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Posts posted by rodney

  1. Well done mate, my 8 yr old has been out decoying with me a few times. Got him on a BASC young shots day soon, then maybe some lessons on clays after, then probably his first gun. Interesting yours has a .410, an instructor told me to start him on a 20 bore as he considered a .410 would make it too difficult to hit anything with the small number of pellets.



    I did consider a 20 bore but, he had a go with a .410 at a game fair and hit 2 out of 10 the first time he used a shotgun. He said thats what he wanted as he felt comfortable with the guns weight also. I'm sure he'll move onto a 20 bore when he's more confident and stronger.

  2. Took my 9 yr old son out yesterday afternoon for his first decoying session with his new single barrelled .410. Set up on wheat stubble with 18 FUDs and a couple of floaters. The birds were still feeding on field even after we picked up 151 last weekend.


    He bagged his first pigeon after his 6th shot and he was so chuffed :D . He now wants to know when are we going again. Think i've got a new shooting buddy!!


  3. Took 2 of my friends out this afternoon on one of my permissions. Rape and wheat has both been cut over the last 10 days with the pigeons feeding on both. I've been watching this week but only had time to shoot it today. A steady flow has been landing all week so I hoped today would be fruitful.


    Arrived at 3.30 with 2 of us setting up hides, the other standing in a ditch between the 2 field to hit the flaring and missed birds. Dave set up with his back to a cut rape field, shooting over cut wheat. I set up against a bale in the middle of a cut wheat field.


    Weather was warm and sunny with a fair breeze. The birds didn't seem to want to decoy in the middle of the field no matter what arrangement of pattern. Dave had more luck with a steady flow all afternoon decoying lovely over his FUD decoys.


    Stopped shooting at 6.30 as things started to get quiet. Ended picking up 151 woodies with a couple of crows. Dave shot 83 with a remainder split between me and Ricky.



  4. Evening gents I have been following the wellie boot debates avidly,there seems to be a split between le chameau and muck boots!!! Now is it because le chameau are better but way over priced so people go on the muck boot budget or are le chamue genuinly a better boot

    advice please fellas

    atb Jim


    Buy Aigle, much better fit around the ankle. Tried Hunter and Chameau in the past and they're not a patch on them

  5. Went out Saturday morning with me mate Roy to shoot over Wheat stubble on a permission i've obtained. Watched the field last week and the pigeons seemed to building up over the week. Weather was cool with intermittent sun and fair breeze. We shot from under an Oak tree in the middle of the field on a flight line. Put down two floaters and a mixture of 18 FUD's and about the same shells then built up with shot birds.


    We shot from 10.00 with a steady start with it getting busy until we stopped at 1.15 (family commitments). Typical, best day we've had since i started pigeon shooting in January, and still had a slab in the boot ready for a 'Red Letter day' hopefully i've not missed me chance . We picked up 58 with 4 not found (the picture shows 55 but we found 3 more on the way back to the car!





    Had some nice high birds with Roy getting our first 'left un right', he hasn't mentioned it since, honest! We shot an equal number of birds and both throughly enjoyed our day shooting 200 cartridges.


    Bring on the weekend.

  6. How long did the poles take to come in the 1st place?

    I ordered some eight days ago and have not even had a confirmation email, when I rang last friday I was told the stock would not even arrive to them until monday and would be posted asap. Still nothing.

    Wish I had bought from the site sponsors rather than try and save a tenner :good:


    I didn't read all the small print about orders taking up to 28 days as the big red banner scrolling across the screen proclaimed "plenty in stock for next day delivery"


    i got caught out also. dont buy from them :lol: ! once bitten.....

  7. Im in need of some new wellies, shall I get the Hunter Balmoral Sovreign or the Le Chamaeu Chasseur or Neo? Im undecided, The Hunter are reduced from £300 to £129.99 and the Chasseur are £275 to £219 with the neoprene version at £165!!!


    Neoprene Aiglel, much better fit around the ankle. :good:

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