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Posts posted by jimcam

  1. Gentlemen - many thanks to you all for your kind welcomes. My best wishes to you!


    Jimcam - that's a really kind offer; very generous of you. Unfortunately, I'm quite a long way away from you - I'm up in the North Isles. Don't get south very often these days, but I used to occasionally stop off a bit down the road from you - my sister-in-law's husband's mother stayed in Douglas. Really bonny countryside there.


    Got cabin fever today - last day of my holidays, and stuck in the house far too much over the last couple of weeks because of the weather. So went off with trusty 12 bore to look for things to ambush, but the roads were grim and the piece of land I went to was a touch challenging! Fell into a very deep snowdrift, plugged both barrels, and found out in the cruellest way imaginable that I hadn't tied my flies properly........


    Next time I'll do better. That's what I always tell myself.....



    A not so great days shoot then,was it.Quite funny in retrospect though.Did you not feel a very cold draft in the lower regions?I usually do.(Unless I've got too many thermals on).I had a mate who stayed near Douglas.We used to go for a great meal in the village pub there.(I cant remember its name).He was staying in an old mining village called Glespin.Jim.{Night Owl}

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