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Everything posted by Infiltator_2K

  1. I went to a gunshop today to look at a rifle that cost was desribed in an ad as being in 'mint' condition, only to find that the rifle in question had its fair share of knocks & scratches. By buying the rifle second hand meant I was effectively saving on a scope & moderator. Now, when a rifle is described as in 'mint ' condition I take this as being as new, i.e. immaculate! Anyway, having travelled 35 miles round trip to view this so called 'mint' rifle let's just say I no longer trust people's desriptions of their rifles. I won't name the gunshop, but I could see that the owner was there purely to make as much money as possible, which in all fairness is the nature of shop owners, although to deceive people by desribing something it is not is just blatant deception. Maybe we should have a 'name & shame' board on this forum
  2. Since I've owned my BSA Tactical XL, (approximately 12 months), it's always had a problem with the trigger sometimes failing to disengage. I'll be using it when suddenly the trigger & safety jams solid. The rifle is always cocked when this happens & the only way I can disengage the trigger is by removing the stock & manually releasing the trigger mechanism by levering up the sear with a screwdriver. When the sear disengages I've also noticed it bottoms out with the actual cylinder, (see pic), whether this is normal I don't know but if it is I'm not impressed with the design. It appears the trigger strut isn't fully engaging with the sear when I depress the trigger resulting in it slipping & locking. The only way I've found that minimizes this from happening is be increasing the actual trigger pressure, although as you can imagine my accuracy goes to pot as I'm having to apply too much pressure on the trigger in order to fire the rifle. I'm wondering if any of the pins are missing, or whether the safety catch axis pin should go through the entire cylinder's trigger housing, appose to just the side of the catch, I mention this as I've notice the safety catch axis pin on my rifle is only present on the actual catch side & doesn't extend through the trigrer housing. Could it actually be broke causing a misalignment of the whole trigger machinism? Or is this normal? Any help much appreciated Cheers ian
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