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Everything posted by manxman2

  1. Funny creatures, my black lad hoover would of walked over broken glass for something edible, anythiing, and his list of edible items was quite impressive.
  2. I was stood in a disco with a m8, he was giving a real nice un his best patter, she was bored, but taking the free drink. after about an hour, as he is at the toilet she says to me he thinks he is in with a chance, so i jumped straight in with, ! he hasnt tho has he, its me ya want isnt it ! she was 10 years older than me and just kinda looked at me funny, i thought im in here.. Anyway i did start seeing, and after 3 week or so we were talking and recalled the conversation above. I said what were you thinking when i said that {thinking she would say i fancied you etc}, she says do you really want to know. Aye i says, she said i thought #### me why do ********* always come in pairs. Didnt bother me, i was banging her by then.
  3. Decorum, or we are all goosed.
  4. Did you fish that water by anychance les
  5. Did you see the movie where he rides thru the ballacraine pub on the motor bike in the tt races.
  6. Tripe is it, well wait until its your turn to watch a loved one die in months because both sets of treatments prior that the specialist recommends, that he says would give them a better than 80% ten year survival rate is turned down due to cost, and they are abandoned to die. Dont come back with private medical care etc, as it just shows t even more that you dont need the money, its just greed. 40 years of paying into the system to be refused life-saving treatment, and you think you have a god given right cos youve paid in a few bob.
  7. The company in blackpool frenchie..?. If so make sure he has cancelled the card he paid the original fees with, or theywill just charge it to his card, regardless of the current situation.
  8. What you are paying for is an insurance against infirmity gixer, your attitude of taking withiut need to take, just because you have paid in as you see it, and withdrawn little means nothing, you or yours could be struck down tommorow with a life changing disease and cost the rest of us for the rest of your/their lives. People taking out without need is why others cannot get life-saving drugs/treatments, when youve banked 10k for him and patted yourself on the back, ask yourself who had to die for it, cos someone did.
  9. He was no more than a 2 min walk away from my house, nursing home at the top end of the village. Alzheimers is dreadful thing, doesnt distinquish between rich or poor.. Just another tax exile to us locals. Same as jeremy clarkeson down the other end of the parish, man he is loathed around these parts.
  10. manxman2

    camo net

    Buggger that, just shoot the rabbit.
  11. The topic is busily sorting the men from the boys. Obviously driving down to the foreshore of a morning in te pitch black darkness and walking out into the teeth of a south to west gale/storm you have been patiently praying for, is a no no for some then, just to get under a rich flight of rock hopping mallard that otherwise would of flighted across the bay to the sanctuary a mile further out, as you just may get your gear wet, after walking a half mile out to the low tideline to get under them. Only kidding, i used 95% natural cover for hides, even if i had to cut it, and roof rack/tractor trailer it to affected area decoying, in my day the netting was absolute ****, plastic shiny ****. Only decent netting was ex army. So i used garden fencing as a frame covered by natural in the latter years aswell as just natural/bales. any weather, any where, any time. I prefered the very stiff {stiff enough to tie big lumps of uprooted barley/vegetation to all around} black l very small holed fencing. I always stood flat footed before pulling the trigger decoying, and made a spacoius hide like a tardis big inside, not many a rook/jack saw me before i saw them, not many at all.
  12. I thought this was going to be about banks accounts to be honest. I mod on 121 sports {wbx betting exchange} and we had a hacker who kept getting in with mod priviliges, he kept locking up all sorts of different threads, and attaching email notifications about replies to posts etc on all different accounts, no matter how many times we changed our passwords it still happened, but it wasn't malicious, they never deleted anything. Only stopped when we went to a new format and different host. I dont think anyone would break a 16 character password either.
  13. Correct magman, its spooked either by a bad call / no reply or seen something it didnt like, shoo it away as it will only spook and attract others to it. Good time to walk out and tidy up, or put a shot in his general direct, the shockwave and pop wIll shift him, and hopefully put others up in the air to spot your pattern.
  14. Aye throttle something else with it instead, and twitch away.
  15. Only if we can adopt their gun laws.
  16. Yorkshiremen dont like wasting cartridges anyway alledgedly. Be lucky buddie. PS The essence of what i am trying to transmit is this, the longer the period between shoulder cheek and then firing is more missed below, due to over-balance{leaning forward} or stopping the smooth action of shoulder cheek pop by stopping the smooth barrel run thru of the target{miss behind and/or below}. Your eye is on the target, swapping concentration to the bead is a no no, either the gun comes up to the eye correctly or it doesnt, if the later try and then buy another. After your cheek hits the stock the gun should be pointing in the same place as if you had outstretched your arn and were pointing a finger at where you want the pattern to go..
  17. I am not looking for a debate on the matter, simply showing any greenhorns, one of many mistakes they will make. As to your thoughts. Never been on driven pheasant so i dont know, what i do know that i have taken many many screamers in my time, and the shooting action is the same gun to shoulder cheek hits stock muzzle rammed up through and in front of the target and pop as the muzzle is still moving, theres only one way to shoot correctly, all other ways are just differing versions of it, with poorer results. No use trying to advise on lead etc, until they can shoot straight, when they start missing behind rather than below or above they are on their way to being a half decent shot. If when decoying they are winging or missing sitters it will be be they shoot low. Get yourself 10 fertilizer bags, slit them up the seems. Then attatch them one at a time to a stack or wheel of straw. Draw a black spot dead centre, now aim at it and count to 5 simulating aiming at a landing bird then fire. I will bet 2 out of 3 times you fire the majority of the pattern will hit below centre. Its just advice from someone who hit more than he missed, take it or leave it.
  18. Side by side half and half maximum 5 in back trigger 6 infront, or improved 1/4, with either gytorp althamax maximum, give anything a try really aslong as i had confidence in second pull..
  19. All you will achieve by aiming a shotgun is a miss below, as the muzzle dips as you pull he trigger. shoulder cheek POP.
  20. and ps. You boys aiming a shotgun is where your going wrong, your gun either comes to your eye, and as it hits your shoulder is pointing where your eye is looking, or its time for a better fitting gun. Ask any proficient skeet shooter does he aim a gun.
  21. No its not, its the easiest way to empty a gun without dropping anything decoying except a b0ll0ck.. Mark your bird all the way in, and take him when he is perfect step forward and bring the gun up on the next, irrespective of what else happens infront of your hide, make sure you connect 9 times out of 10 on the first one and it aint a problem, the first one shouldnt even hear the shot that nails him never mind see you.
  22. it was a leader to take a look at what some old hacks with good sources see as the decline of all moral ethics, as nu labours corruption of the system took hold, and how those who corrupted nu labour profited hugely in status / wealth or both, even blair himself. Its easier to look in than look out, i am done.
  23. People are right to far offcourse now. The Thatcher government openly redistributed wealth to the very rich with her policy of reducing the top rate of income tax to 40%. For example, by the late 1980s, the top 1% owned 17% of the wealth. In contrast, the bottom 50% owned only 10%. When the Labour Party gained power in 1997 Blair and Brown obeyed their orders from Rupert Murdoch and left the top rate of tax unchanged. Today the top 1% own 23% of the wealth while the bottom 50% only have 6%. It is hard to believe that a Labour government would ever redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich, but that is what they have done. You may be interested in these old national newspaper investigative journalists discussing the corruption of nu labour. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...c=6382&st=0
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