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Posts posted by Birdy

  1. Does anyone know of a decent place for phone repairs? My two week old Sony Xperia S needs a new screen after the dogs used it as a new chew toy.


    Thanks, Tom

    FunFoneshop. Google 'em. Fixed my N8 screen that I knelt on and got it back within 48 hours.

  2. I've just exhausted my 3 pipettes and I've forgotten who I bought them from online. I've gone to buy the same box again and everyone requires a prescription. Has this changed since earlier this year or was I just lucky back then?


    If you want free advice go to the CAB or a debt charity, if you want someone to do it all for you go to a Debt Management company.


    This is poor advice. I work for a finance company (and have done for over 20 years). I deal with all the agencies, those that charge fees and those that don't. I refuse to deal with companies that charge. They are preying on the vulnerable and naive. Go to CCCS (funded by the credit industry to ensure fair, free, impartial debt-management).


    Essentially all you need to do if you want to handle it yourself is assess what your available income is each month (after essential expenditure) and then that sum is what you have to service your debts. You should list out all the balances owed to each creditor to arrive at a total. Each individual debt represents a percentage of that total indebtedness. That percentage should be applied to your available income and hey presto, you have a fair, pro-rata sum you should offer each creditor. You should write to each one, at the same time, providing them your income and expenditure breakdown, requesting a freeze on any accruing interest and an acceptance of your pro-rata offer.


    Most will accept if you have been fair and decent about your expenditure. If you have £250 for fags or 'socialising' (as I have seen), for example, don't expect much sympathy.


    Cut your cards (if any) up.


    Each case is different and any more advice would need to be specific and not generic.


    PM me if you have any questions about YOUR case.





  4. Our Springer, Billy, went lame on the morning (Thursday) of our departure to the CLA Game Fair. We got an immediate appointment and they diagnosed a grass seed inbetween the toes (they could see the entry hole). They kept him for a few hours to let his breakfast go down then under sedation removed a seed and some straggly bits. They said no walking on grass unless he's wearing a sock (yeah, right, you put it on him!) and he's to wear a lampshade (£8.80 on the bill), have the foot washed every night etc etc. We went on the Fair and he was fine (without sock/lampshade) until a lump appeared on top of the wrist. Back to the vet's Monday evening for them to remove another large seed that was erupting through the skin out of the fluid lump. More antibiotics and he looks to be seed free now. Total bill-£183.


    We're insured but £65 excess plus 10% of the total bill would only recover c£100. We're wondering whether the impact on our future premiums, should we claim, exceed the insurance payout.....

  5. The Quins were lucky in the end but it was that man Evans who kicked an unbelievable conversion!Hope he's a back-up for Carter in the All Black Jersey in the WC!!


    Luck doesn't come into it my friend :no: At no time did I feel we were out of it. Even with 4 minutes to go I had an expectation, not a hope, of something happening. The boys have won 12 bonus points this season in the league, just missing out by less than a score so many times. They have a belief never before seen at Quins and they'll be a force to reckon with in the Heineken next season. Nine players under 25 too and 18 out 25 in the squad English. Quite a bit different to the Dad's army and United nations in so many other sides around. They were robbed at Bath by Dave Pearson's one-eyed refereeing and bored off the pitch by the tedious South Africa B, sorry, Saracens. Other than those travesties we'd have already qualified for the Heineken.


    Anyroadup, COME ON YOU QUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinks:

  6. My missus just directed me to this story- it's HER company (well, her employer anyway). She's not reacted because she's a prude (she certainly isn't!) but because of the reducing bonuses the UK staff have been getting since the Munich Re takeover. Obvious why now. They've been saving it up to splash out on some g*sh for the lads!!

  7. Well I can't yet comment on the gear but having just ordered online and sent a speculative email asking if there's any chance of delivery before the weekend (the site says 7 days) I can only report back positive things. Paul's replied almost instantly and has despatched the gear today for delivery tomorrow!! You can't beat that (other than him delivering it personally from the north of England to Essex today!!)



  8. Plug-ins are very crude adjustments of just three elements of engine management- they DO NOT 'remap' anything. PROPER remaps, by reputable engineering firms, make adjustments across the whole range of inputs and put less strain on other components. I say less because they still cause stresses to components which are then liable to fail. Turbos, exhaust manifolds, gearboxes, the list goes on. I've had both enhancements over the years and would NEVER have a plug-in 'box' again and I would seriously doubt I'd have a remap either. In terms of Land Rovers (my angle), they are designed to do a job from the factory and they do it well. Leave alone the idea of turning a fit-for-purpose lugger like a Defender into a Ferrari.

  9. In another era with a few more competent right backs the sneering, gob **** of a talentless whinger wouldn't have got a single cap. A most objectionable, short-on-talent-or-any-redeeming-features character I cannot imagine.


    No, I'm not a fan. :no::P

  10. Try Annie Collins at Gaberlunzie Gundogs in Norfolk. She has several generations under one roof and is planning to have her stalwart Kara covered by Mungo, this year's Springer Spaniel Champ runner up and leading dog- both, I believe, black and white (although no guarantee about the litter of course :no: )

  11. Galvanised but showing weathering 'dullness'. Stolen from driveway in Plumpton, East Sussex.


    Info leading to return or return of chassis will get reward. Please contact David on xxxxx.


    Thanks chaps.

  12. I'd drink 'em all but not on the list is my very favourite. Crouchvale's Brewer's Gold. No matter how much we drink (wife, friends) none of us ever get a hangover. It's refreshing, full of flavour and particularly great in the warmer months.


    Crouchvale Brewery in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex. Go on, you won't be disappointed. :good:

  13. Having driven over a broken Stanley knife blade on my mate's farm on Sunday, I put the spare on and ordered two new tyres (it had 2mm tread along with the other one on the rear axle so they were overdue ish anyway).


    Drove to work Monday and noticed a 'wobble'. It felt like the front end was wobbling from side to side. I assumed it was when I slid in the ice, gently, into the kerb the night before. Had I bent something or knocked it out of alignment? 3 wobbling journeys to and from work later, I booked it in for a look.


    Just had a call from workshop (I was expecting something to have been bent) and they inform me the spare I put on- which had been hanging off the rear door for over 8 years- had gone EGG SHAPED!!


    Anyone ever heard of that before? It's been in a cover on the rear door all its life.


    So I've got 2 more Billy Smart's Circus trips home and then back to work tomorrow before the new rubber is fitted. Cross fingers that that is the solution.

  14. surely thats more to do with location than the weather? :rolleyes:




    Exactly what I thought when I saw so many Geordies and general northerners in their vests struggling to negotiate the A12 on their way to wherever lost northerners go..... :P

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