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Posts posted by mikky

  1. shouldnt have accidentally caught him with my elbow......but there were kids playing 50yds away if that dog had took off for those kids wouldnt have stood a chance...the bike is probably still up in the woods...he would have gone and nicked another one..police helicopter is always hovering over the woods,just a waste of tax payers money and resources



  2. sickening...there was a group of teenagers throwing stones at the swans and ducks at a local park near my house also one of them was letting his staff chase the geese,,,,,,,i didnt get into an argument with them unfortunately my elbow accidentally smashed him in the mouth as i walked passed him,that was this morning.......there is only so many times you can stand by and watch these people get away with it...last year one lad was illegally riding his off road bike up and down the streets wheeling,no helmet,later that week we were walking through woods and he came flying past up the footpaths.....a minute later we heard a bang,he came off and hit a tree when we got there it looked like he had broke his leg...he asked us to phone an ambulance.i told him to go **** himself and carried on ...just left him there,,,,,



  3. the wifes sisters boyfriend is into it in a big way,has all the uniforms and guns,goes round the country re enacting battles......cant understand why he picked the losing side to fight for


    if you want i can probably get you his number,he is based up in manchester




  4. i had a 2 year break from clays,out of 25 i was hitting 19/20 every weekend..........started up again...if i hit 10 i am doing well...i have noticed i dont feel as relaxed and i seemed to try and take them asap...we had a visitor up a few weeks ago,let him have my gun and a box of carts...he couldnt miss...and he said that was his first time shooting clays......i must be trying too hard..its annoying to say the least



  5. always wanted to go back to kenya and work with the anti poaching unit,but my missus didnt want to leave the uk cos she wanted to be near her parents,so i ended up working in a factory...12 months earlier i said...im not getting married,not getting a mortgage round me neck and not having kids......... :yes: ..glad i stayed in the uk now.....mortgage bit was a pain the rest is ok



  6. as i suggested in a previous thread....get naked...stand in the corner...stick your cock in your ear and pretend to be a petrol pump...get a placard and write on it......marc bolan used to get his motion lotion off me



  7. the old lady next to us died last year...been here 31 years and never heard a peep....the new owners have rented the house and at the moment there are a couple of lads who have moved in..to be fair they are ok during the week but come weekends they did until last week party into the earlier hours 3-4 in the morning............i had to have a quite word last week...i suggested if he wants to have a party and make a noise then he should go and do it somewhere else....thats not quite what i said but we cant be seen to threatning people...as responsible fac and sgc owners.......



  8. had tooth ache all weekend,went to the dentist this morning and been told i have an abcess....got pain killers and anti biotics...just noticed a small hard lump on my gum next to my tooth which i assume is the beginnings of the abcess working its way out.....the question is should i lance it....the pain is unbelievable considering how small it is...i dont drink anymore but i have just spied a bottle of vodka....... :/



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