interpreting.


  17. Spent all day Sunday on Grafham water and only got one tap all day, mate got one and I blanked:unhappy:, used same method I did on Friday when I bagged up with six fish:no:

    On Monday the memsahib and myself went to Kings Lynn to watch banger racing and it was brilliant. Very spectacular.

    There was some Reliant Robin racing too and that was hilarious, the fastest of them all by a long way was an old Regal saloon, or what was left of a saloon. Another one was rolled three times but still kept going, it was just like real life cartoon as there was less and less of it as it kept going.:lol:

    Having owned several Reliant's in my time I was very impressed with the speed and drifting skills.

    A great-nephew of my wife's will be racing on 5th August so we're already looking forward to that trip.:good:

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