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Everything posted by shootreview

  1. try running malwarebytes in safe mode
  2. www.malwarebytes.org download this and make sure you update it before using it
  3. I wanted to advertise on sporting gun site but was unable to as (acording to them) because they do their own reviews my site would be in direct conflict with them. I tried to argue the fact that the reviews on my site was done by the shooters who owned the guns or used the grounds and not me reviewing but they still wouldnt have it. As an advertiser on here i have no problem with other site links as i feel the more access shooters have to websites the better it is for the sport in general.
  4. The thing is, ill bet if you named every BIG shop in the country a good few people will have had bad dealings with them. But on the other hand ill bet that there is a lot more that have had exellent service from the BIG shops. Regards Mark
  5. Even at 2000 ill bet there not much left to put in a pie. I would like to see someone hit a rabbit at 2000
  6. i could be mistaken but im sure one of the members is shifting loads of MOD stuff if i can remeber who it is ill let you know. Regards Mark
  7. Is this what the plod do with stolen cars?
  8. A dealer friend of mine said you could have one for"Target Shooting" but could put me off. Regards Mark
  9. As far as i am aware the police keep records of all leagal "lost/stolen" guns in the uk. They (lancashire do) send regular reports of the said guns to local dealers. Regards Mark
  10. Nothing to do with my advert. I do understand the reasons for the edit as i have trouble with some of my advertisers not liking when another gun shop is advertised which i manage to talk them round as they are getting the best targeted advertising available. But if the mods dont want other links to other shops on please respect them as its very hard to get advertisers to get on board in the current climate. And dont forget that the site dosnt run itself for free and it takes a lot of time and server costs to bring you the best shooting forum on the interweb. Regards Mark
  11. unfortunately the government made themselves an easy target giving people the chance to write suggestions in the site. All the comments that get submitted to my site get moderated before they go live(standard practise for most blog type site) and that includes checking all links. You would not believe the amount of spam that tries to get posted on my site. It looks like they under-staffed in that department so they dont have time to check links and only check the text. Regards Mark
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