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shooting charley

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Posts posted by shooting charley

  1. Welllllllllll, does it work, did you notice any differance when you used it.


    I have used this product for about a year now and yes i believe it works, the main reason i started using it was to try to eliminate the first shot moment after cleaning? After using it i found my .204 rifle shot point of aim strait away and yes it was much better to clean in my opinion.


    Appling this product has to be done right for it to make a difference; it must be a clean barrel! And the advice i was given by the makers was to remove the stock and scope heat the barrel using a heat gun to around 60 degrees patch the solution with the barrel hot you will feel it get easer as you patch keep using the same patch do this 5 times then patch until dry now you are done, it only works with a clean barrel .



  2. Here is a test for you to tell if it is correct??



    Shot 1 . . Shot 2 move the scope right 10 clicks (aim point 1st hole.)



    Shot 4 . . Shot 3 move the scope down 10 clicks (aim point 1st hole.).


    move the scope left 10 clicks (aim point 1st hole.)


    if it is correct you will get a square when the shot holes are joined. move scope up 10 clicks back to to zero.



    shootingcharley. :blink:


  3. I have found that using a smaller aim point helps it make you concentrate more on the target also not too much magnification as you can see yourself moving and then you snatch the shot when you move over the point of aim.



  4. A keeper friend of mine call yesterday as asked me to take a look for him around a chicken pen on the one of the farms near him as he did not have time to do it himself ? The last thing he said was if you get any leave them were the farmer can see them. !!!



    Full house. :rolleyes:




  5. Hi all i have seen some requests on the site of late asking where they can download fox calls for free, well i have a few in Mp3 format if anyone is looking for them just email me and i will send them back to you.


    Shootingcharley. :angry:

  6. Hi guys just a quick question, i have a Pes T12 moderator i would like to sell it is in good condition threaded ½ inch UNF it has not done a lot of work, Reason for sale change of Mod, i was just wondering what you think would be a fair price to ask for it.




    Shootingcharley. :lol:

  7. The BASC election site has been updated - The new site should go live sometime between now and tomorrow morning. It will be in the same place on the home page.


    The site will work in exactly the same way as the election site except that it only covers elected MPs and for the duration of the fall out from the Cumbrian murders the suggested email will reflect these special circumstances.


    The email expresses the shooting community's concern, explains shooting's importance and offers briefing to the MP. If any of you require any guidance on what to say to your MP let us know.


    You can of course amend the email and send any message you wish - but please keep it polite. You can also find out whether or not your MP is listed by us as supportive of shooting. If not you can still email them and ask them their view.


    Please use it to make contact with your MP - and please copy any response you get to the email given on the site.


    If MPs are plugged into their local shooting community they are likely to be far better informed when they come to make decisions in the wake of Cumbria.




    Many thanks for your support.

  8. went out for a bit of fun tonight on some long rang rabbits with my Ruger .204. I did not shoot at anything under 230 yards and when for head shots only i had 2 at 260 and 1 at 283 missed 1 shot just over the top of it's head not too bad i was using the 34g DogTown HP from Midway took me a long time to get the load right but i am now pleased with the load. They make a bit of a mess of there heads but i don't eat that part anyway. :blush:




  9. Well, for my money I'd say that you've got it well and truly nailed. If your charge weight is equally accurate, there's going to be a shortage of foxes in your neck of the woods.




    Well the load is a load i have used for some time now i have got it to around .275@ 100 yards so i am happy with that but i don’t like gray area’s when it comes to re-loading just wondered what other people get with the tolerances.




    Here is the full load.


    Bullet Barns 26 grain HP.


    Powder H4198


    Primer Federal 205



    Max Case 1.85O


    Trim To 1.84O


    Ogive. 1.931


    COL 2.248



    Powder load Wt (H4198) 24.0 grains.


    (Max Load 24.5 grains.)[/b]

  10. Hi Guy's i need a bit of advise here i have been working hard to try to get the tolerances down on my bullets after reloading. The thing is i am not sure what is acceptable as i can't see how you can get them all identical ?. This is what i am getting and i can't seem to better it, what do you think.This load is for my .204 Ruger


    Case length after trim = 1.840 to 1.841.


    Ogive = 1.929 to 1.931


    COL = 2.247 to 2.249


    shootingcharley :blink:

  11. Hi guys i was just wondering if any of you had tried Microlon Gun Juice it is a new product on the market. About 3 weeks ago i met the chap who markets it i had a good chat with him and told him the problems i was having with my .204 Ruger; the main problem was i was having to re zero after cleaning? My rifle did not respond to a fowling shot like some do, anyway to cut a long story short i went ahead and treated the barrel as instructed, wow what a difference it now shoots fine after cleaning in fact it shoots better all round.



  12. As some of you may well be aware i managed to snap the stock on my cz 452 american clean in 2 a couple of weeks back and someone on the hinting life recommended #### to me and then they got in touch with me. The stock came back yesterday and what a job they have done for me.
















    I am so glad you are happy with the work.





    You can see the 3 pins here 1 where the bolt goes in, one in the pistol grip and one in the comb:




    A big thanks to all the people at #### and especially Dennis who refinished the stock for me and its looking great now.



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