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Everything posted by manxman2

  1. I agree with mungler.

    Very school boyish.

  2. Too late, very built up area, but thanks for the hint, would never have thought about checking that out otherwise.
  3. Actually its the UN. Altho in my opinion the UN is no more than another american propaganda outlet, and firmly controlled by the yanks, or quite simply the yanks will go it alone with anyone that wants to join them, as they have stated many times when not getting their own way, the UN is a way that america shares the cost of stealing other countries natural rescources, before sharng them with the countries who back them. You can put what the americans are doing down in many different descriptive forms, but at the end of it all, its undeniable what is REALLY happening. Securing dwindling resources, so as to not be held to ransom over future supply, and the enrichment of the countries with the rescources, its no more than a preemptive power struggle, to remain the worlds dominant force..
  4. None of them should have been there in the first place. An army should be limited to its countrys borders, and a multi-national peace keeping force should police the world with instant sanctions and blockade of any country whose troops cross its own borders. The blame lies squarely on american shoulders, its their greed for the worlds natural resources that drives their foreign policy/s and expansionism. one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, these people are defending their own home lands, and the excuse that they abuse their own civilian populaces is just that an excuse, as trade and or sanctions based on them adhering to human rights legislation would work just fine in bringing them into line with the rest of the world in that sense. When hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, mothers fathers daughters and sons are killed by foreign forces on your home soil, you fight back, by whatever means at your disposal even if that includes terrorism abroad. You have to try and open the eyes of the general populaces of the invading countries to the atrocities being committed in their name on your foreign lands to counter-act in a small way the gross propaganda purported as fact by government spin to the populaces of the invading countries
  5. just shoot a few and hang em by one leg, dangling in the wind, problem sorted. even a few pigeons will do.
  6. About 2k from what i can see.
  7. Rabbit. eta and a couple of pigeons was nice when the pubs shut and i got home hungry.
  8. wd40 on the thread and tighten firmly.
  9. that also would of been alot cheaper 20 plus years ago berettaman.
  10. quote My hide under a small ash tree if its a large tree I normally place my hide 20 yards outside to allow to shot birds coming into them.You can see the wheat drilling behind that was also drawing the birds. i like that setup oth. The bolded part just made me look at my approach to that tree, bearing in mind its rook/jacks i would be decoying. I would probably have been back against the tree, and certainly of had the right hand side {as you view the photo, left hand side looking out of hide} covered with cut big branches {even if i had to hang them by rope from higher branches.}, any over hanging branches blocking my view, and were too high for me to get at, i would just shoot, until they snapped after i was setup and sat down. I can see you know what your doing tho, no doubt. be lucky.
  11. i would of made a citizens arrest, certainly would of took their guns along with the farmer as the police were on their way, wouldnt of argued with them, just told them str8. Would of been different here tho, i would have known them.
  12. My idea of a prank as a 12 yr old got me stood infront of the local police sargent for a dressing down at his station office. I went to the next farm to where i lived with another lad we went up on top of their bale stack in the dutch barn, i procceeded to cut bale strings and throw the loose straw over the side, deeper and deeper down inside the stack the hole went, about 4 bales wide, quite big to a child, deeper and deeper till right down to the floor we went. Next thing a coppers at the door, we covered the hole over with straw by tying loose string across it, and big fat cicel had seen us messing about so climbed up to check, and whoooosssh, quickest elevator he ever took. goin down.
  13. I used to shoot bluebottle flies on an old white bath tub, used as a water butt for the young beef cattle. It was about 30 yards from the dutch barn filled with bales, great for setting up the teles, as you saw a grey smear where you hit.
  14. All part of nu labours quango driven great social Experiment geordie. Hows it working out for you. been fun watching it from over here.
  15. Ive been reading alot about there being good numbers around vick, a mild winter and next year could be a cracker for you.
  16. I dont think its doable, but there again ive never been under that many pidgeons in my life, i do know that not even digby would average better than 2 out of three on rooks and jaks on a windy day with the landing area being at 30 yards out. One twitch of the tail as your pulling on them, and your pattern is heading to where they used to be.
  17. IVE been wracking my tiny brain over this for a short time, and only time i can remember in 30+years where i connected 3 days in a row with in excess of 500 birds from the same hide was a winter sown barley field, which had been driven across in the spring, for spring sowing on the land the far side of it. So when it was milky it was split in 2 by a barren track of short foliage and the rooks and jacks were just landing in that and walking into the barley snapping it down, all along the track, black with them it was. I set up at the far end out of a bale hide, foliage roof. shot from 4.30 AMish to 10 am ish. Went back for alook at teatime and they were back just using the opposite end of the track, so i walloped them the next morning, and same again a third time, Even tho it was just corvids i still couldnt equal his shot to kill av.
  18. WE MUST BE RIGHT UNDER A RACING LINE THEN FROM IRELAND TO ENGLAND COS WE GET LOADS HERE MIXED IN {caps sorry just looked up} with townies and farm barn birds, big flocks of em, used to take up about 15% easy of my yearly quota. huge great flocks would occassionally be coming in from str8 out to sea, definately townies from off shore here, they were coming unto big fields of spring sown rape, just settle at one end, then some more would come in, some would come to deeks and pop pop, then they would all be in the air and circling, some more would break off and come in, wash rinse repeat, or even just put a shot off to lift them when tey got tired of playing, literally hundreds of them, didnt happen often but i found em regular enough. EDITED TO ADD. I meant to say quite a few had rings on, there must be alot of ferrals, thats all i can say about it, as there were alot of ringed birds. Their heads came off and were cashed in same as any other pidgeon..
  19. This was todays {JUST SO AS YOU KNOW I WASNT WHISTLING IN THE WIND}. GB / Bang 9th Oct / 17:50 2m1f NHF Native Breeze Lay ++++++++++++{was bet I.D.} 09-Oct-10 17:48 C 4.4 100.00 4.4 100.00 My liability was £340.00, however the betfair starting price was 5.08, so i trimmed my potential liability by 20%. THE HORSE WAS A LAY FOLLOWING THESE CRITERIA. N hunt racing laying plan 3 females only all N.H. Races {no novice chases/hunter chase/selling hurdle.} upto 11 runners must not have come 1st or 2nd last 2 times out no 10 yr old or older must be 10 days or more since last ran no more than 4 races in last 90 days no more than 11 races in last 12 months weight. No more than 7.5lb higher or 10.5lb lower than the race average. 9/2 down to 6/4
  20. i only found the place bt pure accident henry, like opening a pandoras box to me it was. Great to be among like minded people, even if i dont partake in shooting any longer, atleast i have 30+ years worth of hints and a few tricks to pass on, even if technology and the law have outdated some of them.. ps edits are like false teeth, they only go in for other peoples sake.
  21. fixed. people often mistake us manxies for having 3 legs, but we only have 2 and a spare foot between them.
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