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Everything posted by millrace

  1. using the serialnum you can date aya to time frames like posted above there is a list not sure if you google spanish proof marks or if its thru aya web site i had it somewhere but you can date it this way... will try to find where i got it from..
  2. what size of chimney,single or two storey house and is the stack still attached to any wall ie a gable etc..
  3. have 3.5 composite no recoil great to point but dont like 67mm 34g rc no 6 carts will jam so now i just buy 70mm, and never a prob.....go for it
  4. you want a spaniel......simples! and its got to be a cocker!!!!!! yea biased opinion but here was my thinking when i got mine, wanted to different to start,, wanted a dog to rough shoot, im in a syndicate so shoot pheasant she will haunt all day has great nose will put birds from anywhere on the drive :yp: :yp: more due to my training...lol have lots of rough ground for woodcock etc aint no dog better at finding them,, on yesturday's shoot 2 springers covered a fallen tree nothin along comes my cocker jumps down out comes the wood cock .... also we have flight ponds no probs loves the ducks loves the water retrieves no bother finally and most inportant in my decision was the dog was going to be a pet for the rest of the year she is the most easy going lazy sod ive ever ceen currently sleeping on back of chair in front of the window great with my 2yr old daughter very affectionate they dont like being rough treated and yes they are stubborn but as i have worked out with mine if she runs past the cover 99% of the time there is nothing there no need to force them in but if she catches a scent not even the thickest bramble will keep her out so in conclusion GET A COCKER!
  5. funny been out the last 3 days in various place's for couple hrs each afternoon, got to say there def aint as many as last 2 years, dont get me wrong were still putting a few up just the places where we always get a few there arnt any there to put up, very scattered numbers few here few there but no big amount as far as i acn see,,,,,,,
  6. well now,,,, we have small diy shoot and its been pretty **** birds just aint there this year could be the mild weather dont know,,also duck flight pond terrible,, last year counting in 50/100 per flight when feeding this year nowt few here and there and its december and we havnt shot a duck yet and its been fed cince august,,,,,,,,,,,,, repercussions of last years hard winter?
  7. tried couple of spots today first place had a few we managed 4 and ceen maybee dozen more,, not a lot for the area,, 2nd place is one of our certainty spots where someone always gets a shot,,,,nowt there,this is a first in a few years got 1, 2 fields over but that was it,,,,saying that 5 in the bag is good for 3 guns but the weather is so mild why would they even be over here yet!!!!!
  8. there are grants for this work....was told its to make countryside more "traditional" or something like that,,,,, going out tomorrow to look for some will let ya all know whats about prob doing garvagh/kilrea direction
  9. you need a european travel licence,, its just a form you get as long as you have gun permit its just a paper exercise,,thinks theres a fee not to sure.....
  10. ahh what a difference a week and a moon make,,,,,had a shifty hr free this afternoon dog needed walking so of we go and bag our first brace of woodys for the season and a teal just for good measure,,,rose a few more and there were none is this place on friday past and they were in good nick.... roll on a bit of frost!!!!!
  11. flushed my first on the 21 october north coast area and then one over in lvady couple days later and saw 2 on our shoot last sat,,,, no big nums yet......will try again tmrrw...
  12. i use same jacket for the same reasons.... just got an austrian army gortex parka plain green and pockets ceems water tight,light and for round 40 quid good value they do 2 kinds parka is short and there is a 3/4 straight type google austrian gortex or the bay has them...
  13. i use a no2 fair bit when i got it cdnt hit barn door in front of me,now its gets most use and the beretta sits in cupboard its great little gun and like you mostly for rough shooting really quick to pull on the woodcock,,,,,, buts its not a cheap rough gun....if your looking for one tannyoko guns always ceem to have them in stock....
  14. taged this on to end of another topic,, going to look at 2nd hand cz but have also found new marlin in synthetic (which i prefer) for the same money,,, any opinions on these two, pros/cons etc this is my first rifle so would new be best as at least i know what ive got etc...all opinions/advice welcome they are both .22mag
  15. yea just rem that its prob just a 4inch wall so dont drill right thru...
  16. ok cheers for the info,, as a prelim before any deer recon i,ll go for a .22 mag to get some practice,skills etc basically learn to shoot with a rifle,so heres a new question i am going to look at a 2nd hand cz this week prob, but have also found a new marlin for same money its synthetic which is what i prefer, so any opinions/advice on these two pieces of kit im thinking new cause at least i know what ive got esp as i know very little about rifles..... i know ,17 is everybodys choice at mo but having read all the reviews atc the 22mag suits my needs better,,,
  17. in northern ireland its all local...lol thats not whats behind it.... ive considered a rifle for couple of years but recon id never get much use for it,,now with the land with deer present it ceems more of an option just wanted info on whats required to weigh up all the costs etc, i know the scope mod will be where the options/big money are,, ammo cost also needs to be considered so thanks for the info!! bushtown hotel coleraine.....typical you never know whats on your doorstep...
  18. to answer im trying to get more info to weigh up the costs,, firstly i would have no probs with deer and have just been offered land with deer on it and told shoot away(i was only interested in the woodcock..lol) ,,,,i already shoot game in a syndicate, woodcock on my door step and hut foxy with terriers and have couple of flight ponds to play with so its to do with is the 243 a lot of money just to sit and do very little,whereas a smaller rifle can still do a fox if required bash bunny etc and *** have more use but just no deer hence why i asked for advice.. the dsc would be to add to goose shooting trips to scotland for something more to do,,
  19. cheers,,thats kinda what i thought its hard with all the regional varitions,,,tho i hadnt thought id be looking for anything like a .243...its a big calibre for prob very little use every year.....
  20. can the more experianced out there educate me a little couple mates wanting me to do dsc1 with them,ive never had a big interest in rifles,,so very limited knowledge in them,,what exactly do you need to shoot deer,been on to basc web site and for n.ireland (where im at) it needs to be .236 and on mainland .240 so does this mean id be lookin for a ,243/.308 etc now when i do deer search on here some have said .223 so whats it all about just lookin some pointers for the future...
  21. well lads hows this for service,,,,posted my renewal last tuesday 1st class recorded,,, mine was up on the 29th march and id forgotten to send it sooner so was quite ready for a knock and guns taken in till approval sorted,,, but was home as postman came today and hey ho new licence back today...less than a week!!!!!! praise where its due me thinks could t be that we now have a proper run firearms dept.......
  22. i asked similar question on gunsmiths local recently and ppl were of the opinion that this type of work has to be done on mainland....... there was me thinkin we "used" to have local gunsmiths who could do anything....lol
  23. well now,,, i have a sp and a no2 at first couldnt really get on with the no2 untill end of last season and then got a few woodcock and couple of good high birds on our last shoot and now to be honest i have it out more than the sp,,,, was out today and went for the sxs as to me for rough shooting it pulls quicker or so it ceems and being lighter as well is a bonus ive used it for everything ducks pheasant woodcock and even fox with no3 shot,,, stone cold charlie!!!!! it will be really what you find best suits you for me it took time but now find the sxs more fun..... just to add they are both 30",,
  24. thats the thing when ive asked any of the "local" dealers about looking for work done all i get is "what you need yes we could arrange that for you" dont feel the need to pay them more for just making a call to someone hence why im trying to find a gunsmith,,, is tommy lutton connected to the owner of foymore was down with someone couple of yrs ago and cant rem his name but think his son owned the clay ground etc...
  25. mervyn young (youngs guns)castledawson area has stuff dont know anything about it myself but there was powder cases etc last time i was there......
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