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Posts posted by mikky

  1. managed to get 11 people together for a day out at worsley on the 27th,only 2 of us have shot before so it should be interesting,might even convert a few.not sure what package we have,the basic..have a go one...nothing too difficult and work have said they will pay half the money towards it.if anyone from pw is there on the 27th we are booked in for 2pm come and take the mikky out of me :yes:




  2. Hi fella,


    Bootstrap pulling time. With your sister's days numbered, you need to be the support to help her get through a time that will be increasingly difficult for her. Plenty of time to feel sorry about stuff once she has gone. So, it is Bucket List time!! Speak with your sister and find out all the things in life she would like to try to achieve before it is too late; your role will be to help her achieve as much as possible. If possible, post the list on here-maybe some of us could help with some of her list.


    NEVER be afraid to cry, NEVER be afraid to ask to talk to/with someone and NEVER be negative in front of your sister, this is your task for the future.


    It sounds harsh, but I lost my sister when she was 27 to cancer - and also my father 2 months earlier to the same thing. The worse year in my family history. Both had Bucket Lists and felt trying to achieve the goals gave them a reason to keep pushing on.


    So, chin up, ever onwards and make the most of every second. You cannot fix the problem, but you sure as hell can help sister make the most of her time.


    Good luck fella.


    Beretta 06



    cheers for all the comments ,especially this one,



  3. as a non drinker and 3 beers in,,,,,would like to thank each and everyone one of you,,worst thing is not being able to do anything..in the past...boyfriend problems...sorted....financial...sorted.....cant sort this one though,,,thats what hurts the most......



  4. dont know where to start really,just had a phone call from sister,she has been having treatment for cancer,she went to the hospital today to be told she has no chance,its now even in her blood stream.. she was supposed to start radiotherapy tomorrow.....to say i am devastated would be an understatement,i dont have any close family apart from the missus and our 2 kids who i have just had to break the news to...sorry everyone,just needed to tell someone....39 yrs old...anyway i dont drink anymore but i am going to have a beer or 3...certainly puts things into perspective





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