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ste eibar

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Everything posted by ste eibar

  1. nice work mate, was it with the 223.?
  2. welcome good luck with the wife and the dog. :thumbs:
  3. welcome I also had a few years off from shooting mainly down to drinking and then kid's. but it's good to be back.
  4. Great offer sounds to good to be true. It's not on april the 1st is it. To far for me anyway. nice of you to offer need more like you on here. :thumbs:
  5. If you get half that bag tommorow 60 or 70 still a good bag , good luck hope it work's out for you.
  6. welcome to the watch. you can get some good advice and a good laugh on here.
  7. Nice work there mate. I've got a 400 classic great gun not as nice as yours seen a lot of action though.
  8. Welcome to the watch. don't want to sound cheeky' but are you a girly. Only girls end all there posts and texts with a X. :unsure:
  9. thanks all. I think i'll go with the photocopy's.
  10. Do i have to carry my SGC or FAC with me or will photocopy's do. I take them with me now but am worried about losing or ruining them. Thank's for any advice.
  11. thanks lads for the advice seem's both will do the job. i,ll see how much my mate wants for his viper and look on hear when iv'e got some cash. thanks again to luckyshot for the offer of a try of his spare nikko. sent you a pm i think don't know what im doing with this laptop :unsure:
  12. sorry about the lack of info. it's going on my cz .17 hmr. i want to try shooting rabbits over 100y headshots. my nikko gameking 3-9x40 is not up to this. ive been practising at 150y today but can only see the target not the bull. my groops have been just over 2 inches think i can improve with better scope.
  13. I have the choice of a mtc 4-16x50 or nikko 6-24x56. haven't got s&b or swaro money so i,ve narrowed it down to these. any advice welcome.
  14. I put in for long range rabbit's and short range fox. got my .17hmr no questions asked.
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