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  1. Hmm... compare and contrast (Simon and Josh) Simon - I just completed the BASC election thingy - very handy. I find it quite sad and offputting as a newcomer (well - new returner) to shooting (and fieldsports in general), that most shooters DO see shooting as a one party issue, as evidenced by most of the comments on this thread. I am quite proud of the fact that I don't fit into pigeon holes. I am mostly supportive of green issues, am pretty liberal, believe some markets should be regulated (erm banking!), some services/industries should be nationalised (requires competent civil service mind!) but would not support ending shooting sports - or complete ban on hunting with dogs (I am a whippet owner). I live in the Cotswolds but not in a country pile. What's a guy to do?
  2. "The majority of Lib Dems in the House of Lords either vote against a hunting ban or abstain." http://www.supportfoxhunting.co.uk/party_views.shtml#libdem
  3. nommo


    Oh yes - sometimes I feel like Alice in Wonderland just before the visual effects start... feel like I am shrinking/growing taller and/or feel a bit 'giddy'. Stiff neck is common symptom apparently, although I don't remember having one. http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/Migraine.htm http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/migraine.html
  4. nommo


    You have my sympathy too. I had one the other day for the first time in years - I used to get them pretty frequently as a kid - classic aura migraines - starting with a small dot of 'static' in front of my eyes, which grows to a semi-circle/crescent shape... if I didn't get to bed (dark/quiet) sharpish - then the headache followed, and then the puking. They seemed to stop once I was well past puberty (my 14 yr old daughter gets them pretty bad as well - she ended up in hospital last year with a hemiplegic migraine!) I had a slightly different one a few years ago that started with what looked like neon signs in my periphery, but they disappeared when I went to look at them (I was in London in the dark and I really thought I was seeing neon signs!).. So the last one I had was on Good Friday, the same day I was zeroing my rifle for the first time. I did wonder if one of the triggers was looking though the scope, but have looked through it a few times since and haven't had another. I got the visual effects really rapidly - was fine 1 min, half blind the next. I went to bed about 6pm - got up in the next morning about 10am, feeling drained, but came downstairs and watched a bit of Saturday TV - within an hour it had come back in the form of a really sickening headache (so bad I was fantasising about trepanning!). So ended up sleeping through Easter - took me 3 or 4 days to recover from that. Most people think they are a bad headache. That's just one of the possible symptoms. Triggers can be almost anything too! Tiredness, hunger, sensory bombardment, bright lights, certain foods, certain moods, smells... the list goes on... Over the counter - it's pretty much just Migraleve which is basically co-codamol but has anti-histamine in the pink pill to prevent nausea. So - exercise the usual caution with opiates/paracetamol. My tip is pop the pink pill as soon as you know you have a migraine and run off to bed or a darkened, quiet room - try to sleep. When you wake up (or 4 hours later if that is sooner) take the yellow pill to keep fighting the headache. Don't rush out of bed for at least 48 hours. If they come back frequently or are serious (like the hemiplegic ones my daughter got) - then you will need to see a Dr for some proper meds - my daughter got preventatives plus pain killing and anti-emetic suppositories (she was shocked that people take medicine that way!). Hope it was a one-off for you...
  5. Hiya - sorry I missed this... Anyway - I have never tried home drying liver - I usually buy it from the local Wilkinsons... but - I just googled a recipe for you - I might give this a try. http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/Dried-Liver-Treats-223415
  6. Oh my... hookbones! That's shocking. Going back many years my 'mate' shot me in the leg point blank with a cleaning wad - it went straight through my jeans and made a decent crater filled with fluff... I have a couple more air rifle anecdotes for another time - no tales of rifle destruction though. Yet.
  7. My BARF fed whippet gets dried liver as a high value treat occasionally (to reinforce recall) but generally he gets some of the puppy complete chudleys left over from when we switched to BARF... He only gets a dozen or so a day. Want some? We got thousands left... lol
  8. BTW - on left and right: http://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2 When I said 'right wing' I should have said authoritarian.
  9. This looks like a good study - fairly recent too http://www.jstor.org/pss/3682950 Not sure if you can get the full one for free though
  10. Agreed. Sounds like a case of 'attack of the dust bunnies' on fans and vents causing the motherboard to shut down due to over-heating... They are like vacuum cleaners! I have to clear the duct on my laptop every 3 months. ETA: Ciggy smoke makes it worse... glues all the dust together with tar.
  11. Read all abaaaaat it, read all abaaaaat it http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/g20 The actual video is here to save you looking too long...
  12. That sounds great - have you made these? I could do with installing a couple at my parents-in-laws farm. Can't find any pictures or directions for making them though...
  13. Yer - my training was similar - avoid fights - you might do serious damage or get hurt. Do not strike first - if you are attacked - block and counter. But also - avoid beating up women - even if they call you names...
  14. When it gets to the extremes of control of the masses - there is no difference between left and right - it's a dictatorship. But I wasn't saying China was right wing, that was a reference to Tienamen Sq.
  15. I can see where you are coming from George. Barbed wire has been around in the blink of an eye compared to how long dogs have been hunting companions (or how long humans have been rearing stock). In the old days it was hedges... that's a dying tradition and farmers have been encouraged to revive old hedges, as wildlife has suffered as a result. It's just not as easy or quick, cheap to be effective for hedges or dry-stoned walls. It wouldn't be so bad if the wire was more visible, especially when rusty. and the worst bits are when the posts rot and the old rust wire just coils up and gets partially buried. Having said all that - my whippet's worst injury on barbed wire was through his own stupidity - he jumped over a fence to investigate some horse kaka and when he jumped back over he misjudged it. Fortunately it wasn't bad enough to require stitches, but it was horrific watching him getting barbs caught in his chest and hanging by it. I am learning to lay hedges and do dry stone walls - maybe I can offer to replace some barbed wire over time and get some practice in?
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